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Some sad news :-(


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I know that many of you here know Peter Baldwin very well which is why I am posting here. Rather than write my own message, I have copied the message from his son Curtis.


Just to let everyone know and ensure the information being circulated is correct, I have to say that on Thursday Night/Friday morning my father Peter Baldwin had suffered a stroke and is now recovering.

For those that know him: Yes, he's in hospital again!

He is on the mend and showing promising progress. As to be exected, he is extremely fatigued but already making his usual remarks at the nurses about not being allowed a cup of tea! He has some weakness in the left side of his body but physio starts this week to help address this. The next week or so is a crucial phase of the recovery so me and my sister are the only visitors we are allowing just now.

I'll update progress when I can. I am staying at my Dad's house and have no signal so if anyone wishes to contact me you can do so through whatsapp/Facebook msg.


Needless to say every positive vibe in my body is being sent in Pete's direction at the moment and I wish him a full and swift recovery.

Please don't bombard his family with calls and messages, I will be getting once or twice daily updates so please call me if you want updated information unless you are a close friend of the family of course.

Both myself and Little Col went to see him on Saturday morning and some good news is that Pete is very much still Pete as best we can tell at this stage :-) :-)

SW :-(

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All the very best to Pete, I hope he recovers quickly. My Dad had a stroke four years ago and couldn't speak or do much straight after but he's made a good recovery, so it is often not as bleak as it seems or feels initially. Please pass on my best wishes Si.

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Latest update: just in....

He is in full on conversation mode now, he can also eat and drink and has regained some movement in his leg :-) :-)

That's one tough nut to crack right there! I am off to see him tomorrow now as well so will pass on all of the messages then, I know he will be happy for the support!


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