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Paramotor club summer fly-in 3rd / 4th July 2010. Be There!!


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Weather Pro is saying PERFECT weather for the weekend at Silverstone.. :-)

Dan's synoptic drawings are a little slow to catch up :-)

Get yourself an iPhone mate :-)

I am seeing 6mph on Saturday and 7mph on Sunday 28 and 30 C no cloud. :-)


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Unfortunately I won't be able to make the fly-in.......... :(

We're off this weekend to Bodrum in Turkey for a fortnight for our summer hols.... :D

I hope everyone attending the fly-in has a great time, and you all get plenty of time in the air !!!

Neil.. :D

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You lucky sods.....weather is good.

I unfortunately broke down enroute with trailer (M25) and had to wait to be repatriated.

I obviously was not high priority enough by the recovery people.....took them 4 hours to get me back!!!!!!! :evil:

Couldnt scrounge a suitable car from anyone so had to abort.

I cant even go for a fly tonight!!! :evil:

Have a good fly and an equally good drink chaps!!!


ps oh bugger will be missing that celebrity chef in action (Pete Baldwin) Tee hee!

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Just got back from the flyin... great time had by most :-)

Got one nice but bumpy flight flew to silverstone and around the area then had some grub from the pmc bbq (great job Tony) and then got pissed.... the end


Silverstone race track


Dan the man

Tom :explode:

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Tom - short and sweet but sounds like you had fun !

Thanks to all the PMC crew for putting on a very slick event. The field and facilities were great, the BBQ was bang on and apart from the wind on Sunday even the weather played ball.

Apparently the farmer appreciated the free hedge trim he receved :lol:

A couple of my pics from the weekend, will also stick a few in my flying blog for my 40mile flight to Santa Pod.

Heading north with Tom






Big Simon




As busy as the Heathrow approach


The site


Enjoying the best part of the evening


Nigel flying into the sunset


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Yes had a great time it's just a shame I could not get there till sat lunchtime :-( missed out on the best flying weather again. I'm going to make sure I get the whole weekend off work for the next one!

Great job by the pmc crew it almost makes me want to pay up and become a full member again... :-)

Was a few broken props over the weekend and a dodgy paramotor meets hedge moment but no one got hurt so all is good :-)

Good to meet everyone again hope to see you all at the next one!

Tom :coptor:

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Thanks Simon and Pete,

and of course everyone else that was involved in making the flyin successful. Shame the weather didn't play ball today, however I had a good flight Saturday and it was good to put a few faces to the names.



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I would like to thank all of those that supported the First PMC fly-in since we became a not for profit club.

I would have liked for the weather to have been a bit better but all in all I think everyone enjoyed the whole weekend, If you have any ideas or complaints as to how we can make the next one more enjoyable for you please let any of the events committee know.

A big thank you to the rest of the committee for their hard work in pulling every thing together for this first event, and I hope you will all carry on the same.

A special thanks to Tony who did 99% of the cooking your a star.


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then had some grub from the pmc bbq (great job Tony)

Thanks for the comments Tom and Pete. Just wished by ‘Forwards’ were as good as my burgers!

Really, the whole committee, as a team, put in the effort and I think we done a pretty decent job for the first one. As Pete said – any complaints or ideas for the future please pass onto Pete.

Apart from doing the BBQ, it was just great to watch others – either doing it the right way or wrong way. In fact it was all the right way, because no one got hurt (only some pride)! And then of course it is the beer and social side afterwards 

Roll on the next one then guys!


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Superb weekend!

Big thanks to all who made it happen, especially the fantastic food.

Had a wonderful 50 minute flight on Saturday evening. Just the right amount of wind for a nice, crisp reverse.

Thanks also to dantheman for taking the photo of me just after launch. Very arty getting the Red Revo wingtip into the frame. Hope you don't mind but I've nicked it and put it on Facebook to show the non-flyers what they're missing?!

Best regards,


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The On and Off-line feedback for this Fly-in is awesome!

Thanks to the Pete B and his team of merry men for getting it so slick!

Some of the feedback has suggested that we work out how to legally sell beer at the next one so I am on the case for that!

We also intend to extend the food range to cover pasties / pastries.. Jacket spuds and so on...

Please let us know what your thoughts are on that.



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can only repeat whats already been said, was good to see some old faces again and to meet some new ones.

Big thanks to those that came along and supported the club.

Big thanks to the rest of the team for putting this together.

Remember what the Tshirt says

"its the pilots that make the party"

Thanks chaps :D


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Thanks again for a great PMC flyinn

Well organised and making pilots always feel welcomed

thanks Clive for some constructive advice on taking off.

Looking forward to the next PMC flyinns.

Got up Sunday to and almost empty field, Good job the organisers and Banbury crew were there.

Lets have more organised x-country flights even just for a week end.

Russel and evelyn


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:D hi guys just wanted to say thanks for making a newbie ( or should that be wannbe a newbie ) spectator a happy chappy , this was my first attendance at a fly in and have to say i could not have hoped to have met such a great and helpful bunch of guys . my trip up from london was well worth it in my view, and i got a feel for the sport and the members , loved the way everyone was so relaxed and definetly enjoyed each orthers company , as i said i turned up not knowing what to expect and was nervous ( hell i was just a spectator LOL:-0 ) but you guys were great , and very helpful with knowledge and experiance.. all in all good compay and made my day, being a EP Trainee pilot i already appreciate that the weather does not alway play ball, but throughout the day some guys managed to get air time and i was at long last able to see why i such a great interest this branch of flying ... fingers crossed i hope to be in a position to take things to the next level and Simon will be my 1st port of call ... just my way of saying big thank you to all the guys that really made me feel at home and look forward to poping into the next event :coptor::) (from the deaf bloke witha ll the wrong questions but got al the right answers ) Cheers
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What can I say? Top Event!!

Really nice to meet all you guys. You made us first-time-flyin people very welcome and I really enjoyed the weekend, even with my paramotor having issues and now needing a rebuild.

Special thanks to Pete B for spending so much time helping me investigate the engine problems and for lending me his paramotor so that I could play on my new Fusion for a bit! Thanks so much for that! :)

Thanks to you guys for also making Sarah feel so welcome. I thought she might get a bit bored by all the Para-b*ll*cks that we inevitably end up chatting about, but she enjoyed herself lots too, so assuming we are welcome, we'll be at as many fly-ins as we can make in future.

Can't REALLY think of a way you could improve the event, other than some way to control the weather or maybe the idea of you guys being able to supply chilled beers! :)

So yeah...Nice one! :):mrgreen:



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Sounds like I missed a good weekend. Sorry I couldn't let the organisers know that I would not be attending, after saying that I would. Unfortunatly I was taken to hospital on the morning of 27 June with a suspected stroke or bleed. I only got out of the hospital yesterday evening. All the tests have come back negative so far, except the old lumber. The neurologist wants this to be repeated soon though as he has doubts over the results of that one for some reason. Got other tests to be done as an out patient over the next few weeks as well. On the up side, after all these tests, I do know that all my other bits are in the right place and working as they should with no lumps and broken bits. Medway Health Authority have given me a good overhaul and MOT and If all the remaining tests come back clear I hope to be driving and back up in the air soon and to be able to make the next flyin.


P.S. My wife was suprised by the results of the CT, MRI and MRA scans, as they clearly show that I do have a brain. Something that she has doubted for a number of years now.

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Here is a short video that I did using my iPhone at the fly-in. I sussed out half way that I was holding the thing the wrong way up so you have to double click and go full screen.

I am going to do another one with Pete B's footage since he managed to hold his the correct way up.




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Nice vid dude!!

You managed to cram a lot into it and still kept it watchable and understandable.

Especially chuffed as you got my good side while I was warming the motor up, and my launch which wasn't too shabby!



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