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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. Welcome to the Paramotor Club And good luck with your training. Adventure have been around for many many years and the people who fly them tend to love them. Is there a possibility that you can wait until you have completed your training to make your mind up? SW
  2. I love how it sounds Nice one for getting to this point. I am lurking with interest. SW
  3. You are more than welcome to pop up to the airfield on a day when we are doing some training. You can then chat to us, the students, see what goes on and so on... We don't currently offer tandem flights. (mainly due to not having the time at our busy school) Welcome to the Paramotor Club SW
  4. I would say that you are overthinking it a little. Do your training with a school that will be able to supply the kit for the duration, so you don't have to buy anything until your flying under your own steam. SW
  5. I have a six hole one spare for the 80LC.... not sure if that will work? SW
  6. Or should I buy one and cut it in to 1.5 meter strips for those that want some? This would produce x20 1.5m lengths SW
  7. Maybe there are enough people to justify buying a full roll, as a collective? SW
  8. Hi Stephen, and welcome to the Paramotor Club Check out the member map where you can contact other local pilots directly and add your own location so that others can do the same https://www.paramotorclub.org/membermap/ SW
  9. I just had a quick look on in the place that lists ALL wings and manuals. www.para2000.org The Cima is on there, but no manual has been uploaded which would suggest that there is not one. Welcome to the Paramotor Club! SW
  10. @Tony Fisher @helimed01 Fly in your area and may be able to help. also check out the members map so you can make direct contact with people in your area. SW
  11. it's not about landing on your head... It's (as 1 example) about landing and falling forwards and a 30 KG Paramotor smacking you on the back of the head. And yes, I have seen this happen. SW
  12. Try these guys http://www.flyingcover.co.uk/ I have life and critical illness with them as do many of our students. No need for BHPA membership. SW
  13. You can normally set the activation volume fairly accurately. I have used VOX enabled radios with background noise in the past and not had an issue. I also some times use it to film Audio from people and record it from the radio speaker (so it sounds like they are on a radio) SW
  14. A few people have done a training blog after the training mate so go for it SW
  15. Any normal radio with VOX (can be set to be voice activated) Thanks for taking the time to write it up mate, as I know many are playing with them at the moment. SW
  16. Danny, to be fair mate.. you did not make a bad decision with buying your kit. It's only because the Maverick did not exist when you get the Zenith I currently have 2 Zenith 80's in for PX on a Maverick at the moment so your not alone. SW
  17. Welcome to the Paramotor Club I am looking to build an Electric paramotor / trike in the not so distant future which I will be posting the progress of on here. SW
  18. I have flown the South island before, and it does have some stunning locations for sure. Where are you based? I have friends near Wanaka that I could use possibly use to justify a visit LOL SW
  19. I would like to think that you will still ride whatever it ends up in to one of our events when it's all up and running mate SW
  20. The actual heli tape (linked above) is balanced, meaning as long as you cut the exact same length it will be exactly the same weight I think thats why the expense. SW
  21. Some proper helicopter tape would work 'at vast expense though' at £130 a roll. https://www.selfadhesive.co.uk/3m-8672-2-inch-ind867202.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5KyO5cai1gIVipPtCh0RwQDOEAQYBCABEgJ5Y_D_BwE SW
  22. If people want badges, badges can happen easy enough. SW
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