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Everything posted by alan_k

  1. Hi Molly, it must be a wonderful position to be in with your partner also trained, you can look forward to lots of PPG fun and adventures together. I have just read the manual for the Spyder and will draw your attention to this: IMPORTANT: When fully accelerated directional control should be maintained with the Tip Steering System. Do not use the brakes. 'Fully accelerated' to me means using the speedbar or the trimmers fully out, as Ozone say this is equivalent. From what I read you have made a good choice with the Spyder, would like to try one myself. Have fun and fly safe. _____________________________ Just read some more of the manual, very well written
  2. Met him once briefly, very friendly and interested in my kit. Respect.
  3. No I don't think so, you are in the right place, the rest of us aren't
  4. It's going to come under the glider rules/regs I would imagine, like in the UK/ANO. That's my guess Dan, it must be somewhere in the rules.
  5. Airspeed the same depending on the trimmer settings but groundspeed very different. I usually have trimmers out for into wind and trimmers at neutral (slow) for downwind, guessing the groundspeed upwind was about 12mph and groundspeed downwind about 36mph.
  6. Well after moaning about the bogging weather a week ago I though I should re-balance things by saying I've been flying. Shirley said I was a bit like a caged bird, apart from the moaning. Thursday was very overcast, low cloudbase but virtually no wind, yay! Flew over Clent and on to Frankly services on the M5 motorway. I could see a very long path of a new water pipeline that is going in so followed that for a while. So great to have our viewpoint on the world. Friday saw rather more wind so flew upwind as far as Perton, steady wind but slower progress. Checked out some of the huge bonfires being prepared, it's a whopper at Himly Hall. A lot brighter day but getting colder on the way back, more through travelling faster going downwind. Forgot to take the camera on both days, doh!
  7. I had a solo 210 powered paramotor, with tuned exhaust. I think 15 hp is all you can get, not what you want to hear sorry>
  8. Just how it should be at this stage, keeping your mind on point. Fantastic chaps! Well done.
  9. Thanks Andre, is the GPS subscription covered by the Runway HD subscription? Think I may have found the answer 'Maps are available right down to Ordnance Survey level and priced separately from the software and GPS subscription.' How much is the GPS subscription?
  10. Technical question about Runway HD. I'm thinking of getting this, does it rely on any data from the phone connection or is it purely standalone GPS based. I'm guessing this might depend on the actual smartphone? Any info appreciated.
  11. Another tip for easier and safer launches that enables the wing to do it's job, on the take off run KEEP UPRIGHT, or even slightly leaning back, to enable the engine thrust to direct you into the air. I've seen a few runs where the pilot is leaning forward and this makes it more difficult to unstick, plus I think increases the risk of tripping and face-planting. Take faith in the lift of the wing to support the motor and just keep running. 2nd tip: particularly for forwards, be committed (think I WILL get in he air) so you are less likely to hesitate during inflation and initial run. Cheers
  12. If I may amend your list a little, between us (and others) we should be able to post some excellent tips. Any input to the list welcome to give concise and easily understood text. Please suggest better phraseology.
  13. Perhaps it would be a good resource to create 'things that could go wrong' or perhaps 'what to look out for and proven remedies' for those new to the sport?
  14. I have no experience with either training organisation, however I would point out that with both you would be taught to paraglide first before conversion to PPG. If you wish to do PG also then fine, if you really just want to solely do PPG then personally I think it is a long winded and unnecessary process. Good luck with whoever you go with
  15. A few weeks ago I was at a field with a few newbies and a canopy load (is that the correct collective noun?) of experienced flyers. I had some wonderful flights. I have to remind myself of this in print as it seems to be morphing into a distant memory, due to this bogging weather. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms, checking the motor is AOK to go, swearing at the sky, drinking excessively Simon I need your weather magic, can you arrange another fly-in at no notice? You do seem to pick the right dates. Ahhhhhrrrrrr .................. damnable weather.
  16. I've had a quick look at the Fresh Breeze web site http://www.fresh-breeze.de/en/home.html which I think that photograph comes from. My guess is the levers are some sort of trimmer adjustment? The hang system bracket appears to have a spreader bar at the front, probably to assist easy inflation or ensure correct shaping of the canopy. The only other sort of canopy I have seen with an elaborate hang system is a powered parachute type, more of the traditional ram-air design than typical PPG canopy. Maybe contact Fresh Breeze with a couple of queries?
  17. Very good points and ones that need to be highlighted. Do you include this as advice in your insurance threads Si?
  18. Hey Poz, carry on carrying on, I can't imagine not being able to 'take to the skies', and I've got got 10 years on you.
  19. $3900 = £2950 excluding transport and taxes. I wonder how many they will sell? It only has a 3 litre fuel tank which seems a bit of a drawback.
  20. Good post Vince, particularly if it prevents some of the newbies thinking they've hit the jackpot with a cheap Radne.
  21. Flipping heck, adequate visibility or what You must have landed OK so one to chalk up to experience.
  22. Stop just stop Wonderful seeing such brilliant flying conditions Andy, it's totally blown out over here.
  23. Right at the beginning given suitable weather.
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