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Everything posted by alan_k

  1. Booked up to go to the Upton on Severn blues festival then had a horrible thought that it might clash with the fly-in. Fortunately it is the week-end after
  2. I'd say buy the speedster> Don't worry about the speedster being EN-C, just fly in benign conditions until your experience with it grows. I moved to a Dudek Reaction at 30 hrs and followed the same approach.
  3. alan_k

    Alan k

    A fabulous flight on 19th of April, conditions were superb. Wondered whether to go for a morning or evening flight, really glad I went for morning. Had to set the wing out twice as once the sun had come up enough the wind stabilised in a northerly direction. Took off and overflew the next field quite low on climb out, there were 5 horses chewing the grass but they didn't take a blind bit of notice of me, so that was good to know for the future. Quite a lot of traffic about as it was just after 8am, poor sods all having to go to work on such a lovely morning. Climbed up to about 800 feet, the breeze was a bit fresher than on the ground so my forward speed was only 10 knots, but I though what the heck I'm up here to enjoy it so it doesn't matter. Flew towards Kinver, passing over a couple of fishing lakes and saw there were a couple of fishermen already set up. Turned right just before Kinver and flew close to a large forest know locally as 'The Million', if I am to the north of this I know I am very close to Halfpenny Green ATZ. Continued flying over towards the river Severn, over some pretty big properties just outside Kinver. Continued over wonderfully open countryside and started feeling the onset of thermal activity so climbed up to 1600 feet, the air was super smooth at this level. I thought to myself 'does it get better than this?' Got over to the river and saw that I wasn't too far from Pound Green microlight strip so flew over to see what it looked like and exactly where it was. Turned around and then flew north following the river and enjoying the view. When I got to Chelmarsh Reservoir I called up the now open ATC at Halfpenny Green to let them know I was about and where I was. Had another 50 minutes tootling around to make it my longest flight so far, at 1 hour 47 minutes. Just superb!
  4. alan_k

    Alan k

    19 April to River Severn
  5. alan_k

    Morning commuters

    From the album: Alan k

  6. alan_k

    Fishing lakes

    From the album: Alan k

  7. alan_k


    From the album: Alan k

  8. alan_k


    From the album: Alan k

  9. alan_k


    From the album: Alan k

  10. That's fantastic Andy. I bet you have good sense of achievement with this build. Good job you had a strong workbench to use.
  11. Run upright or slightly leaning back so the thrust is pushing you forwards, the wing will provide more lift as you run faster and you should feel this with the weight on your feet lessening. With a reflex wing you generally have to apply a little brake to 'unstick' from the ground. With a conventional wing the increasing lift with speed will lift you off the ground. DO NOT raise your legs prematurely, think of the action as running into the air, keep the feet running until you are airborne. This will prevent any mishaps if you meet a slight downdraft on take off.
  12. You will be stuck between a rock and a hard place I think. There is a thread going on about insurance and the almost impossible task of obtaining some when 'aviation' is mentioned, unless the quote is ridiculously high. Simon offers 3rd party cover via Axa but I think they require confirmation of training. Simon will be able to confirm.
  13. As I take off and land very close to Halfpenny Green airport I use airband to listen to traffic movements and now I have my FRTOL I speak to the tower to tell them what I am doing. I do feel safer with my presence known by the tower.
  14. Andy, go to the very top of the page and click on the envelope symbol.
  15. alan_k

    SkyEngine 220

    That's probably the weight of just the engine, possibly without cooling/exhaust?
  16. Hi Andy, I was out on Sunday and flew over Kinver on the way back to my field. Please get in touch, message sent.
  17. Arms out and up, slightly backwards when forward launching, together and forward is not going to give you proper control. Start in the crucifix position then lift the arms whilst the wing is rising to assist the pull on the A's.
  18. 'Aviation' - ooh sorry sir we can't insure that. It does P me off when all you want is cover from theft, when on the ground! It is hardly likely to get nicked in the air is it
  19. Interesting indeed, a long while back I'm sure I read that you needed a minimum of about 7 HP for level flight. So 7 x 0.746 kW = 5.22 kW. However I think it was on a slow very 'floaty' wing so actual wing performance and the drag characteristics of the cage and netting, apart from the lines, must all be optimised or taken into account for comparisons.
  20. Yes because none are interoperable. (is that a word? I though that was pretty good after a pint of strong beer )
  21. Does it have split A lines? With an old wing I had the same problem, I could only conclude I wasn't perfectly lined up with the wind.
  22. It's a reasonable question and one Simon must have given some thought to. However it is still dependent on the availability of the third parties; food, beer and bog providers.
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