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Its the 2nd PMC Fly-in of the summer!


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Many thanks to Simon for organising the weekend. I had a great couple of days (and nights!).

I got just under 8 hours airtime over Friday and Saturday which cant be too bad. I also got some personal bests and ticked off some of the to do list. These included highest flight ever at just over 8500' (wanted to do 10000' but airspace and cold prevented it) beating my previous best on a paraglider of 6500'. I also had the longest period of flight with the engine off and also the best climb engine off with the motor, at one point I got a climb from 1300' to 3500'. Conditions on Saturday were superb with thermals of 3.5m/s kicking off. lots of sink about too though and at times was barely maintaining on full chat with 65kg of thrust. Getting the glory (about the same time as Dan the man was also awesome, I have been wanting to see the glory for ages but never quite got it. Flying with the balloons was also cool and another first for me. The WW2 airstrip flight was pretty cool too, thanks guys, if I hadn't seen you go over I wouldn't of done it.

I will try to sort out some of the photo's and post them up.

Nice to meet you all and can't wait for the next one.


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No worries.....know what its like being switched on and ready to go!!!

Cage has a minor ding but can be straightened! :)


The 1714.............................if you had my credit card mate you and Jackie would be off somewhere nice and warm :D

It was nice to meet you both.


Well done mate....................you really push yourself, dont you!! One day I will no doubt be reaching those dizzy heights? :D

Great weekend.


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Thanks to everyone who made it!

We had 45 people there in the end which made it just right I would say :D

It was so good to see that loads of people were flying... We picked such a great weekend! (maybe even the best!)

Again, thanks to everyone for coming! your support will ensure that we have many many more of the same in the future. :D

Maybe even a winter flyin for the hardcore few..


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Please dont take this to much to heart mate, but PLEASE someone tell me they have come up with something a bit more exciting than that!! :shock:

Dude, wheres the shooting, the music, the hot tub, the beer, the fireworks, the spitfire... and everyfing.


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Hello Pete from Jackie, l have just seen the proof that Mike had another bird and two timing me but l'm better looking than all the al pakas lol. and l have only two legs.

Good pics Pete

Regards Jackie :D:D:D:D

Careful what you say about Mike Jackie, I still have that photo of you ready to go on here :shock:

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Hi guys

I am so gutted i missed out on the fly in but due to my house move and and the amount of work needed to it i wasn't able to come. I also have only just got the internet connected to the house and have returned to a new look forum :D It looks like i missed out on a good weekend of flying and lots of beer!!

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