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Flying during lockdown?

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Cor blimey! Surely everyone knows by now that the way to beat cv19 (again) is by not paramotoring? Did you learn nothing last time? It was only thanks to heroic ppg pilots not flying that the NHS wasn’t overwhelmed last time.

Im sure no one on here would be selfish or irresponsible enough to take advantage of a whole month of empty skies and good weather just because they had a flying machine with no identifying features that doesn’t require an airfield.

Remember the well rehearsed arguments; it would bring paramotoring into disrepute (because everyone is really bothered apparently); you are certain to crash and then infect a paramedic and take up a hospital bed putting untold strain on the NHS and what else? Oh yes, travelling to your field will definitely cause someone to catch the virus.

Now who could possibly fail to be convinced by these cast iron arguments?


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Ps - whilst it’s clear for the gov website, it’s only ‘guidance’ that says private pilots should not fly so it’s not specifically illegal to go up. However, you may struggle to explain to a police officer (or magistrate) why the travel to the flying field is essential. Though I just can’t imagine anyone taking an interest to be honest.

if you are reckless enough to fly, the only people who will notice/care will be other pilots. 

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I have read the law, not the guidance. The gov keeps putting much of the stuff it would like you to do in guidance as this stuff would not get passed into law and would be too difficult to draft eg. did you know that the law does not even say you have to scan QR codes into the NHS app?...it just says you either scan the code (into whatever app you like, like a QR code scanner) or give your details to an establishment - so now you know how to remain anonymous! I would have no problem arguing that I can do the point below as that is what the law says. The guidance is NOT enforceable and this point from the law is very helpful to us.....

  • You can exercise or visit outdoor public places with people from your household or support bubble, or one person from another household.


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I printed out the two parts of the law that apply, removed all the unnecessary bits and keep it in my wallet for when we meet the policeman........

Exceptions: leaving home 6.(1) Exception 1: leaving home necessary for certain purposes (2) Exception 1 is that it is reasonably necessary for the person concerned (“P”) to leave or be outside the place where P is living, (c) to take exercise outside. (d) to visit a public outdoor place for the purposes of open air recreation.


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7 hours ago, AndyB said:

I printed out the two parts of the law that apply, removed all the unnecessary bits and keep it in my wallet for when we meet the policeman........

Exceptions: leaving home 6.(1) Exception 1: leaving home necessary for certain purposes (2) Exception 1 is that it is reasonably necessary for the person concerned (“P”) to leave or be outside the place where P is living, (c) to take exercise outside. (d) to visit a public outdoor place for the purposes of open air recreation.


open air recreation sat, if i can get past the hordes off walkers and cyclists,and horse riders,to get to the open air place,hhhhaaa

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1 hour ago, Abaatabit said:

Police have been given this advice on enforcement

Most significant is last slide

No enforcement action for not following guidance only breaching regulations



That's what I keep telling people. Only the law can be enforced.

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