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Everything posted by s1buell_wl

  1. Vinne check for me in your manual. If its like the Nuc pushing the speed bar with out being on full trim will cause a huge collapse every time. I watched the video and was reading the notes below and these jokers where applying the speed bar with the trims closed to show how unsafe the wing was. This is really ridiculous, if you know how the reflex wings work this will cause a huge collapse every time and there is a reason for it. This is why they tell you in the manual not to do this. Watch his other video..... what a whack job that guy is. Using a plane to launch..... Must be dell's brother! Not to go into to much detail but applying full speed bar on closed trim is like asking the front of the wing to do a 90degre angle down. The wing just can not do this (I'm exaggerating the angle just for example). Or pulling the breaks in full reflex will almost achieve the same affect When in full reflex mode the back of the wing angles up and then when you apply the speed bar the wing will form a nice say 20 degree angle down reducing your angle of attack and glide thus giving you some nice speed. Do you get paramotor mag? There is an articular on this in last months mag. I think Ozone is using these new risers too allow the use of speed bar through he whole range. Does that make sense to you? Hope this help get your comfort back..... Perfect 3kns flying weather all this week and I have to work!!!!! @#$%
  2. Your right at max load around 5m/s little on the fast side. Try to be in the middle of the rage. General note: smaller ones open faster but also fall faster large chutes open a bit slower but fall slower But this is just a standard chute there are some new types I'm guessing with better decent rates. At least companies are starting to build some nice light weight ones (bigger sizes and for motors) http://www.xcmag.com/2011/02/extra-larg ... ue-chutes/
  3. "If I can not find a PPG instructor close by would it be beneficial to do some paragliding and then once I get the hang of it travel a bit further afield to do a few hours/days powered to convert?" No need to "convert" you can do both and enjoy one while you can not do the other. I started to paraglide first 3-4 years then bought the motor. I wish I would have bought the motor before what a shame.
  4. Love it! nice Rigged. is it a frame or is it using the engine as the frame?
  5. Welcome to the fan on your ass club! Sounds like you doing ok and loving it. Keep your head up and stay off your knees one of these guys will take advantage you!
  6. Finding0 Why would you want to save money to do this? After watching this you might want to stand on the street corner in something provocative to possibly speed up the inflow of cash
  7. Have to disagree with you there Tom, but pulling the brakes will lose some or all of the reflex profile. ...and anyway you wouldn't be low to the ground without the brakes in your hands would you Cheers, Alan We are in agreement. Dell touts that when you are in reflex mode and close to the ground if you pull the brakes to get a little lift you are dead....for this reason they are death traps. My point is why would you be in Relex mode close to the ground? same as you. Its just BS Thats why in me next few lines I said "So don't fly low dragging you feet in reflex mode lol. When I drag the feet in water I'm always in no or zero on the nuc. "
  8. One question I had (other then the field). If you guy the DVD are the proceeds going to the cause/fund?
  9. I could not see the face....... but was that you Simon in the field?
  10. Hasnt Morgy got any in stock?. I think hes going back to selling 2 strokes....
  11. I did the same but then had to look at the facts. Go into the certs and review them factually. what you will find is a difference of 1 -1.5sec and 30deg. Can you live with that for the speed? Cima AFNOR Standard Cert You have a standard mountain wing (easy launch, light, slow with good maneuverability) A DHV 1 to 1-2 Paraglider. I have a Gin 1-2 that is the same for all intensive purposes. I've changed the risers and wow handles like a sports car just don't try to cover any ground. Nuc Classification C Reflex glider that will launch not bad, give you a speed range no paraglider can and will perform not bad in general. I have a few people here that can not afford a new glider. So they are flying older paraglider type non reflex wings. At 10kns they have about 1-2k penetration. At 10kns I'm in a 29m on the light side and at 0 trim. What do we always give up for speed? safety everytime. It's always been that way in this sport. However I think personally the reflex technology has done a good job at giving us 65K and good safety. I think the strategy in general for Reflex has been to provide a paramotor pilot both speed and safety Clip yourself into a Paraglider that is certified with a top end of 65k (Gin BoomX). Prime example of speed for safety. One more point you can always go way over the weigh range and take a K2 and other non reflex gliders to new speeds thinking your safe. oh oh hold on now..... if you get a collapse its going to be severe and more dramatic due to the added energy of the weight and speed hemmmmm in a collapse situation how is it going to behaving now? In c class or maybe worse? The wing was not designed to fly under these conditions. Don't let media and BS fool you..... One thing dell is right about if your in reflex mode and low to the ground you can not get extra lift by pulling the breaks you will need to pull the wing tip steering and they don't provide lift. So don't fly low dragging you feet in reflex mode lol. When I drag the feet in water I'm always in no or zero on the nuc. Other bit of BS he likes to show is the reflex collapses on full speed bar. Any glider I mean any is dangerous in full speed bar. On my Gin DHV 1-2 I can hit the speed bar and fly in a straight line waiting for any turbulence to cause a frontal. Happens all the time, Gradient 2 is famous for this (most guys only use half bar) Lets see the Dell do the spin on speed bar..... you will never see this because it can't and should not be done due to the low angle of attach and the risk of collapse that brings. BS tends to baffle brains, my rant (I'm I wrong?) T
  12. One thing I don't like is that Sky post this: "Glider Cima K2 is very popular also for paramotor flying. Please look at some videos from Dell Schanze in Videos folder" I always thought they were trying to distance themselves from him. Totally surprised to see them post this as I was reading from the link you sent (wow....I really never thought they would promote him).
  13. Grate point The problem with forums is if someoone doesnt like dell, they will slag of the K2, but the K2 is made by SKY Paragliders and Not dell Nothing wrong with SKY Paragliders!
  14. No, I’m not suggesting that everyone take a course (I think it’s a great idea to take an SIV) what a great way to know your glider and build confidence. God forbid something ever happens to you, you might be a little more comfortable and act on instinct not panic to fix the problem. Paramotors will also fly in turbulent air (anytime you’re over land and the sun comes out), even on here (on this site) I see the guys talking about the thermals. So if you’re in these conditions you should have these skills. You could and will experience turbulent air and something could happen. I think counting on your glider to handle everything is not 100% correct What I’m suggesting in the previous post is that people slow the glider down and bring it back to a “low energy level” thus removing some of the energy if a collapse ever occurred. When I think of a full frontal in full reflex mode I’m sure it will be more violent than the same in zero trim. I totally agree with your comments about the Ozone. I wonder if it's everything they learned from the viper
  15. Being from the free flight world "trimmers full out" for turbulence. I just cannot get my head around this. I cant see actively flying via wing tip steering first of all. Second If you are in FR (full reflex) and you take a 75% collapse man the energy of that collapse will be hair raising to say the least. I can see their point go to FR and the wing can handle more turbulence to a point. If you past that point.... wow. The risk is to high for me if it gets crazy slow the wing down lower the energy and fly active in the safest mode the wing has. Using RF to stop a collapse is playing Russian Roulette in my eyes Trimmers closed a collapse is a non issue. Hell I'll reach up and pull a 50-60% myself just to get the blood pumping and practice maintaining direction during this event. During our training we had to do this to learn how to maintain flight during a collapses. I remember my first simulated full frontal. Reach up grab both your "A's" and pull them in. I can not see doing this in RF mode, trimmers in yes. In RF first you can not pull a A line collapse or full frontal and if you did the outcome I'm sure would be different. I know Dudek states go to reflex and Ozone stats trimmers in. I think Ozone has the right approach. BTW my teacher was a crazy Australian but man we learned everything (thank you Phil if your reading this)! some things at the time I'm not sure I wanted to learn my .02
  16. Also have a read here. http://superdellcensorship.blogspot.ca/ There are many great gliders out there from many great company's. To believe there is one ultimate glider is to join the Dell narcissism. Cheers T
  17. I would love to see some pictures!
  18. THat was not the weekend I planned! Saturday turned out to be a kite surfing day well kind of. I was a little worried about the wind so I put the kite gear in the truck. As I was driving to the launch site the further north I went the stronger the wind was getting. At our favorite kite site I decided to stop and have a look. Wind was about 14kns or so. I parked the truck and pulled out my 16m kite went for a session. Only to find that my main bladder in the 16m now has a hole!!!! So I had to kite for 20min land blow the kite back up kite and repeat...... after about three times of this @#$! it was clearly beer time! Sunday more south wind...... crap. I waited most of the day until 1pm then headed to the launch site good for south wind. Man it was bad wind (gusty, with to much rain around).... went for a little rip and after about 15min I turned to look for my Buddy and he was gone..... I could only guess he had some problems and landed behind one of the ridges. Man my hard was pounding. I made a b-line to land grabbed the truck hit 4X4 and tore off down the beach. when I got there thank god I seen him all in one peace (motor just decided to stop and he had to make a quick landing). For all the new guys always have a couple landing options during flight....always! Anyways after all the excitement 2 hours later the wind went calm and crazy flat so I decided to put on some tunes, launch and empty the mini of fuel! I hope for a better weekend next! cheers
  19. I just bought one, great option. I got the carbon one. Nice, light and comfy
  20. But all said and done you could get the new Dell K2 It`s loud, obnoxious and comes in pink with a backdoor loading option
  21. Bang on!!!! If the above is true don`t like bumpy stuff the nuc just hangs there. You could fall asleep. Most times I just point the glider (Nuc) and hold the throttle there is nothing else to do. Here in Brasil it`s always bumpy on the cost. 30deg cause thermic bubbles of rocks, reefs and grass etc. If you want a glider to throw around the Nuc is hard. You would have to stay small or smaller I`m light on a 29m all up 100-105k and only ever had a wing tip come in during some nasty thermic crap. It came in and out like nothing on neutral trim test drive em! Bug Morgy!
  22. Thanks for the support guys! My god..... I think i'll go have a beer!
  23. http://chatterboxusa.com/ Here you go there are many types for motor cycles search amazon quite a few will show Each box will talk to ecah other 1:1 The second one will allow groups to talk. cheers
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