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Can't afford the kit :-(


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Are you a person who would love to fly a paramotor, or a person who already can but can not afford to invest thousands into the wing and motor?

Please PM me your number if this sounds like you.

I have a plan that I would like to put past you.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I am a nat's hair away from going live with this!!

The site is live but not 100% functional yet so I don't want to send the link out....

I am VERY excited about the idea (which is not a syndicate BTW ;-) )


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  • 8 years later...

I went to the website and it was all Japanese (I think) lol

I am in a bit of a quandary really,  I could afford the training but not the kit maybe for a couple of years, (a girl nagging me for a wedding, still an apprentice at work with the appropriate salary and some debt - life I guess) I feel like it makes doing the training now sort of pointless, since I would just want to go and fly as soon as I am capable. I wouldn't want to sit on the training, only to need to refresh it again when I eventually get the kit.

If waiting is the only real answer as I suspect it is, so be it. But I saw this whilst browsing and thought it can't hurt to ask ;)

Thanks for taking the time to reply.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Out of interest, is there a reason the kit is so expensive?

I know to a certain extend it is supply and demand, and also relatively low volumes compared to say a motorcycle, but there really doesn't look to be much to them.

And with the lack or regulation and its incurred costs compared to other forms of aviation, I am a little surprised that starter prices seem to getting towards 10k. Especially as they dont seem insurable.

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On ‎01‎/‎08‎/‎2019 at 05:56, paraflyer17 said:

but there really doesn't look to be much to them.

IMO its the tooling to make an appropriate crankcases that causes a bottleneck to stiff competition.
Everything else could be bought off the shelf from mass produced stock.
If it wasn't for the crankcase, a man in a shed with TIG and a lathe could put something usable together for less than a grand.... in practice, it would cost a lot in time and skinned knuckles to do so.
The "Egg-motor" idea was a cool attempt at sharing the effort in saving cash but it didn't really take off :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mark - somewhat heartened to read your reply to paraflyer17 as it echoes recurring thoughts I keep having - as a man in a shed with welder, lathe, 3d print, laser cutter not afraid to design and build things... as I stare down the barrel of what feels like excessive costs of around £10k to get going esp when it comes to the frame.  Generally in life I will always pay for something when the cost of it passes a reasonableness test but if it doesn't, the itch to build is hard to resist - however as an utter newbie and all this kit being safety critical I will just have to suck it up.  Bloomin' top of the range 150cc petrol engine for old hobby (large scale RC) was £1k can't believe these have many different cost drivers mutter mutter 🤐

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Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise. 

If you could have full kit for s grand the numbers in the air would be too great for the airspace to cope with. Also, if you pay 10k then 2k training seems ok. Nobody is going to pay 1k for the kit and 2k to learn to use it, so more problems there.

There would be accidents galore and airspace infringements galore, leading to regulation at the very least. 

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5 hours ago, NickSee said:

Generally in life I will always pay for something when the cost of it passes a reasonableness test but if it doesn't, the itch to build is hard to resist

You are in a tough spot.
I bought an old Baileys V2 that had been in a smash (£1300) so copying and rebuilding was reasonably easy to do so you have that option at your disposal.
Building a "ring-roller" is a pain in the ass (but easy to do if you have a lathe)... making the netting was not fun either but almost anyone could learn how its done.
I have been flying that for a couple of years now and none of my welds have failed :)


2 hours ago, paraflyer17 said:

Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise. 

That might be true (and I agree, scarce is good) but in my experience, there are very few who can convert the rather common fantasy of flight into the realities of actually flying without taking the sport "very" seriously...  A low IQ head-banger busting barrel rolls in other peoples airspace... Not impossible but I cant see it being common.
Even more so for a "self-taught" or "self-builder" where the paranoia is at double bubble :)

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I agree with Andy get your training done it will give you the motivation plus once you involved with the community and have a better understanding of what you need there will be kit out there for you at a reasonable price but get ya training done first I’d have a bet once you’ve trained and fly you will find kit 

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1 hour ago, AndyB said:

I started off with a Parajet V3. I can assure you that you will not want to put up with an extra 20 kg for long! I now have a Nitro.

Agreed... my kit, fully fueled is 45kg... debilitating for old legs like mine.
Sooner or later I will have to drop the sport... £5000 for lightweight (two stroke) gear is more than I can face without throwing up on my hobnail boots :)

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