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Should i Fly: SIMPLES.

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i knew of this and had forgotten so all TWATS trying to convince the rest of us by walking across the road to fly and what harm are they doing:-



In response to the questions raised about can we/should we fly I’d like to offer this.
Last year an unnamed pilot enjoyed a perfectly legal flight. During this flight he completed a controlled landing in an open space completely without incident.

Concerned members of the public saw this and unknowingly thought the pilot had crashed as he went out of sight behind terrain and called it on to 999, with the best intentions in the world.

Due to the nature of the call police fire and ambulance attended the scene in numbers.

Luckily one of the first responders flew ppg and after speaking with the witnesses was able to scale down the response somewhat.

Despite this the area still had to be searched, just in case, with and ambulance was on standby.

There being no trace of the pilot, who was probably at home enjoying a cuppa after a lovely flight, the police helicopter had to attend and search the area again from the air.

All this took HOURS, even though someone in the know at the scene knew it was probably pointless. Still it had to be done just in case the person had been injured and lay somewhere out of sight.

So think of the cost, 8 police officers, two ambulances and crew, two fire engines and crew, a bloody helicopter and crew, plus all the support staff involved in getting those resources on scene.

The pilot was not traced, and did nothing wrong, wasn’t irresponsible or flying dangerously, and more than likely completely unaware of the cost in time money and resources expended due to his flight, again legal and blameless. And kept to a minimum due to a ppg pilot being involved.

This ISNT an isolated incident, there have been several, all with no injury involved.

Given the rules, which are now enforceable due to new legislation, do not allow us to fly. And a real life example of how a safe legal flight can hit all emergency services hard.

Do we really need to be debating if we could fly by claiming it’s exercise, or I have my own field, or it’s not fair someone’s cycling, horse riding etc. Or DIY is more dangerous etc.

No what should be happening is people saying yes it’s shit given the weather and desire to fly, but we’re doing our bit to beat this and backing the nation by not even risking the possibility of a strain on resources.
Not only that if your stopped and challenged by a police officer out risking infection, whilst your flouting the rules for a jolly. They will no doubt and quite likely impose the highest penalty they can cause your clearly taking the piss.

I hope this just makes it clear that you don’t have to get hurt or end up in hospital to drain resources.

Come on pull together, stay safe and stay home, get your exercise on the ground and get in better shape for when we can fly, maybe with easier take offs due to a few less pounds carried.
Thanks all.


Your honestly know what the true responce to you justifiying why you think your doing NO harm going for a short flight.

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15 hours ago, asquaddie said:

Well - what is the truth!!!!

Has anybody actually flown yet in the past few days????

i will say yes there is people out there who have flown not that most are going to admit too it now that they know how most feel about it 🤔

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12 minutes ago, Patrick1 said:

Kiwi K.. I’m confused, are you saying we should fly or shouldn’t? Get off the fence man.

Obviously confusion comes easy to you ;), plus i am Not sitting on any fence the Straight answer is No, and yes i know it is currently not illegal to Fly But morally IMO it is 👍, Does that help happy to or do i need to go further :D

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1 minute ago, kiwi k said:

will say yes there is people out there who have flown not that most are going to admit too it now that they know how most feel about it

Agree, but if they are!!!

There are no complaints surfacing yet, you would think it would get into some local news.


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Just now, asquaddie said:

Agree, but if they are!!!

There are no complaints surfacing yet, you would think it would get into some local news.


I thought that also but possibly not many reporters on the front line so to speak, and possibly more important news to convey currently than some eedgit going for a short flight 🤔

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Hey OP, I suggest not flying for some time. I would say it's just because of the Coronavirus (covid-19) going around, but the weather has suddenly become unstable - winds are abound, and a sudden drop in global pollution levels is making the climate act weird, to say the least. I'm surprised nevertheless that your flying school is open as of today.

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5 hours ago, asquaddie said:

Agree, but if they are!!!

There are no complaints surfacing yet, you would think it would get into some local news.


I’m not convinced it’s really of interest to anyone outside of the forum to be honest. I’ve seen half a dozen cyclists go through my village this morning, same number of horses and a couple of motorbikes..  none of them should be out either but I doubt anyone is filing complaints or calling the press. To Jo public, they probably don’t see the difference between those activities and ours. In the scheme of things, a bloke alone in the corner of a field in the middle of no-where with a 2 stroke engine isn’t really a live issue for the uk population at the mo. Of course, that changes when same bloke chops his hand off on a prop and takes an icu bed which.. as I’ve mentioned that’s when you cross the line from rule bender to selfish c**t.

On a positive note, I have noticed that there are no longer any walkers driving their cars out from the local towns, local lay byes and carparks are empty so the message is getting through. Though a house construction site near me is still crawling with trades and delivery vans. I guess they’ve got to eat.. 

Anyway, crappy weather means we are no longer missing out. Can’t fly anyway. 


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The people are really stretching their luck nowadays. I don't blame them - a lot of the global leaders are not doing taking this pandemic seriously, why should one expect of civilians to do the same? the coronavirus count for UK has exceeded 10000+ reported I guess. Boris Johnson had said in his address that a lockdown, if implemented, could last a long time.

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On 28/03/2020 at 12:06, Sanjeev.Nanda said:

Hey OP, I suggest not flying for some time. I would say it's just because of the Coronavirus (covid-19) going around, but the weather has suddenly become unstable - winds are abound, and a sudden drop in global pollution levels is making the climate act weird, to say the least. I'm surprised nevertheless that your flying school is open as of today.

Sanjeev i had and have No intention of Flying just morally wrong, but curious what Flying school are you referring too ?

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Well i did last week. After a day of questioning myself i decided for mental release i should fly (even the missus said "your heads fu@ked you need to fly "!) 

What a flight, went over the fields well away from the built up areas.  loads of people having walks and riding bikes all waving.

I landed and could of flown without the wing! What a way to calm the mind. Really didn't want to land but was past sunset. 

Made facebook page and people where stoked, impressed at social distancing! 

People really cant see the issue, we are at no more risk of ending up in a &e than a cyclist, runner or DIY .  Live your life guys 

Screenshot_20200326-184952_Video Player.jpg

Edited by Rick5123
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We will have our resolve tested again this week with a good weather forecast, particularly for Friday. God knows how you’d explain it to the police if they happened by as you were leaving the house, particularly with some of the keener trigger happy types.

”it’s a body mounted leaf blower officer” probably won’t cut it.

Won’t be a problem for me of course, I’m a better person and wouldn’t dream of flying and I don’t want to be accused of encouraging anyone else... but hyperthetically speaking, I suggest we all go up at the same time, they can’t get us all.

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5 hours ago, Hann__ said:

Patrick, I can't tell by your posts if you're being obtuse, sarcastic or attempting humour.

Are you flying during this period or not?

Sorry, thought I’d been pretty clear on that. Whilst I don’t think it’s a massive issue (depending on your circumstances), it’s clearly not advisable and SHOULD NOT be done for all the reasons I and others have given. You’d have to be pretty selfish and have an unhealthy relationship with the rule of law to consider flying on Friday at about 5/6pm. 

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Everyone is dying to get out in the sunshine to play with their toys but it's just not on, it's very bad for the sport if you are seen flaunting the rules now.

Exercise is going for a walk/run/cycle from your front door, most people can do this without injury.

Sister-in-law is a front line nurse doing night shifts, she's ringing us every day and it's incredibly grim, way worse than on the news. She would cut off your balls with a rusty knife if you went in to her hospital with a broken ankle after going for a quick fly while everyone else manages to stay at home.

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Healthcare professionals have it the worst right now. A lot of them aren't even facilitated with decent safety equipment. I can't confirm or deny, but news about a couple of paramedics in London were affected by Covid this past week. I hope nobody everybody stays safe, given the stress all of us are in.
~Sanjeev Nanda

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