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New old fart

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Got this email saying introduce yourself, so here goes.

located in sussex, of mature years and having flown gyros in my distant youth got the taste to fly again, the goal given my age is a paratrike,

I have a scabby wing and harness for ground handling practice and a friend who is a very skilled pilot who is offering preliminary help with the ground handling

If I dont feel I can become competent at ground handling then thats where the dream stops, if I do feel its worth going on then I will go on to training and hope to end up with a paratrike,

sorry for the very practical intro but rose tinted glasses dont suit me



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Thanks for the welcome guys,

I was told I am moving to the dark side getting involved with paramotors, was told that about gyro's, told that about living on a boat and my building and riding recumbent trikes.

I guess the dark side suits me rather than a vanilla life,The ground handling progresses slowly due to weather and my instructors need to earn a living but thats ok, it gives me time to reflect on my mistakes, the main one being hanging on to the A lines too long.

Its early days for me and a long way to go, every failure is a lesson I like to think



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Welcome Sandman, like ak says if you can master a scabby wing  then new wings are easier, i'm in a similar position except i have a health problem in my knees so running at the Mo is almost nil, i do kite a lot but think my wing is a little bigger than needed as stronger winds tend to take me free flying, i'm very confident but until i get better or more capable of running then i will start my official training, so i'm sure you will enjoy it and keep persevering as i know it definately worth it in the End :coptor: 

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Hi John,

I too came over to the dark side from a broad GA background. With all my friends thinking I was totally mad to want to fly, as they put it "a flymo with a pair of knickers over my head". In honesty it was the best thing that I ever did. I must add that everyone I have ever met in person, or spoken to from the paramotor world have been truly fantastic and enthusiastic about helping and giving advice (including this forum \club). I learned the ground handling with an old, really well used wing, with some days good and some bad. Please don't give up, as there were many times whilst dragging my old wing back to have another go, I felt that way.

I was totally surprised once I received my new wing, at how it just sat there in the breeze waiting to lift up. The sometimes many frustrating hours dragging the old one about had really paid off, it was worth all that effort and waiting. I remember on my first flight talking to my instructor (Chilly) on the radio, saying how nothing comes close to that feeling of freedom and connection with the air you get with a paramotor. Now my friends all wish they could do the same :) sorry, I have waffled on now as usual. Good luck and stay positive John, the rewards are massive.

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Hi all, and thanks for all the encouraging words

,So far I am still positive despite a few hours in minimal wind on a friends Marlin wing that had me running like an olympian to no effect other than knacker me. I did take my own wing, a Swing arcus out and while not amazing myself at my skill did come away feeling I had moved forwards even if it was experiencing how differently wings can respond to input,getting it up is no problem, keeping it up is something else:D

My major problem is convincing SWMBO that spending money on this new interest is well spent , so far negotiations indicate that training is going to cost £3.5K :S

thats training plus a holiday in a hot place of her choosing, left to me it would be a bonfire, only kidding.

please dont take my flippant posts as indicative of a dont care attitude, flying can get you dead very fast and despite my age I still wish to live long enough to grow old 







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Hi John, Welcome to the PMC.

I have to ask where you came up with the 3.5k figure for training.

The PMC course at membury is way less than that. That's for a full course to a safe standard no limit on days ( We do ask that you complete inside 10 months ) and use of all necessary equipment motors, wings and harnesses.

Give Simon Westmore a shout on here and he will be able to give you details and answer any queries you may have. 


Hope that's of some help

Cheers Col..

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Oh its easy the training is as simon says, the additional cost is shall what it cost me to keep the lady on board, I am old enough and ugly enough to accept that bribes do work,she gets her holiday I get my training, its the way of the world, cynical maybe but have you not yet experienced a womans wrath and not being sexist LOL/i just want a quiet life


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9 hours ago, sandman said:

Oh its easy the training is as simon says, the additional cost is shall what it cost me to keep the lady on board, I am old enough and ugly enough to accept that bribes do work,she gets her holiday I get my training, its the way of the world, cynical maybe but have you not yet experienced a womans wrath and not being sexist LOL/i just want a quiet life


Happy wife.......Happy life!

You like me have been trained well and understand the orders of the universe.....good luck with your other (flying) training.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 22/10/2016 at 11:15, Neilzy said:

Welcome Sandman think we Should start an over 50's section it's a growing group 

I think an over 50,s group in this PC world might be deemed ageist by those of more delicate sensibilities, we could start a Peter Pan section which eliminates the age issue but that raises the sexist problem  LOL probably best to leave it as it is


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  • 2 weeks later...

how can I join this club? also do you meet somewhere. I started flying in 95 tow launch was flying for about 7 years, then clever council at Epping forest closed us down, did all my training on north weald airfield, now fly a trike so I can take my disabled brother up as well. fly from laddingfield but looking for somewhere closer.

hope you can help.


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Hi Gary it's just a FB club really the fella that started and ran with the idea is Aussie based think he has a dream of us all getting together one day ya get a cool embroidered patch and the forum on FB is ok 

pm me ya number will have a chat 


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