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Everything posted by tj

  1. Don't forget Farnborough Warickshire!
  2. Also available on these pages! http://www.paramotorclub.org/catalog/ Tj
  3. Hi! I agree the softly softly approach might be better at first. WHilst aircrew training we were practising double engine failures. A good look out was made all round then just as the immortal words 'practice double engine failure...go' were uttered, a light aircraft came from our starboard side that we just didn't see. Even though we had all checked everywhere, the combination of light aircraft colour, angle, light (and on) just meant we didn't see him, and I doubt he was expecting several tons of yellow and black death to suddenly plummet in front of his eyes. There's quite a few of you flying in the Surrey area it seems and there's a bit of a ceiling for those not using Gatwick & heathrow!! This will keep you hemmed in a bit. Why not take your kit with you for the crews to see and explain your massive speed may have made it a little difficult for them to see you! Perhaps you could offer them some help in the manner of http://www.skywatchcivilairpatrol.org.uk/ or the soon to be constituted Paramotor and UltraLight Search and Record (PULSAR) organisation - watch this space! Hope these suggestions help harmonise the sky a bit - it must have been something of a scare! Take care all, Tj
  4. Does he ned a co-driver?! I'm 'trained' to drive fast (even if it is by the NHS!)... Also have you read Alex Roy's 'The Driver'? It's fantastic.
  5. Just out of interest, what would 'a more reasonable price' be roughly? Tj
  6. Hi, Something we do in the paramedic world is reflect on jobs that may not have gone as well as we would like. I personally use a template called IFEAR which is an adaptation by Gary Smart of a bloke called Gibbs. It makes it easier for me to think about how I can improve my performance. I - Incident: A very quick description of what happened. F - Feelings: How I felt about the incident. E - External: External factors that affected the outcome of the incident. A - Analysis: Any training needs the pilot has. R - Reaction Plan: What can be done to improve performance as a result of the reflection. I use this for other stuff now and it really helps me sort out improvements in all areas of my performance Hope htis is useful for your flying improvement. If you do use this, please post them on here for us to share! Toodle pip, Tj
  7. I knew yesterday would be a good flying day. If only I wasn't working... and could fly..! Tj
  8. Had they broken down at 0:45 Tj
  9. I've just finished watching Risk and Reward (Cheers Mrs Tj!). This vid and that just makes me want to finish studying and get flying. Hope all had a great Christmas, here's looking forward to more great vids. All the best, Tj
  10. Hi guys, I stumbled on this whilst 'passing through' the safety section (I have a healthy interest in safety matters!) and thought it would be a timely reminder whilst people are doing routine maintenance while the weathers cr4p. Are your parts stressed? Have you looked at them recently? It's worth checking/replacing them now while you can't fly so that as soon as 'that day' arrives (soon lets hope!) you can just bung the kit in the motor and get flying knowing everything's hunky dory. Take care all Tj
  11. Hi Alan, I've got to admit to being a bit of a technobiff! How would I know if I had apple quicktime on my computer? Tj
  12. Andy, From all the replies to your vids of the week I feellike I'm missing out on loads! Unfortunately all I get from your implants is an 'indented square' with a teeny tiny square in the top left corner with tiny coloured shapes in it. Any hints to get the vids? Cheers, Tj
  13. tj

    last pics

    That second pic looks dead cool. Will you be able to get someone to fly with taking a shot with a zoom to what what it's like in the air? Tj
  14. Hi guys, I wish I could make it but this is my dead busy time of year (if you'll excuse the pun!). I'm also studying which makes it double difficult. However, have a blinder and I hope to see you at next years doo. Take it easy, Tj
  15. These fotos bring back some memories. I used to catch the train to Farnborough every day going past the cathedral. I didn't think I'd see it from this view! Cracking pics of Slyfield. We used to go to the market their during lunch at school. Can't wait to get flying to seemore stuff like this! Tj
  16. Think 'kite buggy' and you are nearer the mark. Now there's a thought!
  17. Not being very technically minded -what's the advantage of fuel injection? Tj
  18. Should we be preparing for unplanned outlandings? Or should we plan for unprepared outlandings ?
  19. Perhaps you could get a further exemption from the CAA and be the first legal non-licencesed off road mountain board launched PPGer in the UK. Simon has them for sale in the shop!
  20. Perhaps 'unplanned event' might be a better description Here's the thinking behind my post. A 'critical incident' is one that causes the author to reflect on something that has happened that might change his behaviour in the future. Alan obviously thought that his running out of fuel (narrowly!) and having to land out was worth thinking about and seeing what he might do differently in the future. (He could have been flying over shark infested custard which would have made things much more interesting - never mind the cows and the electric fence! ) The 'critical incident' is a 'hit', the safe landing was a 'miss'. Something did happen, however - planning prevented it from being a dangerous incident. So it was 'nearly' a 'miss'. ANYWAY... The point I'm getting at was it's a good thing Alan had planned for a landing away from his T/o site (getting height over the forest and all those good things) and let's all plan for the worst and hope for the best. Tj PS Not having done the PMC syllabus, I don't know if it has a section about unplanned out landings?
  21. Where do you fly from Norby?!!!
  22. Or perhaps consider going tandem and using a standard motor/wing setup depending on your configuration!! Alternatively listen to the serious answers being given!
  23. This may be the secret weapon that apache pilots have. They invert and use the 'scythe of death' on unsuspecting enemy forces.
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