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Paramotor Orienteering day. Late March 2014. :-)


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Simon, I've trawled through 11 pages of this thread and can't find much in the way of details of the event day, i.e. what time to turn up, camping availability etc.

Apologies if I've missed it, but it would be useful to have this information available somewhere easily accessible.

I have to travel from Norfolk, so there is a degree of planning required at my end. I assume I'm not the only one.

Cheers :)

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On the day it will be a 08:30 brief at Membury (about 30 mins) :-)

As it stands, no one except me knows A) where the waypoints are... and B) what the tasks are at the waypoints. :-)

The waypoint information will be given out at the brief.

There will be a 1 hour take off window from 09:30 to 10:30 There is no points benefit from taking off first or getting back first. I would ask though that the more experienced, get there kit out and go as soon as possible to when the window opens.

For the waypoints that have ground based tasks, you will only find out what the task is when you land at that waypoint :-)

Ref: Camping, I know that the airfield are happy with camper vans, but I will enquire about tents also. ( I am assuming that people will want to stay somewhere fairly local the evening before.

For anyone who wants a b&b, I would suggest searching in Hungerford as a nice close option.


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Its great to see that the weather is looking good, for now, for the 19th! Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Now I was on the original 'green list' of pilots, but I guess things may have changed since that was created. How do I get myself involved again for this Saturday?

I'm up for coming down from Cambridge for this and I'm happy to be a pilot or to be a ground helper. That said, I have only two flights under my belt (but that doesn't phase me) and you may not want such newbies in the air.

Many thanks


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Hi Lee,

indeed it is looking like a go. (AND I can now blame you for jinxing it if it turns bad) :-) :-)

The green list is a list of people who said they wanted to take part and paid.


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I am starting to think that I have jinxed every weekend so far this year by arranging this event!!

Saturday and Sunday are once again looking too windy to hold this event. :-(

Thanks for sticking with me on this one... I am sure we will get the weather for it soon enough! :-)


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Bugger Bugger Titty Bugger, I managed to convince the wife that the "southern national flying comp" was really important, I managed to get the go ahead to miss the wedding day bit.

Ah well, wine and cake is a reasonable alternative at a push I suppose

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