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Paramotor Insurance.


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At long last, it gives me enormous pleasure to say that we will be offering a membership which will include:

2 million 3rd party cover (underwritten by Lloyds)

Comp cover, paragliding cover, and tandem cover as standard. 

The cost is £160 a year inclusive of insurance tax. The policy covers more, in more places, than any other current available policy.

The focus has been on making the policy a good one rather than a cheep one relying on a legal team. It has taken many years to attract Lloyds into the Paramotor Marketplace and they are our first major player who we can be sure won't be going pop or changing it's policys and rules each year.

http://www.alan-thomas.co.uk/paramotor-insurance takes you directly to the page. 

You will need to be a full member. If you are in doubt about your training standard, please call me directly on 07983 428 453



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Firstly, congratulations on your efforts to provide insurance for those pilots currently unable to obtain it elsewhwere. It will be good to see the details of the cover once it is all in place. 8)

Please don't take this the wrong way Simon but your announcement raises a couple of questions (for me anyway). The proposed cost is 3 times what I currently pay for BHPA membership & insurance that fully covers me to a similar level, for comps and events in every country I have flown in. My flying is probably 60:40 free flying and paramotoring (as is quite a few people I fly with), so would have to maintain BHPA insurance and potentially have a significant extra cost if paramotor insurance was split to a separate policy.

If true about compulsory wing registration, who has been campaigning for it ? Neither the CAA or BHPA appear to be pursuing this route and it is not something I favour. Would it involve a minimum Pilot 'qualification' to be recognised, and if so, which ? If not it would appear to be simply a money making exercise in beaurocracy which adds little to pilot safety and could affect the resale value of equipment. Will there be medical requirements and how will it affect the large numbers of self-taught or 'trained elsewhere' pilots who may not want to pay for qualifications or a sky 'tax disc' that they have never needed before ..... Who will police it ?

Not being negative (honest) but an ominous announcement of 'watch this space' needs clarifying .... :? Imagine the outcry if cyclists were suddenly threatened with compulsory registration, road tax and insurance !!!! :shock:

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Our insurance policy will be focused towards Paramotor pilots.

If you Paraglide as well, you will be better off with BHPA insurance, ours is not for everyone. (we dont want the added risk of Paragliding claims)

Regarding the price,

£240 inc registation was described by me to the UK's leading aviation underwriters as being a sustainable number based on current claim risk. And this price is only for the first year when it will reduce to £169 per year.

I am entirely happy to pay this amount in the knowledge that I am underwritten by Lloyds, and my wing is registered with the CAA.

Ref info regarding 'campaigning' for wing reg. ( as you put it ) no one. I have just been through the process and was advised that its going to happen very soon anyway (by the person on the phone at the CAA)

Ref money making excersise... I am not prepared to show you my numbers but I can assure you that most people would not get out of bed for the tiny amount I will make on each policy... (as a guide line) its less than a fiver and I will have about 20 mins paperwork per person...

As I said, read it, decide, buy from whoever you like

The great thing is people can now choose :-)

Ref pilot training.... As Lloyds put it... Until there is a legal requirement for such it could be considered discriminatory to differentiate.

The fact is, ( and you may not like it) this is still a free sport! we dont HAVE to get training, we dont HAVE to have insurance.) so how adding an option to attract more people to have that insurance is a bad thing I am not sure.

Interestingly I am fairly sure that I have had more e-mails of support about this today already than I was expecting all week!

Ref your comment "magine the outcry if cyclists were suddenly threatened with compulsory registration, road tax and insurance !!!! "

Thats not happening, chill out, reduce the drama. We are the only thing that a person can sit in and fly in the UK that does not have to register its aircraft yet. It is / was only a matter of time before the words were muttered.

Taking your message and summarizing. Its an insurance policy, you dont HAVE to have it. You dont have to like it. It is what it is, its not mine... its a Lloyds product so they will be the people to complain to if your not happy for whatever reason.

Also, I dont want this to be a BHPA / PMC thread... if your in the BHPA great.. good for you... crack on... and likewise for our members...

But dont use this thread to dis our product and services, just be happy with yours. (you wont see me posting on the BHPA forum about the mass of things I could now do you!)

This is a positive day for me and its going to stay that way.


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Mike (Chilly) , All to keep it simple... Yes you will have to stick letters on your wing :-) which is why we have added it and are taking away the admin of having to do it.

Many people avoid it because of things like the form not being filled in correctly and being charged again and so on.... We have cleaned that up a little by submitting the forms for anyone taking this option up.

I know a large number of people dont want this, if honest I don't mind much either way... If you fly like a loony on heat then I can see the problem with wing reg, if you are a sensible pilot it will stop 'us' getting the blame for others loony on heat type flying.


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It's easy to register your wing just go on CAA web site download the pdf file and print off fill in form, scan form, email to CAA get your reg back cost £69 tis simple's!!!!!!!

Info about size of letters reqd for wing are also on the CAA site.....

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Congrats Simon.

Looks like just the thing the sport needs. A realistic and manageable level of formality and still optional,

I also would like a little more info on the registration. Is it just the wing that's registered? And is registration of a wing affected if you change your motor? Just something that I wondered as its paramotor tailored insurance and registration I thought it might be an aircraft as a whole? Either way it's def something to consider in the near future for me.

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Well done Simon.

I trained with a PMC instructor so haven't been able to get insurance, so this is great news.

Although I completed my training successfully (and also did further training with my instructor), I didn't get a certificate to prove competence. Do you know if we will need some sort of proof of competence?


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Simon that's fantastic news :D . Even though I don't need this as I am registered and insured in France (both compulsory by the way) I applaud your efforts in providing this where a need existed.

More power to your elbow :acro:

Cheers, Alan

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Chill Simon - it was nothing personal, antagonistic, anti-PMC or anything .... just an open discussion about a public forum post.

First paragraph was congratulations ..... I know some people struggle to get insurance and if you can help them, great. More people insured, adequately trained and flying sensibly can only be good for the sport.

If people want to stick numbers on their wings then it is up to them. Will they still be insured if flying a demo wing or a new one before registering and numbering it ?

Still think we would be better having a united voice representing ALL paramotorists rather than bickering about "us & them", but everyone being insured is a start ..... :)

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Mate it seems to me that you are the only person doing the us and them thing?

I am happy doing my thing for our members and that has always been my focus.

thanks for the support though dude, In fairness I had forgotten about that by the time I got to the end of your message LOL


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Well Im insured through the BHPA but will look in to having this policy when the details come out.

I have no problem with wing registration as it will prove that the idiot low flying over the road/ village was not me or they would have my number :D .

There is a problem with some companies/associations that they use their own rules and regs to get out of paying claims

ie you were flying in gusty weather that was above our recommended maximum wind speed.

All in all a good thing for all pilots (choice) better than thou shalt insure your selves with us. :D

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