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Paramotor Club 2017 (Newbury) Fly-in 14-16th July

admin (Simon W)

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Yeh, the events in question regularly see 1000-2000 full multi-day attendees these days, and 10,000+ guests. But the principle hasn't change since they were down in the hundreds.  Communication is the key to a smooth running event :)  (its something they always struggled with so if I can help others with achieving it early on then so much the better)

As the club grows these things become more important so getting them kind of embedded into the ethos early-doors helps i think.

And if you can try and arrange some better weather next time that would be fantastic :D


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The video is amazing, but as we like rules, has anyone read the CAA latest on drones used for filming? 

Here are some links showing what goes wrong...





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Given that the #PMC2017 comp did not work well, based on the fact that most of you it seem's were not sure how to enter... 

I feel that it would be only fair to give the opportunity to everyone who has taken and shared pics to win this mind blowing prize! 

So, there are now two ways to get your pics in front of my eyes before THIS SUNDAY 23RD JULY for a chance to win. 

Please either post your pictures in this thread or in the PMC gallery :-) (you need to be logged in to do this) post a normal message

 just below the box you type in normally you will see drag files here to attach, or a choose files link. Once the file has uploaded, hover over the image and click the + button which will embed it into your post. :-)



Please do share this with anyone that you know attended to give as many people a chance as possible in the short time available. 




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