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Everything posted by AndyB

  1. My car was parked on the most busy street ever. Thought it would be ok for half hour. Nope.
  2. They are only deterrents. Mine was in my car....smashed their way in.
  3. I fly most of the time with trims fully closed. Take-off is much easier with them an nuetral - which is what Ozone recommend. I have knackered back and struggle to forward launch in low wind with trims in. Just can't get wing up. With nuetral trims I can launch. However, all became much easier with the learning of power launch. I can nail the forward pretty much every time now. Even Tuesday this week, forward launch in 10 to 15 mph wind. Doddle.
  4. The reason I asked whether Dudek was a B wing is that you have gone 3.5 m smaller (so nearly 2 wing sizes smaller) and gone for the more 'nippy' intermediate to advanced Sirocco. I am quite interested as I am looking at what my next wing might be. I have Roadster 2.
  5. I disagree. The tank markings with half ticks are very accurate so long as you put the machine in the same place on the same concrete floor every time. Then it is VERY accurate. The inaccuracies you talk about come from uneven ground! In my garage the machine has to be in the same place, facing the same way...as my garage floor has a very slight fall on it!!! I can predict within 1/4 litre what my fuel will be when I land.....so long as I fly trims in. If I use some trims out then obviously will use more. I have never measured trims out fuel as I don't fly a whole flight like that.
  6. Above you said Sirocco was 22m, Dudek 25.5m, so 3.5m difference? Was the Dudek a 'B' wing?
  7. There is a good scale on the side of the tank. Since I put it in the same flat place at home, it will be accurate. I am very confident it uses between 4.25 and 4.5 l/hr on slow trim. This will be higher than other people because a) I'm big and b) I have a big wing (more drag).
  8. I measured fuel usage every flight for a while, all with trims in. I put 6 litres in and looked what's left etc. Sometime I can get 4.25 l/hr but usually closer to 4.5. I now fly using a timer so I know how much fuel I have got left.
  9. Wait for no wind, or it is very bumpy. I flew over the Cleveland Hills (and in the valleys over the resevoirs etc) yesterday and the wind was 10 to 15 mph. It was very bumpy. Also, you need to be prepared for big downdraughts. In the lee of a hill you can suddenly find your self descending.......quickly. Even full power can still see you falling! In one valley yesterday I had wind from the left. Staying close to the left side avoided the down draught, but moving just a little to the right put me directly in the falling rota.....1 to 2 m/s down on full power.
  10. AndyB

    Andy B Mar 2018

    Cleveland hills Mar 2018
  11. AndyB

    LZ waterlogged

    From the album: Andy B Mar 2018

  12. AndyB


    From the album: Andy B Mar 2018

  13. My Nitro does 4.5 l/hr on slow trim. Roadster 2, and 28 m. Carrying 92 kg of me.
  14. That's how I was taught. I think it works the same starting from any line as well.
  15. Yea.....I can see three flyable days coming up....and its warmish as well.
  16. It might be skydivers, but I thought it gave some important learning re LZs. With the fly-in season coming this too could happen to you...
  17. It is law in the UK that air-maps must be carried with you at all times.
  18. yep. SFC -2500 Class D and above that is London TMA 2500-FL195
  19. Isn't that a GA airfield with no protected airspace?
  20. I have only flown one wing, but my thoughts re speed of climb... 1. Slower air-speed is best, to reduce drag to a minimum and hence more engine thrust goes to the climb. 2. The above leads to using a very large wing, lightly loaded....the balance being not going too large so as to increase drag!
  21. Warning. Pilot dies....... https://nypost.com/2018/03/19/the-horrifying-moment-a-paraglider-plummets-to-death/amp/ Skydivers collide while landing. The one who falls is going downwind (there is a windsock at eht end of the vid).
  22. Yes, I fly regularly near Yarm, from a field near Stokesley and from Redcar beach.
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