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Everything posted by bholleran

  1. I still dont think this is the full story as the way I read the above link it was using the trike to take off using the wheels. It does not talk about foot launching a trike. And landing on the wheels.
  2. The gate is open at the field from 09:00. Peter and I intend to get there some time after that once I have got my motor running properly. Any one else going to join us?
  3. I have recently been looking into getting a new reserve and would like some help understanding the certification. If you look at the following link it might help to understand my question. http://www.apcoaviation.com/products.asp?section=emergency&product=mayday Extract is this. SPECIFICATIONS Mayday----Area [m2]--Gores-------Weight [kg]-----Sink Rate [m/s] -------Max Load [kg]--Certification 16_______23_______16_______1.863________6.3 (at max load)_____106__________DHV 18_______30_______18_______2.220________5.4________________120__________SHV 20_______37_______20_______2.690________5.4________________160__________AFNOR/CEN Bi_______47_______18_______3.250________5.4________________200__________AFNOR This is a particularly odd example. Can someone please explain the different standards to me. As I thought that the afnor standard was normaly used at 75% of the max load to get the correct usable figure. So in the above example the bi on the old afnor standard would have a 5.4 m/s at 150 kg. And a 6.8 m/s at 200 kg as that was the rate that was used on the afnor standard. I thought that the afnor/cen was the new afnor standard and that the 160kg was the tested figure and gave a genuine 5.4 m/s. If this is the case then it seems wrong that the the bi is less than the 160 given the extra meterage of the canopy. And I have no idea about the other two standards. Please note it is not just about this reserver it is more the standards so that I can get a true like for like comparison. Thanks Barry Please help.
  4. There was an amazing photo posted on here some time ago of a wind farm with the turbulance behind it. I have used the search but cannot find it. Can someone please repost it or point me to the original thread. Thanks
  5. I will know better this afternoon (16:00 ish when the wife gets home) , but I was hoping to get a flight early in the morning just to check that the fixes I have but in place are all working correctly now. So I suppose a recon flight of the new field would be perfect. Let me know when you have decided. Barry
  6. Morgy, Have you asked to have the field open yet?
  7. I might be interested first thing in the morning, I just need to check out work.
  8. Just to confirm that the site will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 08:00.
  9. Mark, just to clarify did you really mean "PLEASE COME IN FROM THE NE CORNER ....". Would that not take them over or near the house. I understand you have said "away from the house" but I just dont think it is worth the risk. Might I suggest that we completly avoid the NE corner. I will also take any comments like this on board and adjust the original post acordingly. It will also be made a sticky at some point. But there is a technical issue at the moment.
  10. I was going to fly from the hambrook site. Please look in the west sussex section for the details.
  11. I am flying on Saturday - See my other post.
  12. It might be quite difficult to get cash from everyone as we are not always there. And different people flying at different times. If it would help you can make any payments via paypal to barry@holleran.info and I can collate it from there. (I even promise not to run away with it ) Barry
  13. I would love to go flying on Saturday Morning, any one else around?
  14. This post is a summary of the the following, Location, Rules and access control to the Hambrooksite site. ALL PILOTS WITHOUT EXCEPTION (INCLUDING VISITING PILOTS) WHO INTEND TO ATTEND THE HAMBROOK SITE MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH THIS POST. IF YOU ARE BRINGING THEM TO THE SITE MAKE SURE THEY ARE BRIEFED. Access to the site: We have no direct access to the site as it is fenced all the way round and can only be accessed through a single locked gate. We have to arrange for the gate to be unlocked in advance, Charlie the person who unlocks the gate lives on site and requires notice to unlock it for us. This means that if we turn up and notice has not been given we WILL be seen and it will be reported back to the landowner and may mean losing the site. We do not want this to happen, we also need to be reasonable about the times we can contact him and the amount of notice given. Access can be arranged through EITHER: Mark Morgan: 07731599660 Barry Holleran: 07748986084 Please do NOT just send BOTH Mark and I a text message asking us to have the field opened up. It has happened a number of times in the past and is a bit annoying for Charlie to have both of us contacting him. The LATEST time we can ask for access to the field is 18:00, for the following day. But we CANNOT guarantee that it will be granted at that time, so it is strongly recommended that you allow as much time as possible for notice. We will contact you either verbally by text or on the forum once we have confirmed access. DO NOT TURN UP TO THE FIELD UNLESS IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. Location of the site: PLEASE NOTE THE NEW NO FLY AREA TO THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF THE SITE!!! This is a link to the site on google maps. (Should work on all browsers), this will give you the opertunity to view the surrounding areas. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=http:%2F%2Fwww.agilesoftwaredevelopment.biz%2Fhambrook.txt&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.29802,79.013672&ie=UTF8&z=14 This is a summary of the above link that can be viewed in the forum. The area's in Red are "No Fly Zones" The area's in Blue are "Only above 500ft agl" The area's in Yellow are "Only above 1000ft agl" Address: Priors Leaze Lane Southbourne, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 Latitude: 50.848533° Longitude: -0.895173° Rules: 1. No fly zones must be strictly observed. 2. Permission must be sought and granted before turning up on site. 3. All rubbish must me taken from site. 4. Vehicles should be driven around the perimeter to the desired take off location. 5. No running of engines \ flying before 08:00. 6. All air law must be observed - in particular the low flying rules with respect to nearby buildings. I trust that everyone understands the reasons for these controls and will make sure that they are followed. Thanks Barry
  15. Mark, I also think we should include Paul the landowner in this. I suspect that a nice bottle of scotch and some flowers for his missus would suffice though. Barry
  16. bholleran


    Hi Mark, I should be there at approx 12:30 - 13:00. See you there. Barry
  17. Mark, I have two or 3 spare caps here, I dont know if they would fit but you are welcome to try them. I am up for something at the weekend, I need to work one of the days so I just need to pick the day with the best weather.
  18. You could also try shake proof washers. There are different types but the ones I use are flat on one side and serated on the other and you use them in pairs. and the work against each other preventing them working loose.
  19. Not true, I am covered for both paragliding and paramotoring. You just need to tell them and be completly honest about it.
  20. Hi Peter, I am going to take the liberty of explaining a little further the events that have led up to this as I understand English is not your first language. It was brought to my attention about 4 weeks ago that a pilot was alegedly flying in a manor that as a local pilot I felt was inappropriate. This was confirmed by some you tube videos that had been posted by the pilot( Peter) The videos have since removed by Peter so as not to encourage that type of flying . I felt obliged to talk to the pilot and try infom him that what they were doing was going to cause problems for him and other pilots and ask that it not happen again in future. It was then that Peter explained to me that he has a PPG licence that he got in Slovakia, where unlike the UK it is a legal requirment. This involved written exams and a course similar to in the UK. We had a detailed discussion about airlaw where he explained to me that he was not aware of certain specifics about UK airlaw (Not sure if it is the same in other countries). I then sent him by email the relevent law so that he could read up about it. This was fully embraced by Peter and it was taken in the spirit it was intended. I felt that it was better to educate rather than take a hunt him down attitute. I agree with Simon, that it takes balls to stand up and be counted. As I am sure that we have all made mistakes in the past. Indeed some deliberatly flout the laws. It is just very unfortunate that the well meaning member of the public who got a nice photo of Peter then posted it to the newspaper where it now seems to be causing a lot of trouble. All credit to you Peter lets hope this can be sorted out for all of our benefit as I do not think our sport requires any bad publicity if we want to keep it unregulated.
  21. To be honest that was the reason for posting as it was my wife that heard it first, and then she looked. She thought it might be broken in some way. The fact that she noticed it, meant it had to be very loud as she is used to being around them and knows what kind of noise they make.
  22. Any idea who was flying a red wing over poling near Arundel this morning?
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