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Everything posted by clivefreeman

  1. Be good to see you there Lee , your only around the corner from us.
  2. My first proper xc and to top it off flew with some balloons. Grumpy gits though, think they were on a mission, so i let them be !![ youtubevideo][/youtubevideo]
  3. Clan is ok Neil its when it turns into a mob you have to worry
  4. Coor blimey , he was lucky bet he thought ot was all over !!
  5. Think Simon 101 might get in the queue for a go on the speedster !!
  6. First thing which i did was to put some two stroke oil round the top of the piston to seal the piston. As to stop all the crap from going down the barrel, then when you are finished cleaning lower the piston and wipe the oil and crap away. As for cleaning i used a very fine grit wet and dry (600) A scouring pad and some petrol and two stroke oil Came up a treat. Have you tried a foot strap thats what helped me in the end for some reason it realy helps dont feel the compression or kick back, takes a bit of practice with balance though. Good luck , hopefully see some flying videos of you soon. Clive
  7. Ok, so after an email from andy at skydragons my problem seems to be resolved. Quite simple realy just have to kick start it instead of pull start. Dont ask me why but it does not seem to kick back or have the feel of high compession on kickstart. I used to kick start it anyway , but just had some work done on it (snaped a bolt on flywheel) so thought i would start it by hand. It does not like it ,but loves a good kick up the arse!! All seems fine , think i need to fly it now. Thanks for your help guys
  8. That looks very nice, like to have a little dabble on one. !!
  9. I have now decoked head and piston, still getting violent kick backs. So im guesing timing is out by a degree, ok anyone know how to set the timing on a pa 125. Thanks Clive
  10. Nice video beutifull scenery. What did you use at the end there to show the airspace , like the look of that >!
  11. This is one of the first things i done , so its definatley compression. I will take a good look to see if there is any carbon build up.
  12. Just out of interest at what height do you fly at for this crossing. ? I think I remember someone saying 4000 ft .
  13. Velocity , drag , thrust, gravity, mmm I think I will go with velocity just to be different . But have to agree with Mat definatley the wife.
  14. Ok took the exhaust of and found the hole which is driled, thats all clear. Pushed a small piece of wire through. Also put a fimble of petrol through the spark plug hole and gave it a good old tug. Still very stiff compession, which only lasts a small while but then seems to come back. I think what it needs it a good couple of hours in the air, the piston is very black. Just need the wind to die down now!!
  15. Would that be the case on a pa 125 its less than a year old.
  16. When i pull the starter on my pap pa 125 the compression stops me in my tracks. Ive tried taking the plug out and cleaning it, this sometimes helps. This only happens every now and then, am i flooding it. It hurts my little pinkies, any suggestions !!
  17. Think i would have to throw a synth in there as well. !!
  18. yep would like to free fly but allot of traveling to nearest site. Still might venture into it though.
  19. She has to wear a bikini though Dont worry pete im sure Simon101 will oblige, he has got a nice pare of speedos he likes to fly in >!
  20. Simon i think you are barking up the wrong tree. I was there when this accident happen and i dont think you can use someone else's misfortune (or near death experience) to have a go at them. Maybe a meet up with every one would be better suited for everyone, just to clear the air. I would be personally happy if you would delete this video, it was an accident end of. Not having a go at you just my personal opinion. Simon 101
  21. Simon i think you are barking up the wrong tree. I was there when this accident happen and i dont think you can use someone else's misfortune (or near death experience) to have a go at them. Maybe a meet up with every one would be better suited for everyone, just to clear the air. I would be personally happy if you would delete this video, it was an accident end of. Not having a go at you just my personal opinion.
  22. Nice, flying soon then captain !!
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