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Everything posted by clivefreeman

  1. I have heard a rumour that Mathieu Rouanet might be coming. !!
  2. Hi there here is the destination, and i think A fiver will go a long way to give as a drink and towards anything else. All are welcome. !! http://www.baldwinsfarm.moonfruit.com/ The dates are 24- 26th of june 2011 Thanks Clive
  3. I don't think the prop is your problem , more like you need the next size up wing. I've got a pa and a 31 synth and I'm only on half throttle at full speed bar. I'm 87. Kgs 26 is to small in my opinion !! Thaks Clive
  4. Such a shame , my thoughts are with his family and friends!!
  5. You are both talking Bolxxcs !!
  6. Already posted this but thought i would ad it on here also Ok ok so i got my balls caught in my lines Yes after i took off it was pulling to the right, so got into my chair and got some altitude. Then had a good look about and noticed one of my balls (alc) was caught up in my speed bar line and was pulling me over to the right. No drama just untangled it and all was good. Only the second time i have used my speed bar, and i did not correctly check them out on pre flight. Lesson learnt Always check your balls before flying (ALC SYNTHESIS) Thanks Clive
  7. Ok ok so i got my balls caught in my lines Yes after i took off it was pulling to the right, so got into my chair and got some altitude. Then had a good look about and noticed one of my balls (alc) was caught up in my speed bar line and was pulling me over to the right. No drama just untangled it and all was good. Only the second time i have used my speed bar, and i did not correctly check them out on pre flight. Lesson learnt Always check your balls before flying (ALC SYNTHESIS) Thanks Clive
  8. I think they are made by itv , or was it bbc1. No def ITV !!
  9. Simon w in the video the water looks deeper than what it is. It's at it's deepest 2 inches , and below it is hard sand you could land just about anywhere where we was low flying. I've walked it many a time and there are always people out there ground bating and walking there dog. You would have to put up with a wet salty wing though that would be about it. Thanks for your concern though , makes me feel loved.
  10. I think a nice spiky blonde wig will suit you Neil. Could be aranged for the fly inn
  11. Me Mat,k, Simon101, took an early moring fly out around southend. Unfortunatley si had an engine out and had to land just after 13 minuites. Me and Mat made sure si was ok by continuing our flight and landing 2 hours later. He was ok , just a bit pissed of that he had to abort early.
  12. Hope you are insured for that !! Ha ha thats well funny !!
  13. Hi if you used the sae140 then the amount you put in is ok. You will find that it will soon stop coming out, it's just excess oil coming out the breather. Mime came out when I used only 20 ml of synthetic, but it has stoped now . Just have to take a rag with you till it stops coming out , safe flying , all the best Clive
  14. Hi Steve i use car spray laquer, works ok for me. !!
  15. ok ill admit it, its only ten inches but if I tickle it it gets bigger Yes its amazing what you can do with some duck tape and wd40. !!
  16. Dave are you trying to say that you have a small penis ?
  17. Bloody he'll Gary sorry to hear that, a lesson for all to learn from that. I will keep my fingers crossed for you , for a speedy recovery, and some sexy nurses to come your way!
  18. Heres the email i was sent just to clarify Clive, Oil for PA 125 is 20ml 75W90 fully synthetic. Link for seal replacement http://www.papteam.com/video.php Regards, Andy
  19. If you go with the 75w90 synthetic its less. The other oil is thicker, i was sent this mix from a pap dealer he told me its a much better oil to use> !!
  20. Just done mine a couple of weeks ago, very easy to do. Heres a link from pap just watch the video and get yourself a new seal. The oil is 20ml of 75w90 synthetic. yes thats only 4 tea spoons. http://www.papteam.com/video.php Hope this helps Clive
  21. Thanks guys i will bear all that in mind and keep my distance , and never go above them. Maybe a couple of phone calls will not go a miss, just to let them know im a balloon stalker !!
  22. Wends night captain, if you fancy it . Its looking good, could do the circuit around southend !!
  23. Anyone else flown with balloons , were they friendly . Felt like I should of not been there. I was told that they are normally very welcoming. Looked like they were doing touch and goes or something.
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