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Everything posted by t_andrews

  1. http://paramotorclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2072 Not specific to your query, but background info nonetheless.
  2. The vendor selling the paramotor risers should also offer some detail on the trim speed adjustment they offer. This assumes you're purchasing paramotor trimmer risers for a specific wing of course and the vendor tested them as such. If you're thinking of combining any other wing/riser combination, please do understand what it may do to your wing geometry very well before inflating under them. On my Free flight wing, "power risers" from the same vendor simply act as a speed system on the back of the risers rather than the front with toggles and buckles to set and forget for crabbing, speed or not. The level of improvement is subjective to what you thought you had before and how it was used. If you had tired legs from standing on the speedbar to penetrate, then 5cm trimmers may be a great addition if they hold the speed on for you. It's all relative. They are usually worth it as they are generally inexpensive, and offer you other ways to fly your wing that suit motor flight (torque compensation on cruise for one). There's another thread on this here somewhere.
  3. I'm not sure who you're addressing that too Leoibb? I was just flingin links and related banter as always. I am no tandem pilot so am not insured for it, but if I were to get my rating and fly passengers (free flight), the waiver they would sign would outline each of our responsibilities to the other, including in the event of and beyond. The world is huge, and insurers widespread. All have different policies and I've not shopped for any so can't speak to any of them other than the current ones I hold. Add gas to the equation and you seldom talk to the same insurer. As a free flier in Canada I carry public liability (and included landowner insurance) of 3M Cad as part of the national club. Under power it's a different amount under a completely different (and changing sometimes year to year) carrier. Lumped in with Recreational aviation for the latter. Tandem free flight pilots in Canada require a rating, and motor tandems are only as "discovery" flights or student under instruction, or one consenting pilot flying another. Ratings change too, ask again in six months... Has already changed here for Advanced Ultralights. That is not to say that someone with a tandem wing will not fly another person simply because they can - no rating or experience. Been done, will be done again, over and over. Not the safest approach, but it happens. Because they can. No trouble finding a passenger who could care less about a rating just to get flown. Hell, I would have done it back in the day. I repeat: I am selling nothing and only ever plan to endanger myself. For now. Math add up better? Your curiousity has found me out I think as the sport grows, and people push for revenue opportunities that happen in General aviation the rules will get changed to accommodate safely those tandem pilots, everywhere.
  4. The straight bit in the pic posted is an integrated separator bar. That's why they call them "spreader bars". Although I did read somewhere about a child being conceived on an XC in the mountains somewhere in europe, they are designed to keep pilot and passenger apart.
  5. You can feel/see this when groundhandling the fusion. On full slow, it becomes much "tippier" (side to side) when rising on inflation. More prone to a frontal tuck too, without speedbar. More like a fixed geometry wing. Makes sense as full slow flies the whole thing flapped. I know most of this is due to no reflex assisting, but it offers instant illustration to Serge's point right there in front on you (assuming a reverse inflation . Doing a forward on full slow trim, compared to takeoff setting will self explain in short order.
  6. Spreader bars if there's no trike frame to use as spreaders bars: I don't think there's any special consideration for a WJ setup over others provided the "comfort bars" don't get in the way and cause uneven loading. Stay away from: Bars like these There is some noise elsewhere about Simonini coming up with a variation on the mini2 plus, but the specs are pretty much the same result as the mini3 they currently offer, so I'm not even going to share them here as I don't understand the reasoning and haven't seen them backed up anywhere. A mini 2 with larger bore and stroke @ 33hp rather than a mini3 @ 33hp?? I don't get it, but more power is better when you might have cause to use it and know how.
  7. http://www.flyparamania.com/index.php?o ... 19〈=en Thanks for making these public. We know you don't need to, but this tells me the things I have been wondering about until the shiny manual is ready. Hooray for ears. B-lining - lets hope it's never needed, there are more fun ways to get down provided there's room. I didn't buy a fusion for it's manual after all, and it wasn't an item in the decision process. I just didn't wish to make a stupid decision in the absence of info I knew existed and the action GT manual (however amazingly complete) has got to be different as it's a simply different wing. How much so is yet to be seen. There is many a wing out there that will never have a manual. People will still buy them because they believe in something. 1) Saving a few bucks 2) The schmoozing they were just given 3) the future For me, it's curtain # 3 please Monty. I may be shopping for a helmet shield soon as I expect better then 60kph for my all up weight based on the second video on the page. I also look forward to flying ridge with hang gliders when most of the rags go back in the bag. Wide envelopes aren't just for paramotor magazines.
  8. Since my initial post here, I've been trying to locate and purchase a steerable reserve in the 150Kg range. Most go to 130kg only and measure descent rates in the middle of the weight range making my 150kg come down a bit quicker than I'd like to buy into. I would never jump off the shed with my motor on my back, so would prefer to avoid the same descent, even if it means I carry some extra fabric around until that day. Everyone seems to ready to offer advice about having to cutaway main canopies as the main will fight the reserve under a steerable, but this is true under ANY reserve and main disabling is required to avoid it. Cutting away isn't necessary if it's truly disabled. From what I've seen, steerables have similar descent rates when forward speed is stopped and they are parachutal as an apex always is. Be kinda nice to counter that 20k wind drift too by steering into it. If no ground wind, then you can flare! The folks offering advice generally have many sales of round reserves and no one has reported problems with them. I have to agree that the round apex reserve is tried and tested for years and years. Run into trouble, toss it and become a G.I Joe figurine for the rest of the ride. Best of luck not landing on power lines, trees, alligators or landmines... The gotcha is, a steerable reserve offers passive safety too, and hey, you can steer it! If you went skydiving and were offered the choice of a vintage round chute or a ram air steerable, which would you choose and why? Other than "we know they work" for a round reserve I don't understand the resistance to selling/flying with a steerable as backup. Folks have said "they are unproven" but they have proven reliable and offer more pilot choice/option then an apex each deployment. In the absence of a reasonable argument to avoid them, they are the only choice for me, so much so that I don't understand why they're not more widespread. Can anyone point me to a vendor who sells a 150kg+ steerable internationally? The papillon xl for example: http://www.vonblon.com/dt/frame1dt.htm produkte paragleiter rettungsgereate
  9. t_andrews


  10. Has anyone seen a manual for the fusion, or heard when one will become available? Strikes me odd that there is so much delay getting one out. I thought maybe they were waiting for certification, but that has come and gone. I posted something about it on Pascal's new video post: And he removed my comment... I'm rather miffed that I dropped the coin on a wing I could well do something incredibly stupid on simply because I remain a test pilot like the rest without some outline of what it can and cannot or should not do. Ignorant is one thing, but I don't wish to be and am trying not to be. Trimmers with pictures are lovely, but not a replacement for the detail one expects in a wing's manual, especially one continually praised and touted as this. I'm not saying I won't fly it, but isn't anyone else curious *if* they can use big ears and when? B-lining make you fall out of the sky? There are times and places where either may be needed especially as a dual purpose wing. I've nagged directly (politely) twice, and now a (polite) video comment gets pulled... WTF? I'd expect this from a copied wing dealer, not the original reflex proponent. sigh. Pascal, Mike, if your reading this, I love the wing already and understand you managing your own PR with a pulled comment that sheds light where you may not wish it, but guys I know I'm not the only one asking for it. Drop us a hint will you? When's it due? /rant
  11. Why not use http://www.paraglidingearth.com/ that and specify powered launch site in details? Everything else applies, and it's a user policed site anyway. Local folks would learn quickly that the site you added isn't a free flight site, but the weather integration and exposure apply anyway. Just be sure to qualify with GPS if there's a FF launch nearby. If you have a private site, it maybe shouldn't get posted if you don't want someone from the other side of the planet planning a vacation around a visit... Nice site. I use it to watch for soaring conditions on a couple local ridges.
  12. Aw Jeez. Doesn't take long to get hyped in the news does it. Death Gyrocopter Our spinning bits are much smaller and we can fly slower for longer periods, but "because you can" isn't a good reason to do it. If you're below 500ft, you're preparing to land or climbing out, or you're at a controlled field. At least I hope you are in your head, even if you're not regulated by law to do so. Fly high, fly safe folks. Train wreck this is.
  13. Twas a long time ago and I don't recall where I saw it, or I would have. Invite anyone to post something similar if they find such a vid.
  14. Got to say this is one video I'd love to see to compare to my imagination. I know some risers - once crossed - have very little resistance to further twist, but to climb up toward the wing for a meter takes some momentum! Figure skaters have to practice to get to 18! I cannot envision this without Wile Coyote in the harness, sorry... Not saying it didn't happen, just that my brain won't let it happen without dumping some reason or using cartoons. I have seen a video of a fellow launching who pitched way up from too much power and did the absolute wrong thing by pegging it further. The wing was about to stall and he spun (motor only) 180 in an instant, slowing his forward speed and letting gravity take over... 18 though has got to be a record. Get a copy of that video and call Guinness mate. Really.
  15. Good on ya Simon, a worthy excuse. Do tell us if you're flying the plasma free flight how it behaves best (trims) and what you prefer as most used setting. Not looking for a review of the wing as much as how trims are set for the conditions you encountered as you say sometimes strong.
  16. This story makes for some horrid images, probably in keeping with the pilot's experience and proof it was well conveyed to the rest of us. A sad read nonetheless. This speaks to a personal concern of mine for that zone in every takeoff when you have insufficient height for a full safe turn and no options directly below you. It begs procedure that is compromise at best. Does one make s turns on climb out to ensure they can make it back to LZ if they have a power loss, and add the risk of those turns on climb out rather then straight and level to remove the situation as a concern more quickly? There are situations that may serve well, but you can't teach it as it's more hazard then happiness for a large percentage of the time. A case could be made on this example for a top mount fuel tank and aluminum frames too. I am going to go hug the skids on my WJ frame now as they've kept this scenario out of my logbook.
  17. Your image is: [img=http://lh5.ggpht.com/_wzFop5-Nt38/SbLnsAKaWwI/AAAAAAAAFgM/L68fsp-o2H8/3d-Freedom.jpg] The url you pasted in the img tag was the page wrapper as well - probably why it wasn't displayed. Try right clicking the image you want to display here and "copy image location", then use the img tag here. I'd pm this to keep the thread clean, if I didn't think someone else might benefit from the tip.
  18. You are just too new to the forum is all. Simon posted elsewhere that the forum limits posts to avoid spammers. Ten posts in you don't get this error (or something like that).
  19. t_andrews

    Icaro helmets

    Is it one of these? http://www.icaro2000.com/Products/Helmets/Sito-4fight/default.htm If so, sweet looking Aero helmet. For what it's worth, I just use the foam earplugs with my charly insider Free flight helmet since I had it wired for my Vx5r already. Motocomm wiring kit from flytec.com - maybe Simon's shop too? With foam earplugs and the volume up a bit louder it's fine although outside noise isn't likely as quiet as a high dollar/pound/euro setup, it serves nicely enough I see no need to swap out anytime soon as noise isn't annoying even for 3+ hours cruising. Maybe I'd be spoiled if I tried a purpose built helmet... Do you really need another helmet? Or just want a separate kit? I like your icaro better than my insider only because I expect to be going 10k faster this season.
  20. I'm guessing Oregon scientific cam? Audio above sounds like it. Kinda looks like you are foot landing instead of ski landing Rob. Old habits?
  21. I was terribly offended and may never get over it. I've gotten the errors before too, and blame some character I was using, or signature, or spam filter. Ok, I'm over it.
  22. Album Spring is apparently on it's way on the East Coast of Canada...
  23. I hadn't looked at the flat top closely simply due to blatant over promotion. Not saying who, because it was blatant and that says it all. The mini2 cannot be questioned with it's track record, and the flat-top 200 unit looks to me like a natural evolution of the Walkerjet RR platform. They've done some things I had considered for my own rig, like AL frame connector Lugs rather than plastic. Redrive is the same ratio as the WJ, but they stayed with the older exhaust (which may be a good call given mine cracked @ low hours). I suspect the helix prop is the same as WJ used to get the same thrust figures. The other bits, like stronger finer netting, double ring cage where it's needed, fuel upgrades and even the "kung fu" grip are nice additions to what WJ had in play. Are you considering wheels Simon? Maybe the FB with the Rolleez balloon wheeled cable stayed trike is they way to go, same engine, polished design and no tripping over a stumbly nervous legged student. Mini2 or f33, either way both solid engines.
  24. Driver training. Drop your insurance and keep your daughter alive with early safe habits. Works for us doesn't it? ...the alive bit anyway.
  25. Forgive the ignorance Peter, I thought the Solo had been rebranded as a hirth. http://www.recpower.com/f36.htm How does this engine compare? Is it a tuned pipe that unleashes the horses or something else over the stocker. Still 208cc? Am I even talking about the same engine anymore? Do enlighten please.
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