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Everything posted by garyfreefly

  1. Hindsight is a wonderful thing Unfortunately I dont have it Merry Christmas .....Everybody.....or Nadolig LLawen as we say here in Wales
  2. six quid http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalo ... HIQ8gIwAQ# _________________ This is the same tape that I use on the end of a roach pole 10 mts to give me my wind direction when I am flying from a field with no windsock works great even a sniff of a breeze gets it flying... . My proper windsock pole an Aluminium one also 10 mts is undergoing intensive surgery at the moment and is being sleeved after I removed it from is concrete foundation with my wing tip in May
  3. Here is an older post on the subject viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6409&p=45205&hilit=chase+cam#p45205 and a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I015tSe6PlA
  4. The way I see it you could increase the range of any electric car without too much of a problem Just get a great big dirty fume belching diesel generator and put it on the back seat... Problem solved SIMPLES
  5. Have I seen The house you are going on about on TV.....rings a bell
  6. Girlfriend wouldnt want me if I only had a Semi
  7. Astonishing who would have thought that unless you were informed of the situation even after being told I still quite can’t believe it just goes to show real life is sometimes weirder than fiction
  8. I might construct a Dam and make use of all this rain we are getting
  9. How can she get into any trouble whatsoever shes using the safest ,strongest ,Worlds best Paramotor equipment....and all women/girls have built in Buoyancy aids.. ..But looks like its also causing her to take little steps because if she did try a walk/run properly the bottom of the frame would be hitting her calfs .....
  10. Just the Job......all that nice weather and light winds.....Then Bump back to reality I look outside and its blowing at least 60 mph and rising
  11. Pete-b he allready said he had done that....... Quote Thanks in advance Henry
  12. My old Pap PA125 also did the snatch back take your fingers off trick .......never did get to the bottom of it because I got my money back because of all the other serious issues with it.... ......
  13. garyfreefly

    ppg crash

    The second video made me ........Wince more......... and I just love the CAT
  14. another method from stopping it getting tangled in your feet on take off ..is to use those plastic spring loaded ball things that come with speed bars sometimes... you thread them onto the speedbar line pull the speedbar up tight under the harness let go of the push button and it will stay there... then when you are up and away you can push the speedbar and the line will slide through the ball overcoming the tension of the springs......easy peasy....another top tip when landing just tuck the speedbar in the front of your harness when landing...... All of this method of course is not needed if your harness has a built in speedbar retention...
  15. Give way to the right. LOL But honestly.... What a muppet, always use your green cross code. SW It was Tuffty that taught me.....
  16. makes me wonder how the Parajet factory manage to sell paramotors at their full retail price.........
  17. Clearly the Van drivers fault.............
  18. Quote I am in week 2 of a 7-8 week recovery ..Grrr ! You Lucky Bugger I am 28 weeks after my accident I still am under treatment..........and they (Doctors and orthopaedic surgeons) reckon Ive made a remarkably quick recovery from my injury.....at least I am limping better this week.... one hard lesson learnt Dont concrete your windsock pole into the ground 2nd lesson if you do ..........Dont fly into it
  19. reminds me I will have to give that Nurse a ring
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