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Everything posted by alan_k

  1. Just use a good quality fully synthetic and you will be fine.
  2. Yeeeaaahhh. Was waiting for the wind to be low in the area, that was this morning. Dragged my sorry ass out of bed early and took off at 6:45, had a smooth 1 hour 42 minute flight, was going to make it longer but I was getting quite cold. I double checked all the kit yesterday in preparation, the worst bit of kit was my boots that still had the Bore Chaser mud on them. Before and after:
  3. GoFly m2 - Size 26 - S 28 - M 30 - L Pilot only Weight Range 70 - 85 80 - 105 95 - 120 G-Rating 8+ 8+ 8+ Cells 37 37 37 Flat Area (m2) 25.9 28.1 30.5 Flat Aspect Ratio 4.93 4.93 4.93 Weight (kgs) 5.4 5.7 6 EN 926-2 Afnor standard Certified Certified Certified Speed (kph) Min = 22 Trim range = 32 / 38 Max Speedbar = 50 Sink (m/s) Min = 1.1 Trim range = 1.2 / 1.5 Max Speedbar = 2.4 Looks like a 30m wing. Might be worth sending to the Loft to get a report, if it hasn't been used it could be in good condition and suit a beginner.
  4. 'between shit and syphilis' is such a great outlook Mike, I like you already. Fantastic to read your progress to success, a big well done from me. I have been flying for many years but still get the buzz every time. Stay safe and enjoy your flights.
  5. Once the 'non essential travel' is relaxed I'm up the field and in the air.
  6. No chance. Everyone is chomping at the bit. For inexperienced pilots please take extra care with your first few flights.
  7. It has been done a few times Sean, usually with a safety boat in tow so to speak. Sorry I can't answer the permissions question.
  8. How much fuel are you intending to carry? 15kg sounds a lot. The density of fuel is generally taken as 0.7kg per litre.
  9. Here is a slightly different approach to wearing sunglasses or not. My French instructor advised not to for a couple of reasons, to get used to bright conditions without them. Firstly you may forget to take them with you and will end up in conditions you are not used to. Whilst flying the conditions could change and become dull, then you have the problem of removing and storing them. Now I wear prescription bifocals and have never worn sunglasses for flying.
  10. It will fly but probably without 100% of original lift. Agree with Simon above. Any idea on the hours? Depends on how it was treated too, much exposure to UV when on the ground? I have a Reaction with 318 hours on it that came back from inspection with a 'very good' rating, I would certainly fly that but it is only a spare, the performance of my modern wing is just so much better.
  11. Definitely the 24 given that choice, with the motor et al your wife will be at the top of the weight range and you will be over. If you don't want it so sporty you will both be within the weight range of the 26 once you are suited and booted. Wife at 59kg, plus a 20kg motor (light) plus clothing and instruments say 7kg plus weight of wing (should be included) 5.6kg, that equals 91.6kg. It adds up. New to the sport I would recommend the 26.
  12. Well think I have past it and I'm 67. (No not 'am past it..')
  13. Have you looked at EasyVFR, there is a basic (free) and paid for versions.
  14. Went for a walk at the local country park instead of flying. Was nice to enjoy the tranquility from the calm conditions in an alternative fashion. Stay strong everyone.
  15. To be honest I am surprised there hasn't been a notam issued. All the smaller aerodromes have been shut apart from essential and emergency services. I have been wrestling with this question for the last few days, I am desperate to have a nice flight but the waves of hate and derision that would be generated by non flyers seeing PPG is really not worth it. Joe public will get pissed off once the restrictions are lifted and every pilot takes to the skies, but at least they won't be able to call us all dickheads then.
  16. No notams to stop flying, yet? You don't foot launch a Cessna so I don't think so
  17. Both myself and Geoff went to our respective fields yesterday but the gusts didn't die down sufficiently. If I had become airbourne I'm sure it wouldn't have been comfortable. Hoping for acceptable condition on Wednesday afternoon.
  18. Class. Love the 'case histories' at the end.
  19. Yes I did at a PMC summer fly-in, landed, sorted and off again.
  20. Good post, the drizzle put me off so good one to get off the ground. You have to look at the surrounding area, trees particularly, in a '3D' fashion and imagine how they can disrupt the wind flow. I have been caught out by rotor in my very early flying, fortunately without mishap. With greater experience you can anticipate and allow for some rotor if have to get into a tight space. Come in higher and always be prepared to add some power, also if you plan for a go around and instead achieve a good landing it is a win-win.
  21. Well glad I didn't venture up the field as it stated drizzling quite early on. Oh well ........
  22. Was hoping to get a cheeky one in tomorrow morning, however it has been drizzling virtually all day. The field is going to be wet so I shall give it a miss. Does anyone get so desperate that they don't mind having to dry the wing out afterwards?
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