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Everything posted by alan_k

  1. Good post. Circuits can be difficult to visualise for a paramotor pilot because we use such a small space for landing in comparison. I have flown from a registered airfield where the circuit pattern changes with the runway in use so that takes a bit of comprehension of the airspace.
  2. You could go with a Report'Air, it's fast and efficient, depending on trimmer setting. Stable when hands off but dynamic when you want it to be. Can you tell I like mine?
  3. Can I assume you are female with your name? There are lighter motors than 60+ pounds (28Kg) that suit lighter pilots, some are now around 20 to 22 Kg. The important thing is how comfortable the weight feels on your back, down mainly to harness design. See if you can get to a fly in or hook up with a fellow paramotorist so you can see how it feels. Once you are skilled with ground handling the wing your launches won't involve running half way across the field, once the wing starts to lift you off the ground the wing also supports the weight of the motor. Hope this helps.
  4. Very tragic, particularly as they managed to separate after the first contact. RIP
  5. Hi, been busy and away for a while. I have the use of a private field just outside Wombourne, I'll message you my mobile no.
  6. alan_k

    Friday flight

    Got up early (I'm getting better at this) to take advantage of the low wind. Was overcast for the whole flight of 1 hour 40 minutes, in fact it felt colder towards the end of the flight. Took a cheeky transit of Wolverhampton airport while no one was about, with a half dozen blind calls to ensure safety. Took this one directly over the tower at 1000 feet : Nice to be airborne when most are fiddling with breakfast or getting ready to go out to work. General view just after 7. Flew over to the river Severn which is a bit of a favourite flying area of mine : Flew around the outskirts of Kidderminster and noticed some small lakes that were covered in green algae or other plant growth, presumably exacerbated by all this warm weather : To the East of Kidderminster I saw this collection of geometrically laid out trees : Continuing on I flew over some of the route of a new water pipeline between the river Severn and Frankley reservoir, which is pretty much finished now : On the way back to the field I flew close to one of the Clent Hills, a really nice place to go for a bit of walking : Once I had landed and packed away I visited Wolverhampton airport and on my way out there was a National Grid helicopter just taking off, so these two are for Simon : Another cracking early morning flight, it's great.
  7. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  8. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  9. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  10. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  11. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  12. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  13. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  14. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  15. alan_k


    From the album: Friday flight

  16. Unfortunately that is the price of even 'basic' handheld airband radios. I was fortunate to pick up a second hand one to the new spec for about £230, though it is 'as new'. I use a standard headset and microphone and just reduce revs when I transmit, taking into account height loss whilst on low revs.
  17. I did see it and was standing at the wind sock at the time. It was an attempted down wind take off for sure. He made a very good attempt with spirited running but I thought it was simply a trip due to the speed without having the required lift to hold him up.
  18. Yes, dare say airmanship, that is an excellent word that has been in use since the early 1900's, since the birth of aviation.
  19. I had a similar thing with my Solo 210 2 stroke paramotor. With a 2 stroke not all the fuel is burnt, a necessity to keep the engine lubricated. The return pulse from the tuned exhaust pushes some of this unburnt fuel back into the air intake. The Solo used a needle/plunger type of carburettor, rather than a membrane carb. Don't know if this helps.
  20. Where abouts in the West midlands are you? I fly from Wombourne.
  21. I have a French paramotoring license (required over there) and flew in a licensed environment for many years. Still didn't stop shit happening or idiots doing stupid things.
  22. I have a 29m Dudek ReAction that I could bring down to the fly in. It has 318 hours and a 300hr Very Good report from Dudek. Has had new trimmers, pulleys, speedbar cord and trimmer buckles. Would be thinking of £400.
  23. It's probably a form of 2D steering, but I've not seen it like that before. If it is 2D steering check this out https://www.dudek.eu/en/concepts/2d-steering-system.html
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