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unable to contact Bailey


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That is good and Mark no one can ever say your level of service is poor! :-)

BUT... Why won't the company answer the phone or reply to it's customers? That's not an acceptable level of service and something you are taking up the slack on!!


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I had a valve seat wear out on my V5 and couldn't get in touch with Bailey at all via email or phone, I wanted to buy a new head.... I ended up removing the head and getting a machine shop to replace the valve seat. Mark at at Sussex Paramotors was a great help getting me new gasket from Bailey.. A motorcycle shop could easily repair your motor..

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That is good and Mark no one can ever say your level of service is poor! :-)

BUT... Why won't the company answer the phone or reply to it's customers? That's not an acceptable level of service and something you are taking up the slack on!!


See my first post. The employee who used to man the phone has not been replaced, to the best of my knowledge.

Cheers, Alan

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I took my v5 for what was arranged to be a few hour visit, 5 weeks later its still there also having a valve seat sorted. Have been badly disappointed by no answer/reply to messages, I love the machine but the customer service would put me off buying another.


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I love my V5 too, but at the same time I'm on tender hooks that something else will go wrong with it, and I can't get the after sales service from Bailey, and stuck with a motor I can't use...

I was considering buying another Bailey but in light of recent events I'll be looking at other machines.

Sad really because I was very content flying a motor with the comfort of having the manufacturer in the UK at the end of a phone for any problems that I might have had...

I wish that one of the big Japanese motorcycle manufacturerers made a four stroke paramotor....

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Sorry goode

Back now after a long day on the road picking up stuff from Bailey.. Should have given me a call to arrange drop off... :wink: I don't check the forum all the time and for some reason the email notification didn't alert me to your post..

Hope you can get it sorted soon..

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There web site is working for me... :lol:


I've had a few Non Uk pilots contact me asking why there web site is down???

I have also just pick up a pre production Matrix Hornet and I saw a huge amount of Chassis parts being made and stored for the Matrix production...

If people can not get in contact with Bailey directly you should go Via your local dealer, Thats what there/were her for!!!! :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been without my V5 for over 7 weeks now with my dealer passing the same update for the last few weeks and not being able to speak to Paul either by phone or even PM on his Facebook. Can anyone who has had similar experience tell me if this is normal and I should be more patient?


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Nigel I've known people to send there Polini off and have to wait 8 weeks for there engine, longer if it coincides with there August holidays.. There a big company!!! Let face it if your polini breaks you don't get through to mr Polini you have to go via the UK dealer Parajet!!

I think most of you forget there is only two men doing design, research and development, building, and maintaining broken machines..

There is no one in the office to answer your calls if paul and john sit by the phone answering everyone's calls no one would get there new machine or broken machines fixed..

Just my 2p

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  • 1 month later...


New to Paramotors, and having read the forums suggesting Bailey had poor customer service, I contemplated, as often, many are quick to criticise with no good reason. I thus telephoned Bailey and, on getting their answerphone, I left a message. A week later, having not received any response, I emailed via the address on their web site. That was three weeks ago, and no reply to date.

The evidence thus speaks for itself, and, obviously I that is the level of service before buying, what can one expect afterwards. I see another member is experiencing the same, and he has bought a machine.

Next, and for all members’ amusement, we visited a Midlands based training organisation, and on arrival found a gentleman nailing some roof cladding onto the side of what we can call the club room with a screwdriver head. It comes to pass he is the senior instructor, and is keen to tell us we need to sign up to their £1100.00 course, which will teach us paragliding first, we can joint the BHPA, and get a paragliding licence then we can learn paramotoring, and we can buy our own equipment to train on…

Apparently, we have to be qualified paragliders before we can learn paramotoring at extra cost of course…..

I must observe that some people set their stall out clearly to take as much money of any potential trainee at the earliest opportunity.

Read what you wish into this, but I have read the AAIB accident report which details a training school using a glider with a minimum weight far above the weight of the trainee, and the trainee dies during the towing activity of the school, with the tow rope below the minimum length.

Needless to say, we sourced our training from another trainer, and the standard, quality, and un-bias approach of the trainer was outstanding.

Perhaps the training school we first spoke with have never heard of an air navigation order, and indeed seem unable to document their claim that paragliding must come first!!

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At the moment Bailey are low on staff and are VERY busy with The Matrix V5s and Hornet, This should be out at the end of Jan.

If they answered the phone every time it rang no one would get any of there new Paramotors or engines repaired!!

If you need Information or would like to buy a Bailey you should go to one of there top Dealers who carry stock of the parts and have good knowledge of there products.

Most of the Main dealers have easy contact with Paul for ordering parts and technical issues...

Why anyone wants to go direct or insists on going direct is beyond me.. always go via your Instructor or Local dealer.

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I must admit, the idea of them being too low on staff to answer the phone does not sound great at a time just before a new product launch. :oops::oops:

I would say the same for any manufacturing company of any product not able to talk to customers.

The guys at Parajet will not only answer the phone to my customers for tec support (or whatever) but they will go in on a Sunday and help them. :-) That in my opinion is a benchmark for just about everyone else in the industry to aspire too.


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Simon Parajet are a big company and only bolt engines on to Chassis...

Bailey are and have always been a small company with a small work force who design and build there own engines, the Hornet was designed from scratch...

When we have an issue with one of our PJ machines we don't expect to speak with Mr Polini or one of the Vittorazi brothers we go via the UK importer/dealer... Parajet

If you have any issues with a Bailey product go Via a dealer!!!

We are or I am available 7 days a week from 8am-6-7pm some times later via Facebook for any issues our customers have.. Most issue with our customers machines are fixed the same or with in a few days if we do not have the parts..

Parajet are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and you can not speak to anyone until Monday.. I bet you can call your local dealer or any help..

I not trying to dis or promote one or another brand like you simon as i sell both, everyone knows Parajet has great customer service but have you tried to get Polini spares from Parajet in August??? "you can't as Polini is closed for a whole month in August"

when you buy a new car you go via a dealer.. :wink:

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Anyho.... I am not dissing any brand, I am just using Parajet as an example of what we as customers should expect. :-)

PS When GILO was a 1 man band he used to deliver his paramotors at the weekends in his old van all over the UK. That way he was able to grow his business in to the one that people love now.

I do agree with the comments of many others though and I am entitled to that opinion.

If 'as you say', they are a small company who build there own engines from scratch, and don't have the time to answer the phone, You must be able to see how this would be a possible concern for a customer or possible one?

People wont trust a dealer network if the Manufacture is being a scarlet pimpernel, after all you could decide to do something else tomorrow!

Out of interest, in a similar size sector.... (who do you call to ask about your Atom?)


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