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Flying in cold (5degr and less)

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The biggest tip I was given by an SAS solider was to swing your arms around as fast as you can for as long as you can. this forces warm blood into your hands.

Also, Warm up your gloves before you put them on!

Doing both simple things will massively extend your winter flight times due to cold hands.




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The biggest tip I was given by an SAS solider was to swing your arms around as fast as you can for as long as you can. this forces warm blood into your hands.

Also, Warm up your gloves before you put them on!

Doing both simple things will massively extend your winter flight times due to cold hands.




Swing them around before take off not during or after :lol:

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I'm not a flyer, but do spend lots of time outside ....

Don't underestimate food !!

Sounds silly, but a high protein hit before a flight will fire up the internal furnace..

A good old bacon sarnie works wonders, carbs, fats and protein all in one lovely little handful...In flight, maybe peanuts, bombay mix, or an energy bar etc..

Remember that if you've been out for 2 hrs or more and suddenly start cooling down, its a food issue. More clothes will not keep you warm.

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I always seem to get draughts in the clothing gaps around my wrists, ankles, neck etc.

Gaiters work well, along with tucking trousers into socks. Under a flying suit no one can tell!

For wrists a long sleeved top with thumb holes works well & for neck I use a goretex motorcycle balaclava.

I have to say last year that I was seriously looking at heated gloves - whatever I do I can only really stay up for an hour before I get cold (although the last time I flew in the cold it was -4 & my engine blew up before I had a chance to get too cold) :shock:

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Some great ideas guys, thanks, just got back from an hour flying around burrator reservoir..hand and feet held up real well.

I have a merino base layer, 2shirts, fleece, jeans, full lined flying suit, jacket, balaclava, helmet, thick socks gloves,and mountain boots on.

Stil didnt get too hot and its only around +6 or so! Gonna look like a real gimp when it gets really cold :mrgreen:

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Lucky sod!!!

Where abouts do you live to be able to buzz Burrator ?

I lived in Princetown for about 16 years.


South Brent - got couple launches in the area around the clay mines :D My next trip it to head further north to the huge TV aerial next to princetown then turn right and buzz around Fenworthy reservoir & forect before heading back downwind :D

Malin & I have just set up a new club.

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Nice one, I know that area very well indeed. !!

The guys in the Plumb of Feathers (inn) at Princetown have a large field at the back of the pub and have never moaned at me for landing and having some scoff :-)

The Clay Pits are called, 'cat over bridge' believe it or not! LOL

I am close to my winter trip to Dartmoor so will PM you when I am there. (most likely I will stay somewhere around Princetown or Tavistock while there. :-)


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Electric heated gloves make a huge difference.

I use a pair that has batteries in the gloves. Keeps the hands warm for at least a couple of hours.

I use a mask with heat ex-changer as well. Normally used by climbers or by people running in cold weather and such. You loose quite a lot heat through respiration.

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Hi Guy's

We have a range of heated gloves from Blaze ware. They have also come out with a new Heated Inner glove that will Provide up to 5 hours of heat to keep your hands warm. One size fit's all.

They fit perfectly under my winter north face gloves and have kept my hands warm so far this year. I used the heated power max gloves last year and thought they were good but these new inner gloves are 100% better. There not mega cheap @ £90 inc the batteries and charger but there allot cheaper than the Fly style gloves from Nirvana. But if you want to fly in -10 -20 then the Fly style gloves are the Bollox but they would be @ £200+



Sussex Paramotors

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