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Paramotor Club Party FLY IN. 29th June 08


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Hope I am not going to be the one to jinx it.....

I am awake, I have been awake for over an hour, and without saying it,....

'IT' is not to bad at all and set to get better!

Yippppppp Flipping EEEEEEEEEE


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Just like to say thanks for the party and nice to meet all the new faces and a couple of old ones. Balders and Paul. No pun.

Sorry if anyone was disappointed at me failing to get the Flat-top airborn with me damp 26 metre wing and 16 stone I would've needed a bit more runway. I had visions of my skids "hooking the wire" just like an F 14 on an aircraft carrier. Better to have a refusal at Beeches Brook.

Still blowing hard here.

See you guys


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Hi All,

Just back from the club flyin. Excellent event superb company. There was a weather window on Sat night about 3/4 hour before sunset. The wind dropped to nil and 3 or 4 paramotors took to the air for a quick sunset flight.

Once every one landed the fire was light and barbie warmed up beers were popped and the camp fire social was in full swing.

It will be on my calender for next year thats for sure. Thanks everyone it realy is " The pilot's who make the party" .

Cheers Col...........

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Not long been back from the event myself. Great time had by all.

It seems my dream of flying is to take a little longer. 4 unflyable days (for a novice) in a row!

Thanks to Sally-Anne and Bill for their fabulous hospitality.

I have uploaded just a few of the pics from the weekend. Among them Pete trying out his new FT and struggling with the power :wink:

Also, Either Dan has found a novel way to mount a reserve, or his leg straps are far too tight!

More to follow, maybe after Top Gear, but more likely tomorrow

Thanks again all, you are withoubt doubt the best bunch of folks it's ever been my privelege to not fly with! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I would like to say ta to the 40 people that made it to the 2008 Paramotor Club Fly in! (I did not count the children but I recon that would have made it 50 +)

The late night music around a field 'furnice' fire with the best company anyone could wish for after eating a belly full of Freash Local Monk Jack is one of those monents for me.

Someone please post a camp fire moment picture........


PS to all....

People = 40 x £5 = £200

Some gave an extra £5... = £15

- Porta Loo... @ £70 for 2 days.... = £145.

TOTAL OF £145 raised for the local RDA WITH THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Well done guys - a superb weekend and all for charity too.

On the road to nowhere (Lambourn)


Superb site - portaloo even had bog roll - whats that all about ?


The wind was our enemy - over 20 mph for most of the time


Fire was our friend, not a fencepost was left unburnt


Pete & Farmer Dave discussing herbal farming


The boys feasting on deer and beer


Francis being honest about Simon's guitar solo


Pete being interviewed by the Tip 2 Tip camera crew


The less said about Petes arse antics the better

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all, shame l didn't make the saturday night festivities, it looked great with Dan's pictures. On the Sunday Jackie and l really enjoyed the social side as the wind socks were permenantly horizontal :roll: also to have so many pilots/people turn up from other clubs.

Thanks go to SallyAnn and Bill for the field to play in, and Simon W for organising the event.

Thanks for the massive bag of doughnuts Sunday morning, cheers for the oil Rob.

See you all on take off soon.

(four weeks to go :wink: )

Regards Mike and Jackie

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Agree with all said above, cracking company, great to put names to faces.

Jen asked me "whats all this I keep hearing about wife maintenance?"

I said "I'm taking you f***ing camping aren't I?" :lol:

Was I the only one to come home with a crispy face last night, that sun must have been stronger than I thought, look like a bloody panda this morning!



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Agree with all said above, cracking company, great to put names to faces.

Jen asked me "whats all this I keep hearing about wife maintenance?"

I said "I'm taking you f***ing camping aren't I?" :lol:

Was I the only one to come home with a crispy face last night, that sun must have been stronger than I thought, look like a bloody panda this morning!



You look like a cuddly panda to me all the time Malc :shock::shock:

Pete b

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Really sorry we missed the camp fire and beers. Wish I cud say no worries about the field Mike but we are not responsible for that one - only the venison, strawbs and cream............er everyone still feeling fine??? Such as shame that wind would not drop but I was ever so slghtly pleased Francis kind offer of a tandem flight early sunday morning was postponed - don't think you've got away with it though mate, especially now I have hay bags with your name on them!! Great to put so many faces to the names and Mark why is my bl**dy computor still so bl**dy slow????

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I told you Sal, we have to find a way to remove the virus that is AOL. It is hogging all the bandwidth and stopping your real ISP from working at full efficiency!

Anyone know how to do it on a machine running Vista home premium?

Oh yes! Do this -


Then get one of these...


My Mac is sooo good, I can't even get Windows to work on it! Grrrrrrrr


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Thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome, and a big THANKS to Simon for his painstaking efforts to organise everything, next time try to oranise the the wind to drop as forecasted.

Oh yes! and the venison was delicious.

Sal- If Vista is running slow; before you try to tweak it, Download Google Pack and from the program options, install Spyware Doctor, Update it and scan, this often finds and removes Spyware that other security packages such as McAfee and Norton miss.

Paul D.

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I ...how to do it on a machine running Vista home premium?

'running' and 'vista' - now there's two words not seen together often......

Another solution, rather than that tree-hugging hippy apple route, is simply to insert disk 1 of the Linux of your choice installation set into the drive and run setup........

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