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Sunday at the Flagpole.


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Please do,

There will be two QFI's on Sunday so no worries.

I hope to get a few in the air on Sunday as well :D :D If your close it could be you.


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What great day, got down there early but the wind was all over the shop so I decided to wait for it to settle a bit, the field was quite busy with students too, after a few hours socialising, I decided to go for a fly, by this time we had nil wind, so it would be my first forward launch, decided to go from the pea field a bit further up the track,pulled a great forward launch and imediately noticed how smooth the air was now all the thermal activity had died away, decided to stay low and basically my whole flight never went over 500ft, took a different direction than I normally go and went out round the back of ashdown house, theres a great little valley that runs through there wich I flew straight down the middle ofit 100ft, watching the deer scatter as I passed by overhead, set my trimmers to fast and found the wing to fly very well on fast trim, follwed the valley out to the west then turned back and picked up the start of the valley that led down to the flagpole, this is a nice open valley with no wires or trees in the centre, I dropped over the line of the trees and settled at 100ft, on full fast trim I headed straight down the valley corrected my alltitude to stay at the same hieght as the ground rose and fell, contour flying I think they call it, very bit of air was silky smooth, by this time the shadows were beggining to lenthen so I thought it was time I landed, a quick circuit of the field to check the windsock, nope still no wind, I trimmed my wing back to slow and made a near perfect nil wind landing, just slipping at the end to land on my bum, I have only ever flown in +5mph winds and the speed at wich you come in with nil wind certainly caught me out, after my bad flight a few weeks back I think my confidence had taken a bit of a knock so this was just what i needed, it was one of those magical flights you will remember for a long time.

was good to see all the ususal crowd down at the flagpole and a few new faces :D

a lot of first for me,

my first forward launch

first nil wind launch

first flight on fast trim

first nil wind landing.

Dave :D

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Good to meet you all on Sunday.

Must admit to being alittle nervous driving up for my first day of training and seeing the vast number of cars parked with the number of people sitting around. My previous experiences have been in a field with one or two people, so to feel like everyone was watching was out of my comfort zone especially as I was having trouble getting the wing off the ground. However, everyone was so friendly.

Look forward to seeing you all again and to get cracking with my training.



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Great to hear it was a good day at the flag pole too, the offending 'competition pilot' that flew over was non other than a FULL PMC club member Paul, Usually found at the flag pole trying to encourage me (KAY) to fly. I think his GPS got the wrong homing signal! I tried to fly there Saturday, very early 06.30 ish but got a little confused, couldn't see the actual field so turned back. I would love to know who was up around the pole area that early though, there was definitely someone in the air in the distance (Simon, was it you?) :roll:

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I had a flight at 06:10 for about 45 mins so it could well have been.

I think RAF Colin flew early ish as well (maybe a little later?)

I saw another wing up in the distance but was on a particular mission for that flight so could not de-tour.


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Hi guys busy wanted to say thanks to all at the flagpole pn sunday.I will post more when I get home

Broke both bones just above the ankle after.

Pete b ps. It sure was hot in the sun

Yep, you're definitely hot stuff Pete. Glad to hear your ok (to an extent), bloody good timing though as I still hadn't given you that fiver I owe you!! :lol:

Take it easy old man!!


PS: You owe Mike an ice pop and Adrian a tshirt! :D

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After a great morning, I came back later that afternoon to find the ‘camp’ was peaceful – until Colin came back that is.

Sorry to hear about your trip – let’s hope all mends well and you’re back very soon – we all need you.

Ken – well done and sorry I missed your flight mate, but driving home I did notice that someone was in the air. The bloody ‘in the seat’ thing is a pain in the a**e. Now, I try and get into it too quick.

I’m off to bonny Scotland – so see you all in a few weeks – happy flying.


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Colin and I have just been in with Pete for a couple of hours.

He is in good spirit and is likely to be home tomorrow. (and will be at the fly-in)


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Hi guys busy wanted to say thanks to all at the flagpole pn sunday.I will post more when I get home

Broke both bones just above the ankle after.

Pete b ps. It sure was hot in the sun

Pete, dont ever do that again, you scared the bloody life out of me, running down that field I was expecting the worse, glad you are in good spirits and hope you will be on the mend soon, see you at the fly in mate.

PS: stop having dirty thoughts about those nurses, it will send you blind :D

Get well soon mate :D


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Hi Pete, glad to know your on the mend and out of hospital soon and good to have a chat with you yesterday.

Great thing about this sport is that we do look out for one an' other, and l am sure that Colin and l didn't realise how quick we could run, lol.

Look forward to seeing you at the fly in.

Take care

Mike and Jackie xx 8):):)8)

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