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Ground Handling Sites??

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Hi Guys,


Im doing a paramotor course which is about two hours from me so want to get some practice in when i cant get up there but finding it hard to find any good sites. Rang councils and asked about parks etc but its always a NO!! even been trying local model flying sites. 

Im in Welwyn Garden City in Hertfordshire, I thought id see if any of you guys would know of any sites near me??


Many thanks. 

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You'll probably get nowhere with parks, I have spoken with park wardens and councillors several times about it and they don't like it. It's not like flying a kite, you will have to consider other park users more - you will be kiting whilst walking backwards, may be caught by a gust, if you're a novice you might not control where the wing comes down, etc. Can you get out of town? Farmers are often helpful, and once they know you and you want some flying fields they'll be more willing to say yes. A bottle of Scoth often helps. 

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I can only confirm what Andy has said. I've done ground handling in many parks in London and never had any issues. Furthermore the park wardens and officers would actually be interested in the activity and would come forward and ask tons of questions about it all out of interest and always end up saying they would give the sport a try. Same goes for all present occupants in the park .. it can be quite annoying at times, really, as I can then hardly get things done. Bottom line is ground handling in a park is no different than flying any sort of kite. I hope this helps.

Edited by Diyan
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As above, i've practiced in parks and never asked permission.

It's a kite as far as i'm concerned when i'm on the ground.  I'm obviously very careful in how I practice.  I keep away from people and if anyone gets near i drop the wing and wait for it to be clear again but i've never had any problems an any interactions have always been positive with people.


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Thanks guys for all your posts, i will be looking at the closes farms and then try to contact the farmer. 

I like the scotch idea, and yes Mitch your right NO is the standard reply from any council.


Thanks again. 


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ps....it would be very difficult for a Council to stop you using Public land. The powers they have to restrict use say "The behaviour must be having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the community, it must be persistent or continuing and it must be unreasonable". So don't ask and don't worry about it.

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After a two year battle trying to use common land (!) and parks, in 2012 I presented a full report the to national parks along with insurance, qualifications, experience, and written support from nearby landowners, users, etc. and eventually received a two page written reply stating why it was deemed inappropriate use of the land. I'd had enough by then (and also met others who encountered similar problems) so just found better places to use. Don't know about the intricacies of the law but I wasn't prepared to drag it out any further.  

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the difficulty I suppose, is that a paramotor is not legally defined. is it a vehicle or is it not? is it an aircraft or is it not? is it a motorised vehicle or is it not?

What is the difference between a parawing and a big kite - again, no legal definition.

All this leads to the authorities trying to prevent a perfectly safe and legal pass time by using legislation to prevent noise, nuisance antisocial behaviour, danger to the public, etc. in the knowledge that nobody is likely to challenge it.

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hi i think we are going off the main subject.   kiting on public land = practice with no engine. now nothing was mentioned at all concerning the use of a paramotor. where dogs and children play. that is a different matter.

6 hours ago, carlr said:

Hi Guys,


Im doing a paramotor course which is about two hours from me so want to get some practice in when i cant get up there but finding it hard to find any good sites. Rang councils and asked about parks etc but its always a NO!! even been trying local model flying sites. 

Im in Welwyn Garden City in Hertfordshire, I thought id see if any of you guys would know of any sites near me??


Many thanks. 

hmm i think we are going off the main subject here    kiting on public land . now that to me is ok. but and i dont know where it started .paramotor use on public land is a different matter. this was not the main question was it..

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I've never been even approached by a park warden or anything, probably because I haven't done it enough on parks for it to occur.

If i was, I would be polite and friendly and try and engage with the person.  After all I would only ever do it in a position where I deem it perfectly safe and of no risk to anyone or anything.  If that person turned out to be a jobsworth i'm afraid i would probably have some fun with it and suggest they call the police.  I'd love to overhear the conversation too.  "er.....can you come and help us stop this man flying his kite in the park?"  :D

I guess it's just one of those things, you could probably kite at a park for 10 years and then suddenly get someone who says you can't do it, then it either becomes a discussion/battle or you find somewhere else.

All we can do is be as safe, professional and courteous as possible and hope for the best.  But stand your ground if you think it's right to.



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1 hour ago, cianpars said:

the difficulty I suppose, is that a paramotor is not legally defined. is it a vehicle or is it not? is it an aircraft or is it not? is it a motorised vehicle or is it not?

What is the difference between a parawing and a big kite - again, no legal definition.

All this leads to the authorities trying to prevent a perfectly safe and legal pass time by using legislation to prevent noise, nuisance antisocial behaviour, danger to the public, etc. in the knowledge that nobody is likely to challenge it.

Basically I think anything that is not seen as 'normal' in the office on that day would result in a no. 


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1 hour ago, admin (Simon W) said:

Basically I think anything that is not seen as 'normal' in the office on that day would result in a no. 


Got it in one - I came away from it all with the conclusion that they didn't understand it, despite my efforts, so they just went to the default setting of No. 

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5 hours ago, cianpars said:

the difficulty I suppose, is that a paramotor is not legally defined. is it a vehicle or is it not? is it an aircraft or is it not? is it a motorised vehicle or is it not?


Ground handling does not involve a paramotor..........

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