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Ozone Speedster 2


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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting....so hard to keep-up with Ozone. I thought they were going down the road of "Lightweight is best" with their adaptions of the Roadster2 and Speedster aka...Spyder and Sirocco.

Now they go back to conventional materials (not "lightweight") and come out with Speedster2.....what a thrill it must be, to be a part of that team.

It boggles the mind as to how far paragliders have advanced in the last 20 years (when I first started) and now.....so what else can they possibly improve on? Exciting times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yep i had a quick go. I currently fly a speedster 1 28  I'm 100kg.  Overall i would say not a huge difference from the original. I flew a 26 speedster 2 .  The wing is a lot lighter in weight and seems to launch a lot easier, maybe the smaller size and weight helps Climb rate seems better considering it is a smaller wing. . In flight felt a little more responsive shorter brake travel although still quite heavy, tip steer about the same as before, so very good. .  Speed didn't seem any different I did a back to back with gps, very similar. I didn't try with bar though. The wing seems more stable being less sensitive to gusts. probably an effect of the shark nose.  Overall an improvement but not a massive step forward. Would I change from the original speeder? No. ( If money was no object then yes sure.) for me its doesn't feel that much different to fly. Its a lovely wing like the first speedster.  As a step up from a beginner wing then yes it would make a good choice to buy. If you are thinking of changing from a speedster 1 don't bother. 

 N.b It was only a quick flight 20 mins or so. I would say I'm some where between beginner and intermediate pilot( still lots to learn) . So the review is my view and not an expert review.  Hope this helps. 

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Depends on what you consider free flight. If only soaring... then you can make the compromise. If you want real free flying... Thermaling, xc fly... don't bother trying, buy a real free fly wing. IMHO free flying has nothing to do with ppg, both for equipment, feeling and techique

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34 minutes ago, andrei_nath said:

Depends on what you consider free flight. If only soaring... then you can make the compromise. If you want real free flying... Thermaling, xc fly... don't bother trying, buy a real free fly wing. IMHO free flying has nothing to do with ppg, both for equipment, feeling and techique

What specific things or characteristics make PPG wings bad for freeflying versus, say, an entry level EN-A freefly-only wing?

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fly the Speedster 1 30size at 145kg AUW and also testfly Speedster 2  26 for 4/5 flights, underline every word guzzyB says.

It´s a dream to handle, it also burns less !! fuel in comparison with my current Speedster 30, so much more efficient. Consider the smaller size.

Speed in trim/out seems simmilar. Extra super to reverse start in nearly zero wind, but had probs at forwards, ears come early.

Best for me was the nicer, more direct handling. General stability seems also better.

So a nice evolution :) wish to fly one if.. $ :)


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I just picked up my Speedster 2 28m yesterday and will try to fly it in the next couple days and give some feedback. I currently fly the speedster1 33m which was too big. I am flying with the Fresh Breeze bullix 4t trike which is the 4stroke fuel injected model. Review coming soon. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have flown the wing twice now, over 3hrs,  and also had my flying buddy who flies a Speedster 1 size 30 take it up for a spin. First let me say, that I loved my speedster 1, but I really LOVE this new wing and feel that it is better in many ways. I am a very experienced pilot with 15yr free flight and over 6yrs of motor flying...plus 5yrs on my speedster 1. My friend and I both don't agree with a previous persons post that it is not a massive improvement. Shark nose, better internal bracing,  less lines, cleaner sail profile, higher aspect ratio, shorter lines and better risers make this a considerable step up. I thought my other wing came up nicely, but this wing just floats up with almost no effort. I barely roll a few feet forward and the wing is up and ready to go. Very pleased with the inflation characteristics. This wing is definitely more efficient. Coming from a 33m and going down to a 28, I expected my rpm's to be quite a bit higher but noticed they were virtually the same and maybe 100-150rpm higher at times. The wing is definitely more agile and direct feeling in it's handling and this is where the wing really shines. My friend, who flies the speedster 1 30m, was most surprised  by its handling. He said he was used to a heavier brakes in the original  but was jazzed about how easy this wing initiated a turn and had the feeling of a sports car. Very direct. I think the shorter line length to the wing help with this new connected feeling. It feels like the wing responds more quickly...less lag time. My climb rate has improved despite dropping 5m and being nearly 455lb all up. Some of the response of the wing is coming from being more loaded, but my friend who is not close to my all up weight had the same reaction to the wings responsiveness. We flew through some pretty bumpy conditions that caused my friend to radio to me and ask if I was feeling what he was feeling and I told him it felt like nothing with this new wing. I am usually the one calling him about the bumpy conditions. This just to say, that the wing handles bumps really well and feels well  behaved with tempered feed back. My glide with power off did not feel or seem much different than my bigger wing as well which surprised me. The risers also have much nicer magnets that really snap and hold the brake lines plus a way more adjustable pulley system. You can place the pulley exactly where you want it as well as move the tip steering magnets to your desired position instead of perm sewn in magnets like the last risers. Much nicer. To me this is a huge step forward for the beloved Speedster and well worth the upgrade. Like I said, my friend wasn't sure if he wanted to upgrade but after taking mine up for a spin, was more than sold and is planning on upgrading his in the next month. hope this helps.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just 'upgraded' from an Ozone Roadster2 to the Speedster.

'test' flew the Speedster2 and that was enough to convince me to spend.

as a qualifying statement, I love the R2 wing - and would say it was going to take something special to make me change,. But the S2 is a lot more agile using just the tip steering and still provides a good dose of that lovely confidence inspiring (bombproof) 'feeling' of the R2.

BUT where I would wholeheartedly recommend the R2 to a new pilot as a sensible step from a school wing, I would not say the same for the S2.  It's certainly a lot livelier than the R2, and I felt it requires a more delicate touch than the R2, it's also got some more specific flying do's and donts - eg with the R2 you can use the brakes whether on slow/fast or acellerated trim, whereas the S2 specifically warns against it,  also reading between the lines in the manuals, it says recovery from a collapse on the S2 will require moving back to slow trim, whilst I'm sure this would aid recovery on the R2, I've flown in some really nasty conditions in on the R2 which has created some pretty gnarly wing shapes and collapses, but almost before you even realise it's gone, it is back flying again.  I suspect the S2 may not be quite as forgiving.

launch is usual Ozone fare, that is to say, faultless.  Comes up easy and predictably - similar to the R2. And has no tendency to overfly.

i was surprised that I used some fairly deep brakes on takeoff on the S2 to create lift, if anything (and converse to the tip steering) I'd swear that the brakes are not quite as responsive as the R2, though I think I'll be able to dial out a bit of slack that was present in the demo I tried.  But the range of trim is rather huge, so finding a compromise to get reactive brakes and still leave enough slack to allow for full acceleration may be a challenge - it might just be a case of dial out the slop using a wrap on brakes.  I'll figure this out over the next few flights.

i also flew the spyder and the original speedster 1 recently - and have a Hadron xx to compare it to.

i won't go into depth on the spyder, except that I didn't feel that it was obviously a light weight R2!  Has quite a different feel, and while certainly lighter than the R2, I wouldn't swap my R2 for the spyder,  despite all the positive press for that, I prefer the feel and known durability of the roadster.

as for the Speedster1 - nice wing, pretty fast, but feels old in comparison to any of these wings.  Not as easy to launch, not as nimble and somehow feels a bit bulky.

the Hadron xx - is the wild child - I only flew mine 5-6 times before deciding to sell it on.  Too much crazy for me - it's super agile - but never made me feel 'confident' in the air, and is a real sensitive little beastie to launch.  

More a reflection of my ability (intermediate) than the wings true capability, but I'm certain that I'll do better flying on the S2 than I would have on the Hadron.

overall I voted for the speedster2 by plonking down a wedge of money for a new one, so I give it a solid thumbs up as an intermediate wing, and without any doubt a good step forward from the S1.

- for reference I've somewhere over a hundred hours of flying, perhaps flown about a dozen different wings and fly with a Scout/moster combo.

after trying out many recent offerings from Paramania, dudek and ozone, I'd confess to having a preference for ozone wings.

ps - at time of this post, my black/red/white roadster2 is for sale on Facebook group 'UK Paramotor stuff for sale'

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  • 2 weeks later...

"it says recovery from a collapse on the S2 will require moving back to slow trim"


Really? Holy crap, this would kill me. I have the Spyder and I can't imagine having to find and then grab and pull both trimmers in if I experience a major collapse in reflex mode. You'd have to release the tip steering handles, find the trimmers, pull them in, and then find the brakes that are flopping around, all while falling and probably spinning around.

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  • 7 months later...

Advice needed

Hi, I'm about to order a S2 and I need an opinion about the size. I am 115 kg AUW so on 22 size I will be at max and on 24  on -15 kg from max. My current equipment is Roadster2 26 and a EOS 100 Booster engine(21 Hp , 60 thrust). I've also test a S1 24 from a friend and it works fine. My concern is if my engine is powerful enough for the S2 22 loaded at maximum.

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We have a demo 24m S2 and can locate a 26m if you want a demo on one... The speeds recorded are around the same as the old S1 size for size but with better handling and better glide, The launch is really easy and comes up with a slightest of breezes.  Like the S1 the S2 free flies beautifully also thermal flying with the motor is a pleasure with no horrible pitching...  Ozone are soon to release the Sirocco 2 very soon...  Contact your local dealer for more info.. 

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  • 5 months later...

I have a speedster 2 and although I'm fairly new to motoring but been non powered for a considerable time, if that makes a difference.

My question is, "to use 2d steering or not to use it".    I've not set it up yet, but was thinking I should try it.   Any advantages, disadvantages?  At present I very rarely use the tip steering, but not sure if that is laziness or I just forget to use them as not so used to having them.  

cheers in advance



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Try using both tip steer and normal brake handles at the same time next you fly if you haven't done that yet. It turns more dynamic. I don't use 2d steering but that's only because I'm to lazy to change right now.  I personally don't see any drawbacks but shouldn't say too much since I don't yet use it myself.

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Cheers, posted the same question on FB as not a lot of activity here, and there were some quite useful and interesting comments, but someone said the same as you, can't believe it never crossed my mind to try both together,  my last flight was the first time, I felt I missed not being able to use the tip steering a little easier hence the question.  Plus I hadn't packed the wing up so was prepared for the effort to change over, but will hold fire and try as you suggest and see how I get on with that.  

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  • 3 years later...

My friend is selling his 2016 Ozone speedster 2. Pretty crisp wing I flew it today December 13, 2020. Did not try that 2d steering yet. Wing came up quick and climbed pretty good with a blackdevil 172 cc motor. I weight 93kgs or 205 lbs and

fly with an Eden3, 30 m wing as well. ( Flew both today. Is 3000 a fair price?


see u tube

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