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Scott Harcourt

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Everything posted by Scott Harcourt

  1. I know what changes were made to the coil and why. ‘The old system was sometimes getting an inter TDC spark/s causing loss of power and heat problems on a small number of motors. ‘A simple part design change fixed it.
  2. You can buy a Taida head and fit that... You can even go water cooled... ? http://www.td-motor.com.tw/product/cate_7058_1.html
  3. This info is on Scout’s site, I had missed it: The project is still ON! We are back after a while with some new informations and the latest footage of a first true four stroke for a paramotor. Stay tuned for more info. 4-Stroke single cylinder 240cc engine weight 14.4 kg with exhaust power 27 HP fuel consumption 2 litres per hour (86kg pilot + paramotor on 22sqm Ozone Viper 3)
  4. 30% sounds a bit rich The automatic altitude compensation is where it’s at for flying machines and EFI.
  5. No info on the smart carb but I did find this on the back of it: http://www.ecotrons.com/products/paramotor_engine_fuel_injection_kit/
  6. Try here for harnesses: http://www.skyads.aero/ad-category/harnesses-paragliding/ there’s a few cheap one’s here and new one’s often...
  7. I don’t get why you have to shit over the post with inane comments about nitro’s Andy? It isn’t helpful and it kills the thread. There are a lot of members who don’t post and it’s hardly any wonder the response they get sometimes from apparently senior members. Can we drop the ego’s and discuss the pastime we love with a little more respect for each other maybe? The forum would surely benefit as would our knowledge of new tech. Not just the amazing zero torque from the nitro, which I think you covered at least three times...
  8. They are available in the UK if you contact virus PPG. They have a UK distributor: Marek Kraus, mail him on kraus.marek@gmail.com if you want the original ‘flappy plastic’ lamells. I’d be interested to hear others’ experience of these...?
  9. Hi, A few of us use these: Sena Tufftalk-01 Over The Head Earmuff with Long-Range Bluetooth Communication - Black https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01LWWY83L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_QEfzBb0F343D4 Did have Microavionics, but these have full bluetooth with siri capability, decent range in air with bluetooth. We have 2m radios connected too for greater distances. which can be done wirelessly if you buy an sr10. It has a fantastic ambient mode that allows you to hear what’s going on in the field withouth having to remove the earcups. There’s fm radio and simple phone connection with the app. Sound quality is great. Not as robust as Microavionics but good enough with care.
  10. They were too busy fleeing in ‘horror’ amidst the ‘chaos’...... Well it’s the Mail. What a cripplingly badly written article that doesn’t match the lovely beach scene in the pictures. It then rambles on about the hot weather and random incedents whilst still showing picures of people having fun on a beach with a paramotor in it....
  11. I’ve been getting reports of exhibitors in difficulty. Really sad news for all those involved... Hope everyone’s ok....
  12. I made a point of starting my v5s without a warmup, on my back. Started second pull, no problem at 22°C
  13. Wow, add Jesus and crumple zones and you have classic Super Dell rants...... Does this make me part of the baying mob?
  14. Moving on, I had a reply from Greenpeace..... ‘Thanks for getting in touch and for passing on your feedback. I'm sorry to hear you are not happy with our most recent action. Please know that this was all very well planned and executed.A Greenpeace representative at the police line informed officers about the fly-past before it happened. Greenpeace also telephoned the police air incident advisor 10 minutes before the glider arrived, telling them what was planned. At the same time Greenpeace contacted Prestwick air traffic control by telephone and radio to inform them about the paraglider’s arrival. Thanks again for sharing your feedback, I will pass this onto the team. ‘
  15. I don’t agree, regulation isn’t for me... I prefer the current model as it’s more accessible and inclusive. I fly (legally), to escape the life draining adherence to made up rules... How many pilots here wouldn’t be flying if a pilots license and the inherant costs, medicals ect were involved? The pilot and Greenpeace deserve to have the book thrown at them for blatant and flagrant acts like this....
  16. You.’re welcome. The compression is quite heavy, alot to do with no clutch and having to overcome the inertia of the prop system. I changed from helix to e-props and that made it slightly easier. My motor has low hours, so, I couldn’t say wheather it get’s easier mechanically. I can say it does get easier though. I think mainly because the muscles used aren’t usually used that often and not with the same exhertion. These quickly get stronger the more you back start the unit, alongside developing a good technique. I would recomend a rack to start it and not ground start though. I lost a finger the first and only time I did... Check this out if a rack isn’t possible. Good luck!
  17. Hi, I have the same setup as you. I have a towbar rack and start mine on that to warm it up and pre-start. Then no issue with back starting even in -5°C. You’re correct regarding the retrofit of the e-start. Bailey told me it was not possible.
  18. I contacted Greenpeace and told them to pack it in and why... Not on...
  19. No worries, if I have anymore ‘handy tips’ I’ll be sure to pass them on ?
  20. I was once that first time buyer, I was shown the very same way. The next day, I started it for the first time, the engine overan and I lost a finger and all my tips. It was a Bailey in a Zenith frame and I never did it again. It put my training on hold for 3 months and wrecked my confidence. The picture might bring it home.......
  21. Hey chewi, Did we meet whilst I was kiting my new wing on Thursday? Are you flying with Rob?
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