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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. Hi and welcome to the Paramotor club I can't comment on the Paramotors you have mentioned as I have never flown them. I would suggest that Carbon is a bad idea for spars 'or any part of the cage' so if the enduro means it's stronger and less likely to break, I would opt for that. As for the engines, again for me, the Moster + over the 190 based on the many hundreds of engines we see in the field. It just seems to work where as the 190 seems to need tweaking quite frequently (great if your the kind of person that like to get your spanners out) Again, welcome to the PMC. SW
  2. Dude don't saw it off!! lol As suggested, get a long bolt with the correct thread, screw it in a little (and I just use a flat edge and a hammer to tap it out) It should not be that hard to remove. SW
  3. Twas nice to meet you I can't get over how perfect the weather was today for ground handling! everyone did very well indeed. SW
  4. I agree that the CAA knowing that the sport is keen to highlight his actions is a good thing I hope they do what they do with GA people who are naughty and ask him to attend some air law lessons at Gatwick. SW
  5. Welcome to the Paramotor Club See you on the Airfield soon! SW
  6. Can any of you help to identify this person? I would like to offer some free theory lessons to him / her. Let's not get all 'pitch forks' there is clearly someone having fun who is lacking some vital knowledge that I / we can help SW
  7. Check out the Members Map https://www.paramotorclub.org/membermap/ Welcome to the Paramotor Club! SW
  8. I have heard the same rumours. I don't know how true they are and am not suggesting that it is. But this has been floating about as a rumour for a good few months now. SW
  9. Shit man! mega sorry to hear this!!! I will keep an active look out for you for sure... I almost hope someone attempts to sell it too me! SW
  10. Hi Piers and welcome to the Paramotor Club! Who are you doing your training with? SW
  11. Castrol TTS 50-1 on the 2 school Mosters (combined hours of over 100) and rising fast. No problems at all. I have always used TTS and have never had a seized engine in 10+ years of flying various engined Paramotors. SW
  12. Hi all, I am currently talking to the person who runs the horse racing club website for the Lambourn valley area (where we fly 'most often 'around') They are keen to have some aerial images of Lambourn and the surrounding area for the site. (full credits given) Does anyone here have any that I can send them a bit quick? As most of you know, I am more of a Video kind of guy and can count the number of stills I have taken with my fingers non of which are any good. Thanks in advance for those that do SW
  13. Time spent creating a personal 'drill' for checking your set up pre flight, is seldom waisted. SW
  14. Hi, Personally, I would say that learning to fly a trike (PPC) from scratch will be harder than learning to foot launch first. The main reason being that in a trike you are disconnected from the 'feel' of the wing making it hard to know where it is all the time during launch. If you have physical limitations, then clearly this is not always an option. Either will work for you for sure, but I think the foot launched approach will be quicker and improve your skills massively. SW
  15. Crikey, I go away for a week and look what happens... lolol I did not see the first post but the edited version seems polite and friendly so lets draw a line SW
  16. I am bunging the clips together for the mini vid in between the occasional brew. I hope to hit the upload button either late today or tomorrow morning SW
  17. Resisting the urge to 'self review' lol Welcome! SW
  18. Great to know that everyone is back safe Steve is about an hour away from my house with all the kit so once he is home safe I will be relaxed Julie, you did very well this week! I think it's only fair to say that you have nailed it once and for all, loads of brilliant take off's and landings! Thanks for joining us! SW
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