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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. Weather Pro says yes for much of the weekend Mornings and evenings I am thinking. It always tickles me when people decide based on the weather and it always ends up flyable Either way for those that want it, we will have an awesome social with pilots from all over the UK Can't wait to hook up again with everyone, it seems like ages!!!! SW
  2. Also to clarify, the 3-5 days will get you solo (not finished) the £1000 ish will get you finished SW
  3. Awesome! well done mate. Hopefully this will encourage others to 'pop the question' lol SW
  4. £1000 ish is a reasonable price for training in total SW
  5. In the order you asked... (he is overseas at the moment but back in a couple of days) 1. A good 3-4 maybe 5 days. (paramotor) 2. Most include this with the cost. Avoid instructors who insist on kit purchase before starting training. 3. Fairly sure they charge around £1000. 4. No. 5. New, £7.5 to £8.5k for top end second hand, £4.5 to £5.5k for something decent. SW
  6. Be careful heading for the default 'cash is king' setting mate... As soon as a landowner takes a payment, they are responsible for making sure the 'land is safe' and that will put many off. Gift's are king in this case I find. Good luck mate, and if you need a copy of the PMC landowner disclaimer let me know.. See you at the weekend!! SW
  7. Welcome to the Paramotor Club You should hook up with either @easttowestyorkshireparamot and or @Hullaeroparamotorclub who are both awesome guys and can teach you safely. If you click the blue link it will take you to there profiles, where you can e-mail and or message them directly Again, welcome and please consider a training blog when you start!! SW
  8. Just a quick shout out for help.... pretty please would you be able to all bring a handful of logs with you for the fire pit?? we burn masses of wood on the fire pit and if everyone were to bring a couple of lumps of wood it would ensure that it can keep everyone warm for the weekend many many thanks in advance to those who do weather is heading in the right direction for a good weeekend SW
  9. It just takes a little bit of confidence and to go knocking on some doors Keep a bottle of something nice in the van for the person who says yes. Over the years I have spoken to a fair few land owners, and they have all allowed me (and others) to fly from there land except one who's wife put a show stopper on it after they argued it out in front of me on the field LOLOL. I think my point is: Go and knock on some doors!! they can only say no and will most likely say yes It's always a good idea to mention aerial photos in the conversation as well (they make a great gift!) SW
  10. The 100 limit is for 100 pilots. (they can bring guests) I expect the total to be around 150 people. SW
  11. It will be an awesome social event with heat, food and beer If your a maybe, its better for us if you remove yourself from the list of 'going' as there are people who are itching to go for the social. SW
  12. Welcome to the Paramotor Club Hope to see you soon on the airfield! SW
  13. I can tell by the way you have written that, that you have 'clicked' Happy days!!! SW
  14. Couple of weeks ago, Malgrat Del Mar. All being well, there will be another holiday at the end of the season details for that will be published here closer to the time. SW
  15. Thanks for the post but sad your no longer coming SW
  16. Cost wise, I would say that spending the extra money on PG training will work out something close to a half decent second hand Paramotor. Also: If you were in France I would say go for it (why not) but here in the UK it can take years!! (literally) to get rated, because of the UK weather and the PG window being so much smaller than PPG. Most of the 'conversion' people that we teach are at the end of there Para'waiting' course and feeling quite frustrated when they arrive. They leave with the realisation that they should have gone to PPG years ago!! SW
  17. Thanks for posting Look forward to your Day-1 entry. SW
  18. Yes From memory, you have to click, edit and then you can call it sold. (I may be wrong) but it can be done for sure. I am just heading out now, but if not solved I will take a better look for you when I get home SW
  19. All, It's not long at all now until the first fly-in of the year Bore Chasers Spring 2017. 28-30th April. The field allows enough space for 100 'Pilots' Max (which is now fully booked by RSVP) I would like to ask that at this stage please have a think and ensure that if you have RSVP'd that you can still attend the event. If not, please update the list (link below) to allow others the chance to attend in your place Many Thanks and see you soon!!! SW
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