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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. The 185 is good for 140KG for sure you will be pleased to know that we have a couple of past students of a similar weight on the exact same machine SW
  2. You are of course more than welcome to come and check out our set up and course structure I am in Spain until the 31st bit the school is still running with the other instructors. SW
  3. Most of the guys in Dorset have been taught by us at Membury. SW
  4. The reason statistically that we have a better safety record is because of the slow speed of the aircraft in comparison to something like a sail plane. On top of that, most carry a reserve parachute Its not that we don't have accidents, it's more that when we do, most walk away from it. SW
  5. Don't worry about the BHPA. There is no requirement for it go and see the instructors and pick your favourite. welcome to the paramotor club SW
  6. How odd... please remind me to look into this pants limitation when I get back on the 31st. SW
  7. The van is on it's way! @Steve (the guy who writes our brill articles) Has left my house with the kit to start the drive over to our holiday . I get on a plane to Barcelona tomorrow at 07:00 and will meet up with him late on the 23rd or early on the 24th. So it's very much all go! See you all in Spain in a few days. SW
  8. You should see this when you click any of the airspace. SW
  9. If you add your location to the Map, I will take a look for you. SW
  10. The mountain mole hill thing was more aimed at the quotes from the law and such (not reflecting on it being your motor) 'Ask Tom or anyone at Parajet what I am like when my motor needs something sorting' Many think I am the best customer... I think I am the worst! lolol SW
  11. As above. First flight day = go home buzzing trying to decide if you should stop to call or drive faster to get home! This comes form my days as an army driver, the statistics for people driving home after a test 'were' shocking. ( it's against UK law to drive home after a test for the same reason ) 2nd 3rd flight depending on the individual person can happen on the same day and from there on in... it's go go go... SW
  12. This is all getting a little mountain out of mole hill I would like to think that everyone reading this, knows full well that Parajet will sort it either themselves or by sending the engine off if they cant solve it SW
  13. Please post in the classifieds section https://www.paramotorclub.org/classifieds/ It will get way more exposure. SW
  14. Don't start tinkering yourself or with any help other than Parajet. They will rightfully tell you to bog off if unqualified people have been tinkering with it. I am certain (as I am sure you know also) that Parajet will solve this problem. It may require that the engine goes back to the manufacturer. SW
  15. If you get no joy from all of the above, fly over next time it's nice. I am sure we can have this sorted in a short time. SW
  16. Could be Hydro Lock? If the barrel has an oil/fuel accumulation inside, the engine will not turn over. This sometimes happens from tipping the engine during transport. It may also be the result of flooding the engine during starting. Removing the spark plug and slowly turning the engine will expel the fuel and relieve the hydro lock. Be prepared for muck to come out through the spark plug hole. Best to bung a rag over the top. This has happened over the years on a number of different machines. Although I can not recommend that you use a blanket to (roll) your paramotor so the hole points down before turning the engine over slowly. I do and it clears out MUCH quicker when the excess can naturally flow out as well. Not saying it IS, but it's certainly worth testing next time it stops I would say. if when you do this you do have fluid in the barrel, you can then start to look at WHY it's happening. SW
  17. That's deffo a Parajet Compact V1 manual with the V2 branding in the corner. You will I am sure, come to the same conclusion SW
  18. It looks to me as though you have a manual for a V1 compact. They are just holes for finding a balance nothing more. Whatever works for you as it were..... The engine fitted can make a difference even if the same weight if it pokes out a little further increasing the 'moment' your shape can also effect this. 'get me with me heli chatter' The 65-75kg (as per V1 manual, your second set of images) looks good to me. SW
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