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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. Hi, and welcome to the Paramotor Club At 62 you would be a young pup compared to others we have taught! If you want to carry extra kit, there are motors that would be better for this than others. £10k will cover new shiny kit and training. SW
  2. It was a great interview. Well done @Chilly SW
  3. Most people fly 'around' the R101 (which is what takes them in the area of the airfield circuit SW
  4. The pilots concerned have been in contact with the guys at the airfield. Everyone is happy. Apologies from both sides have happened. (see point 1. in my first reply) SW
  5. For those of you that need to: The new V2 form for submitting a NOTAM is attached below as a PDF. The form must be completed and returned by e-mail to: arops@caa.co.uk Any applications for a NOTAM which is submitted not using this form will be ignored. SW NOTAM Request V2.pdf
  6. Hi Liam, and welcome to the Paramotor Club You should check out (and add your location to) the members map https://www.paramotorclub.org/membermap/ which will hook you up with other local pilots. SW
  7. The route flown was in class G airspace. Although I agree, not ideal... not illegal. I was taught when flying Paramotors, planes and helicopters to keep a good look out. Crikey, imagine if it were a Chinook what the closing speed would be. (an issue we have to consider always as pilots I guess) but one that we deal with often at Membury which is most certainly the most active paramotor field in the country, with 3 active school planes, an active school heli, 20 odd private planes, and of course random people dropping in. (not always using the correct circuit or even runway I may add) I do like to default to 'protecting club member' in cases like this and this to me seems like someone who is just upset and is unaware that the pilots concerned would be able to hold there own in an airspace and navigation pub quiz against any PPL pilot. He has also wrongly 'assumed' that the track change to avoid the 'actual' airspace was accidental when in fact it was a part of a plotted route. In summary: 1. It's always a good idea to give runways a good bit of clearance even if in class G airspace. 2. No law was broken here, all pilots acted legally ( I am sure the CAA would say the same if a complaint was made also ) 3. Below is the CAA's definition of Class G Airspace In the UK class G airspace is uncontrolled. This means there are no restrictions on: which aircraft can enter it, what equipment the aircraft must carry, the routes taken by the aircraft. SW
  8. Many moons ago on the tip to tip we got 6 'TP propellors' from the for our macros. 2 of them were ok. The other 4 had the mounting holed drilled slightly off Center. The mad thing is, they he still ballenced them!!!! Took me ages to suss it out lolol SW
  9. Get a bar that fit's tightly through the middle of both props (6 hole on the bottom) and then turn the top one (the 4 hole one) until you can see some meat to drill into. This is not something I have done, but have seen done. ( I think a couple of them get quite close in terms of holes so be careful ) SW
  10. Check out the members map I am guessing your asking because of the recent 'events' in that area? https://www.paramotorclub.org/membermap/ SW
  11. There are not many people who can forward launch in very light swirly wind on day 1, 5 times in a row without messing it up I can promise you that! Well done! SW
  12. Hi Justin, It may be worth looking at the Parajet Maverick with the EOS 100 booster engine in it. (not yet advertised but IS available) all up is 20kg exactly and although in the light weight category still offers a good strong titanium frame, low hang points, and the best customer service in the industry. We have a Mav 185 at the school, (near Swindon) and I am sure Parajet can arrange for you to se the mav with the 100 engine. Link to article: SW
  13. Thanks for sharing mate Sorry you wont be there though. SW
  14. Hi all, I attempted to send out an e-mail to all which it seems many of you (maybe all) did not receive As many of us share the same 'type' of friend on facebook, and most if not all of the PMC members are there somewhere also, It would be super helpful if you could copy and share a link to the Summer fly-in for me to try and make sure everyone knows It's horrible when people say, I did not know it was happening, I did not get the e-mail and so on... Many thanks in advance for those that do! I would offer a beer for your help, but the beer is FREE on Saturday night anyway!! (Link below to share please) https://www.paramotorclub.org/calendar/event/10-paramotor-club-summer-2017-fly-in-newbury/ Many Thanks SW
  15. lol not sure about that mate, but the same sylibuss (Our PMC one) is used in Sweden to issue (Licences) which are required there to fly legally. It took about a year to get it approved officially by the Swedish equivalent of the CAA. It's just getting updated now as it happens, along with the UK one. SW
  16. I think this is what you mean @cas_whitmore SW
  17. Welcome to the Paramotor Club See you on the airfield soon. SW
  18. Hi James, and welcome to the Paramotor club We teach from Membury Airfield (on the M4 towards Swindon) full time. Please do give me a call tomorrow for a chat Welcome to the Paramotor Club! Simon Westmore, ( www.paramotortraining.com ) SW
  19. Check out the members map https://www.paramotorclub.org/membermap/ I hope you find somewhere SW
  20. It inspired many and still does criticisum from the minority.... of course.... net end result though, loads more people aware of the sport and learning to fly. Remembering that this of course was the first main stream media paramotor expedition / doco ever. I genuinly think that this sport would not be where it is today without this exposure. SW
  21. Just for you teach i hope we will have more families at this one because of that SW
  22. Go to this link please gents and hit the 'Going' button to RSVP. SW
  23. until
    It's that time of year again!! The 2017 'World's end' Paramotor Club summer fly-in and Party The Paramotor Club will be hosting our annual summer fly-in / party from the 14th of July until the 16th of July. At Worlds End, Close to Newbury, Berkshire. (postcode RG20 7JH) there will be signs from this postcode. The site is AMAZING! you will not be disappointed with the perfect grass as far as the eye can see. As well as the normal music, fire, food, bar & posh toilets... this event will include a free bar on Saturday evening! Once again we will be putting on a PMC fireworks display! And once again it will be unlike the dragged out displays your accustomed too Visitors can also enjoy a 'Joy Ride' / (trial flight) in a C42 microlight or a Hughes 300 helicopter for a very small donation. Camping, caravans, motorhomes FREE. Locally, there are some great XC flights to be had, and foot-drag heaven awaits! PLEASE USE THE RSVP BUTTON TO ENSURE YOUR PLACE 'Families welcome only pilots need to RSVP'. (those who do not RSVP risk not being able to attend if we max out on numbers) For the wife's and girlfriends of: We are close to 'Downton Abbey' or 'Highclear Castle' which you can now visit and walk around. As always, Fully Paid up members entry is FREE, Non Members £25, guests £10. (An optional £5 donation to a locally well supported children's charity would be awesome and I will make sure there is a donations pot in the entry tent) a little video from the 2016 event in Norfolk
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