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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. Not long until the Newbury doo mate SW
  2. Both the PMC and the BHPA are currently writing a training sylibuss. Legally yes, but non of the UK based training organisations is quite ready to 'roll it out' yet. As I guess, I would say that we (PMC) will be ready in 3-4 weeks time I am not sure about the BHPA but I would guess about the same. SW
  3. It's an awesome social mate and those people who have kit on order if it does not arrive in time for the fly-in can use the school kit SW
  4. Handy to have in your brain most often the conditions are not ones where you would imagine 'ICE' would be in any other sentence than the answer to if you want anything in your drink! lol SW
  5. Hi Scott, and welcome to the non lurking side of the forum Please do give me a call so I can get more info on your training and flying hours, where you are based e.t.c Normally, (assuming no other aviation license in place) an air law exam (either verbal or written) and a quick flight will do it. It's more important that you know your air law than it is to be a slick pilot. Number in signature SW
  6. I can assure you 110% that they do as posted above. SW
  7. Hummm, two issues in as many days may require some investigation! I will check for updates next no flyable day and install as needed. Sorry about that SW
  8. "Could I theoretically go on ebay today, buy a wing and motor and fly?" Basically, yes. Welcome to the Paramotor Club! I am not sure where about's you live but I would say it's worth checking out the link below for our main event in the summer. There will be lots of people with lots of different kit, flying lots. SW
  9. Thanks for the support chaps! We have taken on a decent chunk of work now, from services to tried everything and just wont start's.... SW
  10. Just for the record, today we taught a 79 year old on his first day! He is totally going to do it!! SW
  11. That's very laid back of you. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion, I guess not being in the UK makes a difference. The thing is in the UK is there is no legal requirement but most will ask for it said above. So in the UK if you want to have some real fun with your paramotor you need it. SW
  12. Most events won't allow you to fly without it, most land owners won't allow you to fly without it, most clubs won't allow you to fly without it. Its a done thing because it's a good idea to be able to cover the costs of accidental damage. A perfect example would be, you walk past your mates shiny new car, forgetting your a meter wide and you spank a nice scratch into it (happens) you pay the costs? Your mate gets fu**d over or you call the insurance company there are millions of scinarios SW
  13. We had to get a couple of different permissions for the Spain holiday, one from the local Mayor and one from the Police. This is normally simple enough if you have a local contact. SW
  14. Costs: Fully paid up members: £0 Non paid pilots: £25 Guests / non pilots : £10 Children under 16 £0 SW
  15. You would be classed as non flying guests so the weekend including camping (assuming children under 16) would be a whopping £20 Thanks for your interest and I hope to see you there! SW
  16. What do we think??? 2 or 3 of these for the Beer tent?? While were talking chairs, BRING ONE for sitting around the fire pit as we wont have the normal bar tables. Ta. While were talking fire pit... As normal, we have a load coming from local pilot and tree man @treehopper Thanks Jamie! but it would be great if once again you could all bring a lump or two of wood for the fire. So back to the beer tent... Some of these? SW
  17. Hi Matt, I would suggest that you contact @easttowestyorkshireparamot (Paul Martin) who is a Paramotor Club instructor (so obviously an awesome guy!) He is in the Sheffield area (maybe just a tad north of) well worth the trip I am certain. I will let him know about this post, but if you click the link above it will take you to his profile where you can send him a PM Welcome to the Paramotor Club! SW
  18. Yes, sorry. I was covering the 500ft bit you mentioned. I have copied the SERA document below which is well worth a read SERA – all you need to know The Standardised European Rules of the Air (commonly referred to as SERA) took effect across Europe on 4 December 2014 and in the UK superseded most (but not all) of the UK Rules of the Air Regulations 2007. Full details of the rule and the associated changes are contained in the CAA’s SERA web pages at www.caa.co.uk/sera. SERA is based on the same International standards as the UK Rules of the Air so in most respects they are identical. However, there are a number of differences to what aviators in the UK are accustomed to and these are summarised below. SERA is slightly different to other European Regulations because it applies to all aircraft in European airspace (not just 'EASA aircraft'). Also, SERA does not address all of the areas that UK Rules of the Air historically have (for example, certain aircraft lighting requirements) and in some cases it requires States to write their own 'enabling' measures to allow some activities to take place (for example, VFR at night). It also allows for the retention of provisions that were already in place before SERA took effect, as long as these comply with and supplement SERA. The result is that the UK has retained a small number of domestic Rules of the Air and issued a number of General Permissions and General Exemptions. These can be found through the CAA’s SERA web pages at www.caa.co.uk/sera. Key changes Visual Meteorological conditions SERA requires aircraft flying VFR in controlled airspace to remain 1500m horizontally and 1000ft vertically from cloud and in a flight visibility of at least 5km at all times. The CAA is temporarily allowing aircraft flying VFR within Class C, D and E below 3000ft AMSL by day at 140kts or less to continue to apply the 'clear of cloud and with the surface in sight' minima as they have always done. This temporary arrangement currently lasts until 4 August 2015, and a permanent arrangement has yet to be finalised. The CAA will keep industry informed of progress with this. Cruising levels The quadrantal cruising levels system historically used in the UK does not exist in SERA. Instead, the semi-circular cruising level system applied throughout the rest of the world is used. To aid transition to the new system, this will now take effect in the UK on 2 April 2015. Minimum Heights By Day Although SERA changes the minimum height to a blanket 500ft above the surface, the CAA has used the flexibility provided in SERA to allow aircraft in the UK to fly below 500ft provided they are 500ft away from persons, vessels, vehicles and structures – in other words no change from the UK’s former '500ft Rule' that people flying in the UK are used to applying. The CAA has also granted generic permissions to allow for all the long-standing exceptions to the old rule 5 that were contained in rule 6 – i.e. gliders hill-soaring, aircraft picking-up and dropping articles at aerodromes, practising forced landings and flying displays/air races/contests, to continue unaffected. Otherwise 1000ft is the minimum height over cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft. VFR at night Aircraft have been able to fly under VFR at night since June 2012. SERA introduced a small number of additional requirements for aircraft flying at night. These are: - If the aircraft leaves the vicinity of an aerodrome a flight plan must be filed. This can either be a ‘paper’ plan, an AFPEX plan or an abbreviated plan (‘booking out’). - The cloud ceiling must be at least 1,500ft AMSL; - The flight visibility must be at least 5km, or 3km for helicopters; - When flying at 3,000ft AMSL or below, the surface must be in sight at all times; and - The night VFR minimum height requirements are more stringent than the day requirements. Aircraft are to be flown at least 1000ft above the highest fixed obstacle within 8km of the aircraft, or 2000 ft when flying over high or mountainous terrain. Special VFR (SVFR) SERA introduced a speed limit of 140kts to aircraft flying under an SVFR clearance. The weather minima is now: - Remain clear of cloud and with the surface in sight - Maintain a flight visibility of 1500m, or 800m for helicopters Rights of way on the ground Rules on overtaking and giving way are now less specific. Aircraft and vehicles overtaking other aircraft and vehicles can now pass on either the left or the right. The Right Hand Rule The UK rule which required aircraft to be flown along the right hand side of line features ceases to be a legal requirement. However, it is still considered to be good practice as a means avoiding collisions with aircraft coming the other way, and so is strongly recommended. SERA does not makes any changes to pilot licenses or their conditions and limitations. Some licences include limitations such as visibility minima which may be greater than the minimum specified in the Visual Flight Rules. Therefore pilots are recommended to remind themselves of the applicable minima for their licence (you can find this on the personnel licensing pages of the CAA website). More detailed information regarding SERA can be found on the CAA’s SERA web pages by visiting www.caa.co.uk/sera. SW
  19. No need to RSVP See you there! I am sure your going to love it SW
  20. Ref: the distance between pilots @ 500ft. This is correct of course under normal flying conditions, however all that is required to fly in 'formation' is the permission of all pilots involved so that's an easy one to get around. SW
  21. I second the polini 250 'But in a decent strong frame though' the added pilot weight makes breakages when falling over almost inevitable so the extra few KG is well worth it. SW
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