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About This Club

For people who fly paramotors that live in and around London.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Can anyone help a newbie find a LZ near Hemel Hempstead or St. Albans?
  3. Can anyone help a newbie find a LZ near Hemel Hempstead or St. Albans? Just got my gear and searching for sites to fly from... drove around a bunch and searched on google maps but nothing seems flyable due to crops..
  4. Full Paramotor training courses situated on the M4 near Newbury (about an hour West of the M25) Take a look at the link below for more information or ping me a reply here https://www.paramotortraining.com SW
  5. I can recommend Membury, well worth the trip. I live Rickmansworth area and was happy to travel down, usually took about an hour for the 60 miles. Trevor.
  6. Most of the West London massive come to Membury It's about 45 mins from the M25 on the M4. SW
  7. Hi all, Am about to turn 40...so it's time to do something about my dreams...! Can anyone recommend any training within say 90min drive of West London (Membury aside ). Thereafter, where do people fly from? All the Heathrow slots are gone... Many thanks for all and any help, thoughts, etc!
  8. I live gravesend / northfleet so around there really
  9. Hi Liam, which are of Kent you looking for?
  10. Looking for launch sites in and around Kent? Having trouble find any at the moment so any information and advice would be greatly appreciated Thank you very much!
  11. Hi guys, I have just bought my first motor and wing and I am very excited to get flying. I haven't flown since June when I completed my CP with Sky High PPG. I live in Battersea and I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for sites nearby that I can drive to on weekends to get flying. I am looking for somewhere there will be people who can keep an eye on me and tell me when I am doing something stupid. I have been to Green Dragons and it seems great, any others I should know of? Thanks, Teddy

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