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Steve Haze


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ParaJet just announced Steve is in hospital after a slight flying accident? I wish him well.

Copied from ParaJets Facebook Page

"I was throwing in a low level turn...but pulled too much brake and stalled out one side of the wing and ploughed in. One broken leg that has been pinned later... Doh!!"

Get Well Soon.


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I spoke to steve earlier and he is going to be in hospital for a few days still. Bloody inconsiderate as we were meant to be training tomorrow!!

I will try and pop down to see him weds and check out the nurses...

Get well soon stevo.

Weather not looking good for thursday anyway!!!!!

If you wish to come down on friday and practice your ground handling skill i will be more than happy to assit if it's ok with steve.... Only to keep an eye not to teach....

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Hey guys,

Just found out about this thread. Yup I ballsed up! Broke my leg below the knee (both Tibia and Fibula).

I had been flying my Paramania Fusion for a bit earlier in the day on my beloved Bulldog and then later switched to my Dudek Synth. All was well.

Then after a lunch break, I went back up on the Fusion and while flying low (my favourite type of flying) I put in a sharp banked turn.

Stupidly, however, I probably pulled the same amount of brake-turn on the fusion as I had been doing on the synth so as a result I stalled out one side of the wing and caused it to spin/drop the 20 feet into the ground.

I would like to clearly state that this accident wasnt a result of any manufacturer fault. I had flown both wings with no issues and it was my mistake in pulling too much brake. So don't nobody go a quarrelling or saying anything bad about Bulldogs or Fusions or Synthessississ! :)

Thank you to everyone who has posted get well messages on here and on Facebook. I've always been happy to admit that I'm an attention whore and part of me is loving this! :D (not my leg though!! It is fairly unhappy!)

Thank you also wholeheartedly to the guys I was with who looked after me immediately upon crashing. I have been told that your actions made things a lot easier and better for me! Thank you SO much! :)

Just waiting to get out of hospital now and get home and then the bone-growing can begin to happen.

I'll be back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just an update....

- Bones are growing back. - Should be able to put bodyweight on it in early March. (fingers crossed!)

- Still aches a bit, but the wound (where bone popped through!) is healing nicely.

- Lack of mobility, even on crutches is annoying.

- Bored with daytime TV. :roll:

If you break a leg...my only suggestion is what I'm doing...

Eat high protein, high calcium, high vitamin D foods and eat lots.

According to some websites I looked at, you can eat 2-3 times your normal calorie intake when healing!! BINGE TIME!!!! :lol:

All the best

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Just an update....

- Bones are growing back. - Should be able to put bodyweight on it in early March. (fingers crossed!)

- Still aches a bit, but the wound (where bone popped through!) is healing nicely.

- Lack of mobility, even on crutches is annoying.

- Bored with daytime TV. :roll:

If you break a leg...my only suggestion is what I'm doing...

Eat high protein, high calcium, high vitamin D foods and eat lots.

According to some websites I looked at, you can eat 2-3 times your normal calorie intake when healing!! BINGE TIME!!!! :lol:

All the best


I would have thought by now you would realise not to believe everything you read. I must have read the same websites as you and look at me now. The size of a small house.

although if it does work I think you migh have a perfect diet, keep breaking bones, eat what you linke and get skinny. :)

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Just an update....

- Bones are growing back. - Should be able to put bodyweight on it in early March. (fingers crossed!)

- Still aches a bit, but the wound (where bone popped through!) is healing nicely.

- Lack of mobility, even on crutches is annoying.

- Bored with daytime TV. :roll:

If you break a leg...my only suggestion is what I'm doing...

Eat high protein, high calcium, high vitamin D foods and eat lots.

According to some websites I looked at, you can eat 2-3 times your normal calorie intake when healing!! BINGE TIME!!!! :lol:

All the best

Keep the mobility going Steve. I got about 80% back but cant get any more.


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Waiting for bones to heal gives one a lot of free time.

I had 2 months on crutches in the early 80's. I bought a modelmaking lathe and a high comfy stool. I've never looked back since.

Get well soon Steve, and use the time to do something other than confirm your suspicions about daytime TV. :D


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Close you eye's Steve

Your leg!!!

If you like i can delete the photo if you or anyone object's to it

I have video Too !!!! i can share the link if you like...

I think now that time has healed i think we should all be able to see the video

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