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Apparently Onrisk have passed all of their aviation business on to a company called Haywards:


At the moment the underwriters that they use do not cover Paramotors but they are looking to be able to provide cover within the next couple of weeks.

If they decide that they can't cover us where does that leave us? Does anyone know of an alternative company?

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I know Simon well enough to know your answer will be a big fat no.

There are others playing with the idea of insuring us at the moment. Wait out and I will give more info.


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Simon is the Aviation underwriter (director) for Albion insurance.


Ah, I understand. Do you not however feel that now OnRisk are moving to a different underwriter for aviation, that his reply might be tempered by the new economic climate? Or is the small amount of business that we generate just not worth the hassle to cover us?


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Yes its fair to say that Albion and On-Risk seem to have parted company.

Simon is in effect no longer a contact who will give impartial information.

As the letter above shows an example of, there are a (few) underwriters looking for the entire 'book of business' so were not just talking Paramotors here, were talking boats, and GA but it includes us as a part of that book of business.

As it happens, Paramotor insurance for On-Risk with the old underwriters (and there fore any new underwriter) has been profitable business and if possible, will continue to exist.

If not, then I will set up an insurance company for Paramotors. (not a joke)


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How annoying - I was about to apply for insurance. Looks like I missed the boat with On Risk. I am after 3rd party liability insurance only (have personal accident and can get the kit covered on a different policy). If anyone finds a good deal I would be interested.

Who underwrites the BHPA liability insurance? Must be quite reasonable if they give it away with their membership.

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Hi Tom

Its ok if you have insurance already. I don't

and need it next week as will have kit in a Van. Uninsured.

which makes me want to sleep with it :D

Dude, think (covert) PLEASE don't tell the world you have your kit in your van!!!! Look what happend to Pete B!!

You remove yours, and I will remove this one :-)


Best tip I've seen if you leave a wing in a vehicle, is don't bag it up. Let's the air circulate, and can you imagine trying to do a runner with it like that? :-)

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Hi all,

I spoke to Onrisk and the passed me onto Haywards who at first said they couldn't cover me, i then phoned again and spoke to a nice lady who told me they are doing insurance for Paramotors bt didn't have a clue what the were dealing with. But if i were to send my schedule from Onrisk to them they would match the policy, not only that they would charge what i paid for it last year Result i think.

they were in process of getting all the paperwork together to clear up all the confusion so by now i would imagine its all sorted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be curious to know if anyone has got anywhere with Hayward Aviation Ltd?.

My insurance with Onrisk ends on 15th May and I received a form from Hayward for a quotation which I sent back to them 2 weeks ago.

I have had no reply back whatosever and when I phoned them 20 minutes ago I was told they had no market for it. As from Sunday I have no insurance - marvellous!.

Is anybody insured with any other company?.



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Hi i got a quote from Haywards today and its not that bad they asked for my schedule from Onrisk and matched it you have to speak to Vroni and she is very helpful, they emailed my certificate and said they are looking to improve things asap.

basically they had the paramotor insurance dropped on them and have very little idea of what they are doing but they seem to be geeting to grips with it now.

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Sorry folks i just been set straight i thought i was talking to Haywards but i was actually talking to Joint Aviation re my insurance any way they have sorted insurance for me and at a reasonable cost so anyone intereasted they can be reached on 0142088664 and Vroni or Wendy are the girls to talk to, hope this helps.

Neilzy :dive:

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You might want to check if you get 1 or 2 million pounds of 3rd party cover.

If you ever want to try any competitions, some need 2 million £ of cover!


They will like for like the cover that On-Risk had in place.

All the flapping about insurance at the moment is not required...

There are at least 2 companies fighting for the business at the moment not including the bhpa who are clearly interested in recent events.

Give it a small amount of time and the future will be Bright, brighter than ever before. I am 99% sure of it.

There is LOADS going on at the moment and all of it looks good FOR EVERYONE, I wish i could say more but there will be people out there who want to make things hard for me doing what I am trying to do so I am keeping under my hat until the fat lady sings.

Please don't start asking me questions about this as at the moment I can't give you any answers....

Sorry I know that's poo... but it's for the long term best FOR EVERYONE for sure.


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OK, until Simon can start singing can anyone post some specifics on what they are currently being offered for cover / premium ?

So far I've been assuming my BHPA membership covers me for 3rd party liability (but probably little else) - so what are you getting from these other companies ? Theft cover, accidental damage, competitions, UK & abroad, private medical cover / repatriation, loss of earnings or something else ?

It would be great to know what is available or see a sample policy document and ballpark price before I start phoning around.



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