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Videos of the Week

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Since discovering the sport of paramotoring just a few short weeks ago, I have been trawling the web for interesting paramotoring videos. Must have watched hundreds already... :shock:

Anyway I thought that some of these might be of interest to others, and so I am starting this thread - with the intention of adding at least one video clip per week.

Please add your own favourites... adding a brief comment as to why it is a favourite.



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This has to be my first clip, as it could have been taken by the same paramotorist responsible for getting me interested in the sport in the first place.

This clip is taken just a few miles north of where I saw him appear over a sand dune and head off along the beach into the sunset.

Watch this in HD if you have the bandwidth. Some lovely footage over the beautiful island of Noirmoutier in the Vendee region of France. I particularly like the windmill fly-by (~1:42)




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Do I detect some anti-shake post processing in this clip Andy?

If so, please do tell what was used.

Nicely done either way.

Sorry if I somehow gave the impression that it was my vid clip, because I haven't got off the ground yet. But these clips keep me dreaming of that day... :lol:

The video was by Seb Naulleau - search his name on YouTube or Vimeo if you would like to contact him for more info.



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Here is another favourite - Flying downtown in Daejeon, South Korea.

Cannot believe the freedom allowed them to fly so low over motorways, government buildings and through residential blocks. Must have been an amazing experience.

Unfortunately the quality of this YouTube clip is only fair (as 2006) :



For a much better video of the same event (albeit from a slightly safer angle), check out Dan Burtons brilliant HD movie here : http://www.vimeo.com/1008723 (be patient it is worth the download).

Just realised that Dan is the same chap that was aerial photographer for the great TipToTip 2008 DVD which I finally watched at the weekend. Not sure if Dan hangs out here, but great work on both !


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Well here is my next video link.

It's a favourite because it demonstrates just how portable and accessible PPG can be.

Yes I'm sure flying conditions were perfect, and he is probably skipping a few safety checks etc. but can't help be impressed with 4mins to unload from truck, takeoff, circuit, land, and pack back into vehicle. 8)

N.B. If Dell S's delivery bugs you, be sure to mute the sound :lol:




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As I have unfortunately had to cancel my trip up to Lambourn today for family reasons, I am consoling myself by reviewing some of my favourite video clips.

This is a favourite due to the quality of the video, which gives newbies like me _some_ idea of the visual thrill of flying over this lovely french countryside. The Chateau flyover adds a nice focal point at the end.



The larger format YouTube HD mode gives a much better perspective - link here :

Here is the corresponding Google satellite image of the area:

Le Chateau Interdit


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...whats the video setup?? -- was that a wide angle lens or a filter on it??


Hi Mark - Sorry if I somehow gave the impression that this was my own video - hence the "newbie reference".

Anyway I did leave an email with the guy who took it last week, asking for info on the kit he was using. I will let you know if I hear anything back.



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As I have unfortunately had to cancel my trip up to Lambourn today for family reasons, I am consoling myself by reviewing some of my favourite video clips.

This is a favourite due to the quality of the video, which gives newbies like me _some_ idea of the visual thrill of flying over this lovely french countryside. The Chateau flyover adds a nice focal point at the end.



The larger format YouTube HD mode gives a much better perspective - link here :

Here is the corresponding Google satellite image of the area:

Le Chateau Interdit


Chateau looks nice, I think sometime you can only see how great they look from the air, heres Ashdown house:



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DISCLAIMER: These are not my own video clips. As a newbie, they are just some of my favourites found whilst researching PPG.

Well here are a couple more video clips to add to my list of favourites. You may have already seen the first in in a suggested Paramotor Holiday destination to Simon.

This is a favourite because it gives great coverage of what has to be one of the best (foot launched) aviation festivals in Europe. It looks like awesome fun...



The following link to the wider format gives a better perspective:

I know much of this video focussed on the amazing fancy dress flights, but the group filming were PPG'ers, and there was also a load of interesting PPG gear on display.

Can anyone identify the minimalist paramotor at 1m04s (with the propeller that looks like some weird chariot wheel) ?

The festival is set against the backdrop of the dramatic 'Dent de Crolles' in the Chartreuse Mountains, 20km north of Grenoble.

If you are wondering why it might be worth flying there, check out the following clip - from 1min onwards. Forget that the video was taken by a paraglider (PPG'ers don't need to hike up the mountain with all their gear :wink: ).

But take a deep breath before 1m50s - and enjoy the view ! :shock:



To get the FULL effect click

for the larger format HD version - awesome !


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...whats the video setup?? -- was that a wide angle lens or a filter on it??


...Anyway I did leave an email with the guy who took it last week, asking for info on the kit he was using. I will let you know if I hear anything back.



Hi Mark - I promised to get back to you if I heard anything from the guy who shot the video (Gege Pouillot).

Well he has confirmed that he is using the excellent Canon HV-30, twinned with a Schneider Optics fisheye lens 8)

Here are some related links:

Trusted Reviews: Canon HV30

Video Fisheye Lens (0HD-FEWA-43)

Gege also kindly sent me a link to his comparative video test - between standard, wide angle and the fisheye. Nice touch...

New fisheye for Canon HV30

Hope that is of help,


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...whats the video setup?? -- was that a wide angle lens or a filter on it??


...Anyway I did leave an email with the guy who took it last week, asking for info on the kit he was using. I will let you know if I hear anything back.



Hi Mark - I promised to get back to you if I heard anything from the guy who shot the video (Gege Pouillot).

Well he has confirmed that he is using the excellent Canon HV-30, twinned with a Schneider Optics fisheye lens 8)

Here are some related links:

Trusted Reviews: Canon HV30

Video Fisheye Lens (0HD-FEWA-43)

Gege also kindly sent me a link to his comparative video test - between standard, wide angle and the fisheye. Nice touch...

New fisheye for Canon HV30

Hope that is of help,


yes thats great -- thanks alot andy, il get saving i think!

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Can anyone identify the minimalist paramotor at 1m04s (with the propeller that looks like some weird chariot wheel) ?

Hi Andy,

checkout http://www.electricppg.com/Developments ... /index.htm



Thanks for the link Alan

Wow - that is one minamalist paramotor !


But with no protective cage it is more of a Crazeebus than Razeebus ! :shock:

Not for the faint hearted, but I suppose a sign of things to come as more electric offerings come to market. Exciting times.... :lol:


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NB: These are not my own video clips. They are just some of my favourites found whilst doing my newbie research into PPG.

Well here is another favourite - inspired by Simon's desert theme on his new Paramotor Holiday webpage (be sure to check it out :wink:).

This clip is of the amazing Palmyre Citadel Fort, rising out of the Syrian desert.

Great quality video (especially if

), with best views on approach to fort from 2m50s onwards.





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Fabulous perspective on this one Andy :!:

I took the trouble to download in HD, it took aaaaaggggggeeeeesssss, but worth it on this new monitor. You must spend a long time on your PC looking for these but do carry on :) .

It is extremely gratifying to know that I can view the world from the same perspective, the weather's not up to it at the moment though :( .

In answer to your previous question I haven't taken any aerial video... yet.



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Fabulous perspective on this one Andy :!:

I took the trouble to download in HD, it took aaaaaggggggeeeeesssss, but worth it on this new monitor. You must spend a long time on your PC looking for these but do carry on :)

Fortunately I have a very high speed broadband connection, so they download almost instantly. But yes I certainly spent a good few hours trawling the web for interesting clips when I first started researching PPG. But found it really interesting insight into the sport, and certainly more entertaining than wasting time watching the cr@p on TV :wink:
It is extremely gratifying to know that I can view the world from the same perspective, the weather's not up to it at the moment though :(
Unfortunately some of us are still dreaming of that day Alan... :roll:
In answer to your previous question I haven't taken any aerial video... yet.
Well I look forward to seeing them when you do...



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