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Bailey bites the dust

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Trust me Pete, if laughter is the best medicine, I reckon I could have cured most of the world's diseases with the fall out from that one :-)

Kev's comments about 'smelly-vision' don't come close to describing how bad that vile grey gunk stank. I do wish I'd caught up with the cameraman to give him a hug though, hehe.

Apologies are NOT required, I deserve it for a right royal f**k up.

Kev doesn't tell you about the 'Phoenix' however, except this one rose from the mud. :wink:

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Thats Brill!


I had my first prop break ever today :-( Nothing quite as spectacular as that though, won't even bother with a vid after this one :lol::lol::lol:

Great that the spirits were still up.


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Clipped my prop as well today but only on one end (very strange) still not to bad damage, a bit of mouldable glue should suit it. By the way does any one know the best stuff to use on a carbon prop?


They say things happen in threes, bust my prop today too, lucky I have a spare set :D


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Oh great! Ive just joined this site and thinking about starting lessons and this is one of the first things i look at! :shock: lol. Not put me off though. Funny, i watched over and over, glad was ok. I wont bother wearing clean clothes when i start!!

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It was a thermic day today for sure, I have no excuse, I stopped during a foward launch becasue I was not happy with how it felt, and chopped my prop with an A line. :-(


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went over westmill for an afternoon flight, waited around 2 hours for things to even themselves out, laid out the wing, pulled the motor out the van, fired it up only to have the prop hit a bracket that holds a small mirror to the frame, split one blade straight up the centre, on closer inspection I found that the bolt holding the head to the mounting bracket had came loose, this is despite it being locktighted and lockwired in place, this had allowed the motor to move enough for the propr to hit the bracket, I think part of the problem may have been the rough idle my motor has wich means it wobbles around in the cage quite a bit.



The offending bracket



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Clipped my prop as well today but only on one end (very strange) still not to bad damage, a bit of mouldable glue should suit it. By the way does any one know the best stuff to use on a carbon prop?


Mike I've used this stuff from ebay quite a lot on my prop.


It is clear though so if you are rebuilding a tip it might not be the best thing. You could always ask if there is a black one or even search ebay/the net for black!

It is very liquid but does start to set quite quickly. I've seen a process on the net somewhere to make moulds to mend prop tips but not sure of the link.

How was the event by the way?

Say hi to Jackie for me!

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Been a long day here too. And I tried my best to break my prop (unsuccessfully of course) Cous took me to his local cricket club, where we got permission to takeoff and land. Smoothest bit of green I've used yet and 15 feet above the beach so I dropped straight down for a toe drag in the sand, which I cocked up! Got a tad too low and ended up with my knees, toes and 'Ol Flattie's skids on the sand. Unsure wether full power would bring me off so dumped the brakes and killed the motor and finished in a heap, laughing histerically, dusted off and went again, for our most awesome flight ever. The surfers, cricket team, dog walkers and anglers loved it. Oh, and my Auntie was on the beach when I screwed up! Thanks to the cricket club and the guys who designed my unit and my cousin for being a top class cricket player.

ps. We landed right by the club house and went in for a pint :D Perfect

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Clipped my prop as well today but only on one end (very strange) still not to bad damage, a bit of mouldable glue should suit it. By the way does any one know the best stuff to use on a carbon prop?


Mike I use a glass fibre loaded 2 part resin, the glass fibre is to give it resistance to vibration.

It only comes off when the tips get dinged again :x:!:

Farmer Dave, sounds like you really had fun, I like the landing next to the watering hole at the end :lol:



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Clipped my prop as well today but only on one end (very strange) still not to bad damage, a bit of mouldable glue should suit it. By the way does any one know the best stuff to use on a carbon prop?


Mike I've used this stuff from ebay quite a lot on my prop.


It is clear though so if you are rebuilding a tip it might not be the best thing. You could always ask if there is a black one or even search ebay/the net for black!

It is very liquid but does start to set quite quickly. I've seen a process on the net somewhere to make moulds to mend prop tips but not sure of the link.

How was the event by the way?

Say hi to Jackie for me!

You can buy Black Pigment powder from any boat place and add it to whatever you want to make Black.


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Been a long day here too. And I tried my best to break my prop (unsuccessfully of course) Cous took me to his local cricket club, where we got permission to takeoff and land. Smoothest bit of green I've used yet and 15 feet above the beach so I dropped straight down for a toe drag in the sand, which I cocked up! Got a tad too low and ended up with my knees, toes and 'Ol Flattie's skids on the sand. Unsure wether full power would bring me off so dumped the brakes and killed the motor and finished in a heap, laughing histerically, dusted off and went again, for our most awesome flight ever. The surfers, cricket team, dog walkers and anglers loved it. Oh, and my Auntie was on the beach when I screwed up! Thanks to the cricket club and the guys who designed my unit and my cousin for being a top class cricket player.

ps. We landed right by the club house and went in for a pint :D Perfect

I once had to land on a Cricket pitch during a game :lol:

I was asked to do it by a friend who's husbands birthday it was to deliver a plaque. It was ace fun and as you say, the most PERFECT take off lawn you are likely to find.


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Hi Simon, the event went really well, not as many spectators as last year but still a good turn out. Three motors, mine, Paul and Kay and Ben. It was great weather but the wind was changing direction practically every minute. Paul and Ben had a good flight and there were quite a few interested parties. (gave a few cards out). My take off ended with a wing tip hitting the cage. Cage ok, but will fix the wing tip during the week. Thanks for the link to the glue page.


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