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Skycar flying car expedition

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LOL, that's like saying he (Gilo) enjoys near death experiences. The second motor's status was due to the damaged original not being available and a lack of time for testing after the replacement was built (the documentary). He was working 18 hour days just to get it ready and used the settings from the tried and tested motor.

I thought it was billed as a sort of 'proving expedition' really, fly the beast and have some fun at the same time. If it was just a flight test operation then they would have done it in the UK under the auspices of the CAA/BMAA/PFS (as was). I gather they specifically wanted to generate the media interest to publicise the Skycar and possibly even (rampant speculation here) create an order book.

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The Skycar landed half an hour ago having flown across the Straights of Gibraltar.

It was tracked by a film crew helicopter all the way so there is proof :-)

They've been waiting for a weather window for a couple of days but this morning everything was peachy.

More as it comes in.


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The Skycar landed half an hour ago having flown across the Straights of Gibraltar.

It was tracked by a film crew helicopter all the way so there is proof :-)

They've been waiting for a weather window for a couple of days but this morning everything was peachy.

More as it comes in.



Thanks for the update. I've been trying to convince myself that no news is good news! Please pass on our good wishes.

Really great to hear what only mad dogs and Englishmen can do when out in the midday sun!



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Thanks for the support.

We are currently in South Morocco on the edge of the desert where tomorrow my darling wife will arrive to the desert camp, which has been set up for the sponsors. It's very much a highlight of the trip with quad bikes, off road KTM's some Bowlers, and so on....

Time is short and I am half asleep so bye bye for now :D

The picture above is from Andorra.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update (sorry for the long silence I've been a tad -ahem- busy)

The SkyCar expedition are well and truly in the desert in Mauritania now somewhere close to the town of Chinguetti. Well, I say close, that's the nearest place for a very long way and it is still a long way away :-)

More soon,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tomorrow, I will upload and link to a load of Skycar pics.

I am happy to, (at some point) do a little slide show / talk about the expedition for anyone interested.

To start with,

Here is Charlie Boorman, Patti 'my wife' Andrew Wiggins (B&Q CEO) and Myself in Marocco after a day blatting about on the KTM's and Paramotor.



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He came along with us to Marocco for a blat around the dunes on the KTM's

I had a nice long chat with him over a few days and top bloke I have to say!

Also coming to learn how to fly a paramotor at Lambourn after I buzzed them on the top of a sand dune... He loved it! LOL


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If it wasn't for the blue skies I'd swear you were in Saudi! But as we have had nothing but dust and sh** in the air clogging up our lungs and engines for the last month it couldn't be. Well done mate it looks like it was an excellent trip and looking forward to the DVD. I'll bring some camel dung home just to remind you of the smell!


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  • 2 months later...


This is now on TV in September / not June. I will let you know the exact time and date as soon as I have it. Many have seen the edit but I want to wait for the show on TV.

Also, If you have questions that you would like to ask Neil Laughton, you can go to the Royal Geographic Society when he gives his talk and grab him afterwards, so all of your questions / speculations can be answered directly from the horses mouth.


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