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Self training

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if a guy got a wing and learned to throw it around on the ground and went to an instructor he then got a machine on his back and up he went if the wing collapsed what could the instructor do on the ground , i dont think a lot so my thoughts on it is read enough books and you can competently do this without instruction we aint flyin rocket ships they are very very simple things, lets be fair a monkey could fly these and be realatively safe,

The instructor would hopefully have radio contact and be able to talk the student through their problem.

I had a spin whilst trying to land close to the windsock on a simulated forced landing earlier this year and although my instructor had been through what to do to in this instance and I was putting in the right corrective input (hands up!) it was comforting to have this instruction being barked into my ears over the radio!

Just my 2 pence worth. Get a decent instructor = Stand a better chance of keeping alive and in 1 bit.

Best regards and fly safe,


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The situation in Ireland with PPGs is notably different from the Uk. At first i thought this was a bit over the top, but it definetley makes sense. Too many people are getting hurt trying to fly, and putting themselves, and other people in potentially hazardous situations.

In Ireland now you need an IAA exemption to fly- in order to get one, you must have attended a flying school, completed a minimum of 15 hours with an instructor, passed a flying test and a theory test, achieve the rating, submit your logbook and submit evidence of 3rd party insurance. You also need a class 2 medical to get teh exemption- not a declaration of health from your GP, but a full class 2 from an aeromedical doctor.

If everyone goes for the exemption- then you can guarantee they are aware of the basics- airmanship, navigation, etccc... and you know that they know what they're doing- ultimately a safer situation for everyone.


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preflight chexk is hit it if it dont start lol

you boys are far too serious

i been off ground went 35 mile few days ago only one way tho bit late to come back fuel low too

anyway be safe ya like old ladies i am off to bingo now

like i said if you fuss about it go play golf or somethin there is always risk with whatever we do and there will always be people who push the bounries and i do feel it will become regulated it has got to with the amount of people coming in to the sport we will be like flies in the sky soon and that wont be accepted but it wil be for finacial reasons not safety if it was safety it would have been regulated by now /

if something takes a day or two to learn and you can be up and off then it is impossible for it to be difficult , dangerous yes but so is a saw in the wrong hands

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Hmmmmmm. We don't seem to be getting through to Leoibb here do we chaps?

I am sorry but I think I kicked this one off earlier in the post. I'm for as safe as you can REASONABLY make it.

Just for your info, over here in France you need a license and the kit has to be registered.

The only way to get licensed is via an instructor because he applies for it on your behalf once he is happy with your skill level.

Safe flying,


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behave now ya wearin me out each country has its own rules but this aint got any so people please there selves thats all i have said , wish i aint said own now tho lol

if people wanna get instructed good if they dont good

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if people wanna get instructed good if they dont good

I disagree. If people don't get proper instruction then they will screw up more often than if they do get proper instruction. It is a simple fact of life. Some self taught fool will have a bad accident into a crowded school playground and we'll find ourselves regulated out of the sky.

Yes, you are free to just go and do it but please think about the rest of the sport.

In any walk of life, government stays out of the way until the cost of regulation becomes less than the cost of the accidents. There were no speed limits on British motorways until people started killing themselves, and others, by trying to drive faster than the other guy. Wilbur and Orville Wright didn't have pilots' licenses - nobody did until governments realised that too many people were dying.

We stay unregulated only as long as we act responsibly. Self teaching is irresponsible for most people because most people won't teach themselves effectively. There is a lot of research to show that the least competent performers inflate their abilities the most and that the reason for the over-inflation is ignorance. In short words: If you think you can do it you're probably too thick to do it.

If you want to teach yourself then go ahead but please do it a long way away from everyone else and make sure you learn all the bits of air law that do cover paramotoring in this country.


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well i cant see how training matters too much as i think attitude towards something is far more important than knowledge, so whether ya taught by the best of the best wont matter a bit if you aint got the right attitude , and i think you can turn that around and if you self teach with the right attitude i cant see a problem i dont care were ya go you will get cookoos in everything and good ones in it too but the good ones were not all taught proffesionally the fact is they are proffesional toward it that is what counts, education and knowledge is worthless without the right application , and again knowledge is abbundant on the net books and forums such as this and some information is fact other is opinion

so i think its unfair to call people who self teach fools, fools are among the best and brightest of people .

i wouldnt say training is not good i just dont think you need it not in this and a lot of other things because its easy enough to learn without training.

i know some would think ohhhh no cos its dangerous but is them thats dangerous or might be if they didnt get training?

i mean half of the dtuff prop flyin off over a school and daft stuff like that who in there right mind would even consider going over a school, ive said it before the barriers are there for the blind man anyone with an ounce of sence sees the hole and walks round it

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well i cant see how training matters too much as i think attitude towards something is far more important than knowledge, so whether ya taught by the best of the best wont matter a bit if you aint got the right attitude , and i think you can turn that around and if you self teach with the right attitude i cant see a problem i dont care were ya go you will get cookoos in everything and good ones in it too but the good ones were not all taught proffesionally the fact is they are proffesional toward it that is what counts, education and knowledge is worthless without the right application , and again knowledge is abbundant on the net books and forums such as this and some information is fact other is opinion

so i think its unfair to call people who self teach fools, fools are among the best and brightest of people .

i wouldnt say training is not good i just dont think you need it not in this and a lot of other things because its easy enough to learn without training.

i know some would think ohhhh no cos its dangerous but is them thats dangerous or might be if they didnt get training?

i mean half of the dtuff prop flyin off over a school and daft stuff like that who in there right mind would even consider going over a school, ive said it before the barriers are there for the blind man anyone with an ounce of sence sees the hole and walks round it

But would you know what to do in a parachutal stall?

if more than 50% of your wing collapses?

If you get a cravat?

If your just going up and up even though your on fast trim and no power?

I am not talking about reading what to do I'm talking about DO YOU REALY KNOW?????

Pete b

I do because my instructor made me do most of them or took the time to explain in great detail what to expect and what to do and when to do it..

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yes it tells you in a lot of books like an instructor would, as to know what to do and doing it is two different things so i think everyone would maybe react different so asking me would i really know what to do then yes but would i do what i should well i do not know because i ant been in that possition , i know there are some pilots on here that really do know there stuff but i also think there are some advisors that are talking off the back of there instructor with no experience whatsoever, so the honest answer is yes i know what i should do now will i do it i do not know because that depends on how cool i am in the situation, as would be the same for a lot of you chaps who aint experienced it.

i have done bout seven hours in total and dont play or take chances with anything that is in me no matter what i do, i am the one asking the extra question before deciding things,

you dont need instruction to ask what if? if you keep that in the front of your mind all the time you most probably will stay safe,

if i experience wing problems in the air then my decision to fly was wrong because it should not happen if you pick the right days eve morns and area to fly in.

so if people want tuition and feel they need it then good on them but the ones that feel they dont and want to go it alone with a little advise here and there dont assume they bold or thik or numpties or dont care because you are WRONG, said it before it dont matter how much training you get its the attitude that makes the difference

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well. What a big can of worms I opened there didn't I.

If you look back to the start of this thread, you will see that Paul has removed his video. He wrote to me and said that his attitude towards training is now alot more positive and he has indeed passed his NPPL and purchased a microlight.

A happy new year to all pilots, trained or otherwise. Take care (if you know how)

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well its only opinion based on me, to hear some talk the only way is propper instruction other wise it is doom and bad things i am just sayin that aint the case anyone who asks me about it i tell them to get propper training so i agree instruction is a good way but it aint the only way ,, happy new year boys

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