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Tip to Tip signed map


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To all of the Tip to Tip people & and anyone else who wants one.

I have given the signed map from the Tip to Tip to Patric Brook who has a business copying and framing top notch art.

If you would like an (unframed) copy of the map, he can get it done the full size at the best possible quality for £15 each.

I have guessed that we would want about 15 of them...

Please let me have numbers if you want a copy and I will order them ASAP, (he is away for 10 days)


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Brilliant, so it turned up in the end!

For those not familiar, this map is a 1:1000,000 scale ONC chart, quite large at something like 3' x 2'. It is a bit like the quarter mill without the detail as it obviously covers the whole of the UK. Airfields (major and military) are shown along with significant airspace and Danger/restricted areas.

The T2T route is plotted as are the names of the whole team and many of the great people who gave so willingly of their hospitality and time during the trip. As a map it is a great reference piece, as a memento it is quite something.

This is an example of the type of chart and the detail level.


Simon, while we are being adventurous shall we go there next on a drive to spread the word? :lol:

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Ask Patric when he gets back mate, he will likely ask you how much you want to spend on the frame and stuff.

When I asked him, he said it would be simpler to get it done locally for everyone.


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  • 1 month later...


I have today got the maps from the Tip to Tip.

The good news is, they are much larger than expected!

The bad news is, they are £23 and not £15.

I have reduced the order to 10 thinking that one or two may not like the new price, but can order more at a later date if needed.

Maybe it would be simpler if I put them in the shop?

Anyhow... they are here.


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