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I did take a couple of video clips, unfortunately nothing exciting to watch but the skies were so blue it was a great place to be.

I had a cold and it was not until I put the kit back in the car that I spotted that snot had streamed out and splattered onto the prop - lovely 8) . The best bits were circling over some deer who just stood and watched, then going over a wood and hundreds of pigeons flocked out, obviously I was too engrosed to get the camera out. Who was it I was chasing in my car at the end of the day ?

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Another cool day at the flagpole - nice to see Simon & Colin back.

Shame that I managed to land in a heap at the end of my flight - a slight change in wind direction and too much right brake knocked me over on touchdown - need more practice methinks.

Scrounged a beer from Pete (thanks) & watched the shooting stars after a lovely sunset, then we saw loads of deer and a March hare the next morning.

No boot photographs for a change :lol:


Gliding in to land


Why do they call it the flagpole field ?


Magic sunset


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Nice photos....Looks a bit on the windy side :?::?:

It was peachy on Saturday 8) but Sunday started off very low vis (nil wind initially) once the sun burnt through the low cloud the wind picked up a bit too much as in the bottom photo so we trundled off to Southampton.

Would be a nice xc flight following the A34 South to the coast - subject to wind direction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing flying today, the atmosphere at the field was like a fly-in with so many pilots and it was a chance to try some air to air photos and formation (if you can call it that) flying.

Had some of my biggest thermic bumps when going over the ploughed fields, and shared one thermal with a buzzard and some seagulls - very strange watching them at your wingtips just soaring in circles and not being bothered by your presence. Did not think they would be as high as 3,000ft :shock:

Colin, nice to fly with you, managed a couple of half decent photos.....




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I think I may actually have been watching you two from a distance. I recall seeing the yellow reaction in formation. You're right about the thermic "bumps" off the ploughed fields. Full fast trim on my synth, engine idling, climbing at 800ft/min :-D Needless to say it was a fun day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Managed an hour in the air after work and followed the railway line out towards Wantage, I was hoping to photo the wind farm but it was a bit too muggy. Found a few guys flying big r/c planes near the ridgeway mast but did not fancy joining their circuit pattern, far more fun chasing huge flocks of pigeons out of the woods, the pea crops are sown and the buggers are about to eat the lot.

The hot air balloons were all up when I was driving home, roll on the summer..... 8)

....need to work on my landings though :oops:

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Nice picks Dan,

I got some lovely pics the other day over the farm ...boots and everything! :D and on speed bar!

soon as this site makes it easy i`ll download them....till then I`m grounded :(

The pink thruster will live again!

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  • 3 weeks later...
did you fly local or where you up at the white horse :?:

That was white horse country, still not flown local yet !!

Anyway I was very lucky to have three stunning flights in Northumberland over Easter, I did put a couple of pics in the Scottish borders branch but I have now had chance to select a few for the blog. The valley is directly between Spadeadam and Otterburn MOD ranges and has a huge ammount of low flying traffic [AIAA] so flying outside range times is essential, luckily the weather played ball.

View North over Kielder forest, I think that's the Cheviot to the far right, no land out places here !


Looking East down the North Tyne Valley towards Bellingham


Hawkhope Road


Falstone Village


Tower Knowe visitor centre & boat storage


Kielder reservoir, the dam wall is 170ft high and three quarters of a mile long holding back over 44 thousand million gallons of water


Stannersburn village - parents house !


Just having fun


Sunset over the dam


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  • 4 weeks later...

Had an early morning flight from Lambourn yesterday, hot air balloons were up as I bombed down the M4 and at the flagpole it was peachy reverse weather. Landing an hour later the winds had really risen and for a while I was just hanging over the same spot, had to descend and duck and dive to get back to the field.

Not going to write too much about it though, just thought I'd quickly upload a photo or two before all todays "excellent flying" posts crash the new forum.

most excellent blue skies:


campsite somewhere down the ridgeway


yard by the railway


big pair of lips


the ridgeway, fields of OSR starting to glow yellow


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