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From Colin (GST).

They have literally (0738L) just got airborne and the cruelist trick available has been played by the Gods. Simon has remained on the ground with a technical problem. Only Whitters and Dan have made it into the air for the last 14 miles. They can see John O'Groats from their position but are still flying into a 15-20mph headwind.

What a finale, what a wicked trick but as Colin said, "If one man makes it across the line, we have won!"

I find myself agreeing with him and keeping my fingers crossed that my private provisos to his statement are all met.

I brim with admiration for their courage and fortitude - every man Jack of them.

Second update hand via Chris who spoke to Pete Baldwin at Wick...with about 10 miles to go.

Only Richard Whitmarsh (Parajet) and Dan Burton (Fresh Breeze Simonini) can still fly as all the other Parajets have engine problems. Petes warms up all ok, but looses power just after take off.

Everyone is impressed with the Revolutions.

Pete has had problems with his all the way. Apparently the only problem that Dan has had since Lands End is a broken pull start....so they are prop starting it to get around it.



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++++++++ UPDATE ++++++++

As reported Whitters and Dan landed a few miles short of JOG, the crew dusted them down, gassed them up and threw them back into the sky. They then landed AT JOG to a welcome and applause from an impromptu crowd.

No question, they MADE IT right onto the target!

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There have been some aspects that have made me bite my lip from time to time Paul, but for sheer drive and determination, their achievement is as impressive as anything I have seen for a long time.

You don't get to 'Beard the Skygods' as consistently as they have done without a large dollop of skill helping you out. But let's not forget the spirits of good fortune - they have been very,very busy.

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Congratulations Simon for getting the job done. Congratulations Whitters and Dan for being the ones who landed on the JOG. Congratulations Pete for sticking at it to the end. Congratulations Colin and Togsie and Tony and Biker Dave and Mike too, you are the guys who kept them flying. Congratulations Dave and Lynwen your job really statrs now though! Congratulationjs Simon P for getting so many fast miles in and your sponsorship and logistical support, ace pilot. There were many moments in the last forttnight that will stay with us for ever ;-)

Paramotoring from Lands End to John o Groats ? How 'bout it?.... nah its been done, summer of 2008, Si Westmore and his posse in the monsoon season! old hat now......

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And nice to see a strong showing at the end from the Southwest Lemmings. Wont take anything from the rest with that light hearted statement. It was a gigantic undertaking made almost impossible by the weather.

Dont forget Mark on ground crew and like to mention Giles aswell who played a big part surely. Well done all.

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Wait until you see the DVD.

I have been chatting with Lynwen and Dave (DOP and Camera Man) throughout this epic. They are both very experienced professionals having made films based around adventure sports from Belize through the frozen wastes. The both tell me that, "they have shot some 50 hours of film for a final production of around an hours DVD and they have never had so much really exciting material."

This DVD is going to be quite something - a lot of the detail may well have to wait for the film. :lol::lol:

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Dear friends.

Thank you for all your kind thoughts and comments.

I'm viewing this forum in my lovely warm bed on my Ipaq PDF for the first time after 15 days of hard flying in conditions that never increased over 1000mb the whole trip. If it wasn't low cloud and rain it was strong winds.

Although I am proud to say that 2 Lemmings crossed the finish line out of 7 pilots I would like to say that it would not have been possible without the help of all the team of ground support crew and pilots who all sacrificed time effort and their own flying to allow Dan and I to cross the line.

The team is a mix from all the forums / groups which came together to make this thing happen. Thank you all and will definitely be seeing you all again soon.

It would be nice if this very British achievement could go some way to bringing groups together and communicate in a more possitive way for the common good of all.

When I have pulled all my notes together I will bore you with the story.

As for equipment; I flew the same machine on the same prop the whole way (approaching 900 gps miles approx 40 to 50 hours) without problems. The wing flew me through the worst conditions I have ever (will ever) fly in and kept me alive despite my own poor descisions. Very impressed with the wing indeed. Thanks to Giles (Parajet, Macro) and MCJ (Paramania, Revolution.)

Will write more another time, the good and the bad. You must see the DVD; You have to see the whole story to believe it. Roller coaster ride of ups and downs.

Love to you all.

Be safe.

Whitters X.

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For those who are interested....

I got my motor back home yesterday and started the fault finding process. (why did it stop after 850 miles???)

The filter in the petrol tank and the little gauze in the carb was semi blocked by a light brown stodge.

The motor is now running well again.

The Macro I was flying is over 12-months old and close to 100 hours of air time, this is the first time it has ever spluttered. (sods Law)


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