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Convincing Wife!


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Hey Everyone!

I'm trying to convince my wife that paramotoring is safe and that the Nitro 200 is a safe motor.  She is very scientific and data based when it comes to topics like this. Does anyone have a good site with data regarding the safety of a paramotor and what it is like comparing it to a motorcycle / car / private plane?


Thank you!


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Just regard it as dangerous - but with good training and lots of practise you'll mitigate that danger to a level which gives you the confidence (but not over-confidence) to fly safely and enjoy it. Your choice of wing is very important too. 

Like Simon said, it's the pilot which is the biggest risk factor, not the machine.  

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20 hours ago, thestone85 said:

Hey Everyone!

Does anyone have a good site with data regarding the safety of a paramotor and what it is like comparing it to a motorcycle / car / private plane?


Thank you!


Get the wife to research the `micromort` - it`s a unit of measurement to define the chances of death.

1 micromort = one in a million chance of death per activity.

For example skydiving = 8 micromorts per jump.

Do you have children? Giving birth = 120 micromorts!



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I read the bmj research into pm deaths and by far (30 PC of total) the worst injuries are not fatal but to upper limbs (hands in prop).

Better cages and nets are needed badly (as of 2012) but accidents resulting in death are both Very low and usually pilot induced. 


And the incidences of pilots falling out of harnesses are zero.😏



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