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Everything posted by Casper

  1. So, years go by and nothing happens, or... Walbro have something going on since a year back, check it out http://www.walbro.com/walbro-eem-around-ideal-fuel-injection-solution/ http://www.walbro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Walbro_EEM_Injection_Mower_PS_EN.pdf
  2. I'm actually a bit surprised that so many are a bit open minded and see that there is a gray zone with this subject. I think that Randy gives the impression to have the right mindset, so I see no real problem or added risk. Should everyone consider training with friends if they have the opportunity? Definitely not. Should everyone consider PPG at all? absolutely not! But the few who do probably already know what they are capable of and what kind of friends they have around them. But save the full stall training for a SIV or for Pal Takats upcoming instruction video........ And btw everyone should listen to the cloudbase mayhem podcast. http://www.cloudbasemayhem.com/episode-52-pal-takats-x-alps-acro-and-what-you-can-do-to-stay-safe/
  3. Yeah, for me it's six to five every day now For once glad that we are drowning in workload. And the shitty weather actually makes it so much easier.
  4. Not sure, And not sure why you want knotless. but if you want extreme durability, then look at the heavier, ~0.4-0.5 mm braided fishing lines that can handle 40-60kg!!! But cheaper lines that hold less would still be fine And then google net knot. Take a rainy day, a needle and some fishing line. You make a stronger and better net in a few hours. I did a net hammock once, and it was quite fun and looked professional on the first attempt. When I googles fishing nets I found some cheap stuff with 40mm holes, Almost invisible, lightweight, strong and probably more aerodynamic then aerofoil cages
  5. Yes, this might push some wings over the critical angle of attack. But on the other hand, that just means that you will still climb like crazy when you get to a higher altitude!
  6. Vince, care to explain the difference with the acro arms vs the standard on the air conception? Is 16mm cage standard on the titanium, or is it the 12mm? Is the 12mm flimsy compared to the 16mm? The vibration mounts, have anyone tried with the viking ppg engine mounts on the nitro? was there a big difference? Apco split vs AC/sup'air. Is there a big difference in the weight shift/fun factor? Worth to get both? Will it land above or below ~£6500 with e-start and clutch? What would be the biggest upgrade you could do to an Air Conception when you have purchased one? I'm getting really hungry for this one now... had 17 hours overtime last week just for this
  7. 2 years warranty, so who cares? I just want one as soon as possible. Edit: that climb in the video is sick!
  8. Lots of pilots with just a few years of experience would probably be amazing instructors if they just had the goal to be teaching. We who fly regularly are mostly not idiots who just got lucky that we didn't kill ourselves yet. We do this because we know how, and feel secure with our own decision making. There is no reason to doubt another successful pilot. And if that pilot is willing to teach, and you feel that you pick up the knowledge, then it works, simple as that. You already have the book by Jeff Goin, excellent. You have started kiting so you know how it feels, how hard it is, and you probably already know that you will keep kiting for the rest of your paragliding career because that's one part of what a skillful pilot do. To me it sounds like you take the right steps from the start. If you just progress it will come naturally. when balancing and playing on the ground is easy and controllable, then takeoffs will be almost as easy. And flying... steady on the gas, left break, left turn, right break, right turn. I bet you won't pull the breaks down to your ass and full stall, but some newbies without better knowledge accidently do this just before their first landing and hurt them self. You will try dry launches with engine off, you try running with engine on, but without glider, you try quick and progressive throttle acceleration so you feel and understand the torque and how it might infect your body when you run. You practise forward and backward take offs, and the turnaround when hooked in. But what's really important is your landings when you finally gets up in the air. They should be correct. So make sure you know what you are doing. So yes, I absolutely think that good pilots can teach newbies. Would I do it, well it doesn't matter since in Sweden we have different rules. But if I was in USA and had a skilled friend, then I would definitely take help from him and save the money.
  9. My first thoughts was that the main chassis is made of steel. Thus a bit heavier, but on the other hand much stronger than aluminium. I don't understand the design with the strange foot rest under the fuel tank along with the extra steel tubing on the fuel tank sides. too me it looks like some bad design choices where they complicate things. About the same price as Parajet Maverick. With chassis like the Maverick, air conception and lots of others you can use sup'air, dudek and apco harnesses along with the standard harness. So it's easy to upgrade in case you want something else like say a split leg harness. No, not impressed by this one. To me it looks like Adventure lost a bit of it's originality and made a chassi that looks more like what other brands had for years. There is definitely a handful of units in the same price range that I would be much more interested in. I don't see any benefit with this one to be honest, enlighten me if you think differ.
  10. Also consider second hand gear for your first equipment. Cheaper and something to start with until you figured out what you really need. About Black Hawk, I don't like how they advertise their stuff, everything is always better than the competition. 10x better, runs cooler, much more power, less sound, more durable. Too much bullshit and when that happens I always stay away. So nothing negative about their products, I've heard good and bad about them, I think they are a bit pricey, but maybe you get lots of extras with the package, don't know. Maybe this is an american way of selling stuff, because I can see the same thing with lots of other dealers just from USA. On the other hand, I see more customers that praise the AC then I see sales pitch from sellers. The users absolutely love them, and some of the pilots who have switched have flown pretty much everything out there. Personally I would consider them. (I don't like a few things about their cages, but that's just me) But there are so many good machines out there so if I didn't buy second hand I would need like 6 months just to compare everything out there. Check kangook, parajet, adventure, fresh breeze, scout, nirvana, pap, pxp, miniplane, SkyMax, Paraelement, R.ultralight. MacFly, Fly Products, Flymecc and all the other brands out there. There are so much more out there then just the current hype, and some of the smaller brands sometimes have the most impressive solutions and features. Think about more than weight, power, price, durability, because everyone will claim that they are best anyway. Look at hang points, comfort, harness details, torque compensation. materials used, read about the alloys. engine details, travel solutions, service, replacement parts and possible upgrades. Do you need a trike attachment? Do you need a bladder fuel tank as an option? What kind of throttle? What do the different brands offer? Right or left hand? When you go over the details you don't have to let others decide for you if you should buy A or B.
  11. http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20171008/8062785.shtml#!language=1 Now this is something! If this isn't proof that Tai chi works, then what is? Such a nice inspiration.
  12. Here something you soon find in your local hardware store with advertising aimed for your kids, maybe the next big thing after fidget spinners and hoverboards: a chinese paramotor with a 75cc engine from Jstol. http://www.jstol.com.cn/index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-features https://www.facebook.com/jstol75/ Some big plans from this company: " With the big momentum of China’s “One Belt, One Road” economic development plan, JSTOL will expand its oversea market in 2017, gradually entering the general aircraft engine business and mass application market of North America, South America, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Northern Europe, and Australia. JSTOL will start the globalization era of its products with the most competitive and cost-effective JSTOL-75 Paramotor. " I sure had fun when I read on the website
  13. The russians are doing some really interesting development with exhaust pipes right now. Not to mention the impressive lightweight paramotors from SkyMax.
  14. Two new PPG wings from Niviuk, Link 2 and Qubik, both in the EN-B range. Not much info yet. https://indd.adobe.com/embed/57b0fb06-a2f8-40af-baee-c97c128a778d?startpage=3
  15. quite obvious that a lighter fabric will make a wing easier to launch (great for beginners and nil wind days). But how long will the fabric last compared to in this case the Roadster 2? There must be a good reason why not more wings are made from this fabric, right?
  16. https://www.paramotorclub.org/topic/4824-nil-wind-launch-confusion/?tab=comments#comment-32705
  17. For strobe there is this one, http://www.skyflar.com/ http://ukppgwebstore.com/strobe-lights-68-c.asp
  18. I've seen this neat seat on some gyroplanes like the GyroBee, sometimes raw, sometimes with padding and textile around it. When you see it for the first time you wonder where the tank is hidden
  19. I love this one made by Kalle Bergquist. It was actually quite strong. Strong enough to protect the hands, and one of the best design ideas I've seen for compact transportation. This should be polished and mass produced. I'm sure a folding cage would work even with a round tube/profile cage.
  20. Guess I could fit a couple of paramotors in here. But my equipment also fits very well in my Berlingo, I just open the doors and tilt the cage.
  21. Strange that they don't sell the episodes to people who want to watch it outside UK. Looks like a programme I would appreciate.
  22. I can only agree on refusing to use facebook, this place is better, and there is even a swedish section if you want to force the others to use google translate. Add yourself to the member map, that's one way to find more local pilots btw. About moster engine, there are lots off pics on internet where they had catastrophic failure, but it's also a popular engine. So I guess it's still expected from a stroker, but I definitely don't like to see it. So far I've only heard about minor problems with the Nitro. I guess that the Nitro will see an upgrade next year, after they released the new tornado 280 engine. But that's still a rumor. Many polini engines have been updated recently so I guess they should be fine. The big Thor 250 have plenty of power for tandem, but is a bit heavy. Perfect if you want to fly sportier wings and still climb at Vx and Vy. But then there is so much more to decide then just the engine. A good harness and cage for your needs is equally important. You also have the Nirvana paramotors that redout sells in Sweden. Don't think anyone sells scout, closest is sportswing.fi in Finland.
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