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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Simon, of course you DON'T take out the pin. but it will be difficult to pull the pin if the split pin is still splayed out. And yes the system you have tried will work which will take out the problem of a heat shield.
  2. They are VERY hot. and you would not have them dangling. The freefallers have them in a structure that is clamped to there foot but with a heat resistant barrier between the cannister and your ankle/trouser leg. The pin is pulled by a thin chord. The thing to watch out for is the direction the handle flies off at. as you don't want it going throu' the prop. and the pin has to be primed before take off, ie squeeze the split pin together so it slides out easier......Other than that they are very safe and HOT. Mike
  3. Slim, your vid clip is getting well aired, they are probably using it as a training clip Checked on it tonight and has a 1000 hits so far. I hope my Tip to Tip take offs are as smooth Weekend weather not looking good, but typically back at work on Tuesday and look at the weather for then, its all not fair haha. Regards Mike P.S. gagging for a fix now
  4. Simon, l noticed that when l posted on the forum, the time it was entered is an hour behind at the moment. Mike
  5. Yep, day booked off work. see you all there. Mike
  6. The parajet motors are great, and the back up service is excellent. I say this as l had a little teething trouble with my first, sent it back to Parajet and now the Macro l have flies and operates superbly. Just waiting for this weather to settle so l can get in the air again. Regards Mike
  7. Hi Whitters, l for one cannot make this weekend coming as Sunday is a full committed day elsewhere. And its to short notice to get the Saturday off. I, weather permitting will be flying Monday 21 though. Mike S
  8. Mike

    Tip to tip

    Simon, all, l agree 100%. Dartmoor is a long trek if the weather isn't playing ball. Mike
  9. Hi Moon, common sense really, if all goes pear shaped or in our case the paraglider stops flying a reserve is your second chance. Having one fitted gives you that little bit more confidence as well. Part of your preflight check also is to check the pins and straps on your reserve so that you don't have an accidental deployment. Also make sure you have it repacked at least once a year. Like paragliders, reserves apparently only last a max of ten years before they need replacing. Fly safe. Regards Mike
  10. Mike

    Tip to tip

    All, just 112 days to go, lets hope this weather improves so we can get some team practice in. Mike.
  11. Yep, l woke up to it, (Blast) looks nice but would never get up the track. Hope the move goes well.
  12. Simon, will you be at the field on Sunday , its showing about 9mph Northerly, although Monday is looking a tad better. Mike
  13. Simon, what an excellent trip Thursday morning, thanks for organising the visit to RAF Lynham and l am sure l speak for the rest of the group. Lets hope we get that info put into practice soon with some flyable weather and get all six pilots flying at the same speed Mike
  14. All the best Dan and Mrs Dan, Are you training him/her to fly from birth Regards Mike. P.S. see ya Thursday if you need a break
  15. all, l will be leaving Farnborough at 0630, picking up passenger at Basingstoke on route, will have two seats spare? Mike
  16. Hi Dan, if you havn't off loaded it by Thursday and you are at RAF Lynham l'll buy it off you. Regards Mike
  17. As soon as weather is good, and l'm not working, and its daylight, thats when l go flying Mike
  18. IMO, and what l have learned through skydiving and Paragliding/motoring, avoid water landings. If you need to cross water stay high enough for a glide to clear. If a water landing is iminent, prepare early, fly into wind, breaks up, trims if fitted to landing settings, engine off. Undo all buckles and as soon as one foot touches water slip out of harness and swim slightly left or right of forward. In answer to Simon,s downwind approach, this is also right but the landing will be much faster and you have to swim into wind. Mike
  19. Just to add Simon that l am 15st and 6'2" Mike
  20. Hi Simon, I had the same problem, it feels to me that the harness's are slightly different as my first Macro after a hang check fitted like a glove with room for more adjustment. My latest Macro harness had to be adjusted twice with the help from SW and although it fits now, there is no further adjustment to be had (hope l don't put any more weight on) so it might be worth having a word with Parajet, or last resort give it a hang check and get someone to adjust for you. Mike
  21. all, l have read both for and against on several forums, including Avon and PPG UK. And to sum it up, it has had the effect, ie. a lot of publicity and a lot of tongues wagging, which could be good or not so good for the Paramotoring community as seen from the general public. The public will see it as entertainment as they have no idea whats involved and will probably be interested in taking up the sport. PG and PPG viewers will see faults, ie no helmet (IMO was naughty) but the whole event was spectacular and a great acheivement. Hats off to Gilo and Bear. Mike
  22. Yep, Jackie was a bit concerned after watching, so we can understand what your wiv e's were going through. And a massive relief for them when you landed. Hoping you get time to fly a leg or two with us on the Tip to Tip. Mike
  23. Hi Gilo, from Bear's camera angle it looked as if he was way above the summit of Everest. So whatever the height on paper, he did it, he did it. Mike
  24. All the best to both off you, this also gives me confidence in a well made machine "The Parajet Paramotor". What is your next venture Gilo? Mike
  25. Amazing, just finshed watching and l am tingling. Mike
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