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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. OK, all. Looking at the list, assuming the partner people bring there partners e.t.c I currently count 33 people for the Xmas party. !! This means that there are only 3 spaces left! If your names not down................... SW
  2. Spoke to Giles, he is not at all happy about the Choke situation and will be sorting out Simons motor as a Priority, and anyone elses choke plate if needed, which I am sure will be minimal As they say at times like this...... Its not the problem thats the problem, its how it gets sorted out. I challange anyone to provide a better after sales service SW
  3. I have one on my shelf for a 2 stroke but by the time you add the postage you would be better off finding a local source or go for E-bay. 2072NR* is the number on the back of the one on my shelf. Loads of people around here use them From what I have seen, the rev counter is next to useless but the hours works well. SW
  4. Mike, I dont have a set of blades at the moment mate. But..... Colin will be around 'as he always is' so you can go for a fly with him I am sure he will be happy to take you on one of our XC routes. See you tomorrow, bring your motor to the barn in the morning. SW
  5. Well if the number of people flying over my house is anything to go by (While I was cutting the hedge The mother of all wife maininance I can tell you! It takes a week to do. ) They all had a great time later in the day, I watched Colin try one or two rapid decent techniques from about 2000ft while doing my garden chores which looked like fun. Hope to be up in the field tomorrow. SW
  6. As this thread is here it gave me an idea! As we fly our motors, we all learn from them every day. We 'suss out' little tips and tricks like the 'wipe the oil off' one above. I think that it would be a great idea if we started a thread for as many motors as possible and listed our 'tips, tricks, and saftey check advice' SW
  7. Hi Simon, In response to your post. 1. Check that you are not putting in to much 2 stroke oil, and as a weekly thing, wipe the oil off the choke plate, This will eliminate your problem. 2. A replacment for this part is already in use. Hope this helps SW
  8. Well done Steve! Both take offs, flights, & Landings were great mate, a tiny little bit of side drift on your second landing is allowed. If you click here http://paramotorclub.org/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=249 you will see a nice air to air pic of that first flight. SW
  9. I saw http://youtube.blahblahblah inside the correct brackets and changed it to http://www.youtube.blahblahblahblah SW
  10. Forgive the jumping in and editing your code mate SW
  11. Dont it for you All you have to do is add before and after the exact link that you have posted above Al I had to do to get it to work was delete all of the other rubbish in the link and bobs your uncle If you now go to Edit the message you will see the working link SW
  12. I can ease your pain by telling you that we have been blown out. SW
  13. Stood in the field this morning.... made the decision to move to the barn for a while.... (which now has sofa's and lighting, floor space to stand in and stuff to buy ) designed with winter in mind, a warm place to wait for cloud to lift. (NEED A BIG RUG OR CARPET CUT OFF IF ANYONE CAN HELP!) Still blown out....... tomorrow is looking great though. SW
  14. I am looking to fly and teach tomorrow yes, I should be in the field at around 08:30 or close. I will post a message in the morning to let you know what the wind is doing. SW
  15. Perfect! Have to make the most of the daylight now so, I will be shifting my day a little. Sunrisre is now pre 0700 hrs. So I will be in the field from 0800 ready to go on training days. This means that I may be in the air flying until 0800 so I can get an hour in, in the morning. SW
  16. I recon you should send her to a mates house for a morning mate 9MPH airflow........= easy peasy take off and landing. SW
  17. Be a little carefull with this one, The Micro has only 1 hour (tops) of air time due to the small tank and the higher revs required to get good thrust. This is why most people sell them. It would be ideal for 20 min hops but no big XC flights. SW
  18. Chris, I recon you may find you are correct, Clive is no stranger to the low pass or 10. SW
  19. All, Seeing the mags that I have so far seen I have to say that it gets only good reviews from me (and everyone else I know that reads it for that matter!) SW
  20. The Requirments are Microlight licence with trike conversion (which you cant do in the UK I think) SW
  21. The wing is rated as an ANFOR Standard. and the all up weight is 110 kg. I have no knowledge of this wing as I have never flown one, it is made by ITV Parapentis and is sold as a the Proxima 28. SW
  22. I think only the web at the moment? Hummmm stockists? not sure SW
  23. admin (Simon W)

    X-mas Party

    As suggested, We are having an awards at the X-mas doo and one of the awards is going to be for the best picture in the members album. I will be doing a mass grab of all of the pictures in the albums and printing them onto a big poster size bit of paper (if all my contacts do as they said they would that is) So my point....... Please dig through your pics. I know you all have a few more you could upload in there somewhere! 30 + pics in your album gets you a beer. If you dont know how to upload pictures, please look at the tec forum or PM me directly. SW
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