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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. Trying to work out the status updates so thought I would tell you that the Member map now has some Weather layers. :-):-) Airspace 'from NATS' soon! 

  2. The process for upgrading your membership could not be simpler now. Simply 'buy it' from the shop and job done Link below.
  3. @emmamassingale your post flight happy face.
  4. @andre_74 you after flight happy face. SW
  5. admin (Simon W)

    Simon W uploads

    Stuff 'mostly from the training field' at Membury. www.paramotortraining.com
  6. From the album: Simon W uploads

    Philip Arnold First flight pic.
  7. From the album: Simon W uploads

    HRH Prince Nick VP post first flight
  8. From the album: Simon W uploads

    Em's post flight happy face.
  9. From the album: Simon W uploads

    Emmas first flight
  10. From the album: Simon W uploads

    Connors take off.
  11. I am working out how to do a table now mate. It should END UP, Your own location as a house, free members Blue, Paid Members Red, Instructors Bright Green. Hope that helps. SW
  12. I use a little cloud in Sweden. It's a very small wing (but a wing) We have a couple of Marlins at the School, they are OK but ideally you don't want to be leaving the ground on one as per videos you mention. SW
  13. THIS IS NOW SORTED!! Everyone can now add there location to the Member Map if desired SW
  14. until

    I am sure we will get you up and about by then mate SW
  15. All, As best I can tell, there is currently a permissions f up on my part with the Members map. I am working on this and a few other niggles through the next few days. The Map is one of my priorities and have just got off the phone to a provider of LIVE airspace overlay and streaming. Thanks for your patience. SW
  16. There are permissions issues that I am currently working on. I set up the permissions late last night and now can't find where the settings are for the map! lol I will get there SW
  17. until

    What he said ^ SW
  18. Indeed you can And try dragging in a picture or video
  19. until
    Our year kicks off with our great flyin event near Exmoor Nartional Park..The event will be held near Tiverton at Spencers farm. For those who joined us last year, will remember some great flying on Exmoor and the Mindhead coastline. The event is open to all insured pilots.Entrance fee is £20, with 50% of the proceeds going to Help for Heroes the rest going to the nice farmer who let us use his fields and hot showers and running toilets. https://www.facebook.com/events/486955348182498/ for more information.
  20. Yay, the first pic uploaded! Thanks ! SW
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